Run Bernie, Run! Sanders Keeps Door Open for 2020
“The last thing he’s going to do is step aside and let Joe Biden take it”

Bernie Sanders will be almost 80 years old in 2020 but is reportedly keeping his options open for another run at the White House in the next presidential election.
This should overjoy conservatives. The only thing that could make it better is if he shares the ticket with Maxine Waters.
Amie Parnes pf The Hill has the story:
Sanders keeping door open on 2020
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), who battled Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Democratic primary and created a revolutionary movement among millennials, is having discussions about running for president again.
“Yes, is the answer,” said one Sanders associate who helped with the senator’s previous bid, in response to a question about whether the Independent senator from Vermont had begun to think about another run.
“He thinks he’s earned the right to run again, and he believes if he would have been the [Democratic] candidate he would have won against Trump.”
The source also suggested that Sanders is making his plans with other candidates in mind.
“The last thing he’s going to do is step aside and let Joe Biden take it,” the Sanders associate said.
Even if the FBI’s bank fraud investigation of the Sanders is over by then, there’s a distinct possibility that Bernie’s presence in the race for the Democratic nomination could have the same divisive effect it had in 2016.
Kylie Cheung of Mediaite notes some of the other problems a Sanders candidacy would present:
A Bernie Sanders 2020 Run Isn’t Going to Help Anyone
I personally adore Bernie and voted for him in 2016, but a second presidential run by Sanders isn’t going to help anyone.
Some obvious flaws just off the bat include his age; Sanders would be 79 on January 20, 2021, or Inauguration Day, and after a Trump presidency, we would need a leader with energy and stamina that, beloved as he may be, Sanders just physically wouldn’t be able to offer. But of course, it’s not even just that.
It’s widely agreed upon that the Democratic party needs to offer a fresh face. It’s not as if Sanders has many political scandals to worry about being bogged down by, but it’s a matter of reenergizing a party that’s struggling to make people show up to the polls.
It’s about presenting a message that transcends the cliched “anti-establishment vs. establishment” rhetoric that dominated 2016, that wound up sowing internal warfare among progressives that splintered the Democratic party, perhaps contributed to lowering voter turnout among Democrats and, ultimately, unfairly demonized many hard working progressive political leaders.
Another factor which few seem to be considering is how many Democrats will run in the 2020 primary. With Hillary Clinton finally out of the way, there will be a much larger field of candidates willing to enter the race. Bernie will no longer be the sole progressive alternative for the left.

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Bernie Sander’s day planner…
Wake up alive.
Find a banana.
Eat it.
Seek ways to impose socialism on the U.S.
Go to bed.
Let me put this rambling announcement by Bernie through Google Politi-Translate(tm).
“Hey, you idiots in the DNC. You didn’t give me enough money after the last election, or any control over the Democratic agenda. If you’re going to bribe me, don’t pay with a hot check and a house that I’ll never visit. This time I want cash, cold cash, or I’ll hose over the next presidential election like a fire department attacking a burning donut place.”
He needs lots of cash for the family legal bills.
DNC Candidate list for 2020:
-Bolshevik Bernie
-Maxine “Impeach Him” Waters
-Liz “Fauxahontas” Warren
-Kamala “Potty Mouth” Harris
-Joe “Creepy Uncle” Biden
Better start stocking up on popcorn!
The one image that sticks in my mind about Bernie was of a spineless old man who got bullied off the podium at his own campaign event by activists who went on to call his supporters racists.
TV news report: “The last thing he’s going to do is step aside and let Joe Biden take it”
Viewer 1, Did you hear that?
Viewer 2, No, nothing other than that news report.
Viewer 1, There it is again. Such an awful voice, way in the distance. Sure you don’t hear it?
Viewer 2, Describe it.
Viewer 1, A terrible, screeching sound, like a banshee, going over and over, “Noooooo, it’s miiiiiine. MINE. I deserve it. I’ve waited and waited. IT’S MINE!”
Shrillery Rotten Klintoon —-
“Noooooo, it’s miiiiiine. MINE. I deserve it. I’ve waited and waited. IT’S MINE!”
Interesting situation. I couldn’t wish it on a more deserving bunch.
The Democrats, for all their manifold evils, do know how to run a tight ship. They could probably fiddle with their own internal rules enough to prevent Bernie, still not actually a Dem, from running as “one of them”.
But they probably won’t. What happened in 2016 is probably the Party’s optimal move. If Bernie isn’t lured into the Democratic camp in the first place, he can only run as a third party candidate. And if he can raise enough money—though it’s not obvious how, as Bernie has that Bolshevik hatred of money (though not his own, like any good Bolshie), and the filthy rich dislike him as much as he dislikes them—he will certainly siphon off Democratic votes in the election, much as Nader did in 2000 as the Green candidate. He would cause much less damage if he never appears on the ballot at all, and that can done by wangling the primaries so that he loses. And the Dems already know how to do that.
Right. With his hillary clinton wife.
‘you can’t PROVE that’
‘I am Not a Crook’ – just looks and smells and acts like one.
Free Stuff for EVERY one – a chicken in every pot –
pot in every lilylivererd chicken
My question as a Vietnam era veteran is: How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?
Because Bernie as President can accelerate the dismantling of the world’s more powerful military. Despite their shortcomings, Britain and America have provided the world with a Pax Britannia and its extension, the Pax Americana, that have stabilized the world from falling into the abyss. Of course the Left doesn’t see it that way. So… Dear Comrade Bernie… what would the world really look like without that big nasty ugly murderous US military? My answer… a really big nasty ugly and very very murderous world in a perpetual twilight of longed for but forbidden freedom.
“How on earth could a person claiming to be a conscientious objector become the commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world?…”
At least that conscientious object isn’t a traitor.
That said, Obama was commander in chief of the most powerful military in the world. Being a traitor, he decimated it. Much rather have the non-traitor conscientious objector.
I’m just waiting for the committees to ask the important questions … like why Bernie Sanders has been stealing his neighbor’s Sunday Washington Post.
Go for it Bernie!
I’m sure PDT would love to debate you!!
I saw a sign in Bellevue wa today for a candidate running as a Bernie-crat.
It’s widely agreed upon that the Democratic party needs to offer a fresh face.
Then why not Botox Nan? She gets a fresh new face every time before stepping in front of any news cameras.
The fantasy of bernie sanders was the left trying to hitch a ride to their earlier obama fantasy. Too late: enough people hated the obamas and saw through the democrat/GOPe game.
That said, the left’s obama fantasy would have never taken hold had george w. bush – and his dumbass advisor rove – defended the insane and continuing accusations against bush. The opposite of Trump, they were.
The results speak for themselves.
Best election ever.
Hey: hillary clinton is going to be indicted. You’ll see.