No Wonder Al Franken’s Still Appearing With Kathy Griffin – He Once Joked About Al-Qaeda Killing Bush

*UPDATE* CNN has cut ties with Kathy Griffin. From USA Today:

“CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year’s Eve program,” CNN spokesman Shimrit Sheetrit confirmed to USA TODAY in a statement Wednesday.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced on CNN this morning that he will still participate in an event with Kathy Griffin, even after she posed with the bloody head of President Donald Trump. From CNN:

Franken cited Griffin’s apology in explaining his decision.”Kathy’s a friend and she’s a terrific comedian, but this had no business being in our public discourse,” Franken said. “And I talked to her. She has apologized — a real, fulsome apology. She’s actually begged for forgiveness, and I believe in forgiveness.”

But Minnesota GOP Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan has put pressure on Franken to cancel the event.

KARE 11 asked for a statement from Franken:

Sen. Franken thinks Kathy Griffin is a talented comedian and respects her right to free speech, but believes this image was inappropriate and not the kind of thing that should be part of our national discourse.

But do you remember this? Back in 2004, he told the sign-language interpreter for President George Bush at the GOP convention he should have signed out to al-Qaeda the best ways to sneak into the White House to kill the president.

Ed Morrissey at Hot Air blogged about it in 2008:

I can already hear the objections. Franken is a satirist! He was joking! He’s paid to make people laugh! Er, yeah … but then Franken was also a political commentator, and now he wants to serve in the US Senate, so his judgment in this is fair game. If he’s such a hater that the notion of AQ assassinating George Bush is funny, that shows just how far outside the mainstream Franken is, and how poor his judgment can be.Does Franken really believe that joking about presidential assassinations is in good taste, ever? Because in a Barack Obama administration, I doubt that Franken’s allies will find it funny. Neither will I, or most everyone I know.

In October 2014, Jay Nordlinger at National Review listed the times Democrats joked about killing presidents or vice-presidents:

Don’t forget this gem. Madonna at that stupid Women’s March proclaiming her desire to blow up the White House:

Tags: Al Franken, Culture, Trump Derangement Syndrome, Women's March