Is Chelsea Clinton running for office? It depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is

We have covered the rollout of Chelsea Clinton.

The fawning media coverage portrays Chelsea as an emerging (or already emerged) leader of #theresistance to Trump. Her every tweet is promoted by outlets such as The Hill.

This has a very professional ring to it — there must be a team working for Clinton World that has structured the building of Chelsea’s public image with an eye towards public office.

But it’s too soon to run for something now. Mom is still making news, and Dad is just still wandering the land in search of *****.

Chelsea’s rollout has to be done slowly. By getting her contrived publicity and awards, such as the recent “Power of Women” Award from Variety magazine and the Lifetime network, a book deal for a Children’s Book ‘She Persisted’, and aSpot on Board of Directors at Expedia. I can just hear the Clinton World storyline for Chelsea — as comfortable in the Board Room as is helping young girls.

Naturally, and with intention, the rollout has sparked the inevitable reaction that “she’s running for something.”

Chelsea denies it all. Well, not literally it all, just that she “is” running for something.

She gave the “exclusive” to Variety, Chelsea Clinton: ‘I Am Not Running for Public Office’ (EXCLUSIVE):

Since the election, there’s been endless chatter that Chelsea Clinton might follow in her parents’ footsteps. But in an interview with Variety, she quashed those rumors.“I am not running for public office,” Clinton said.Clinton has been grilled about a number of hypothetical political careers since she was a young girl, growing up in the Arkansas Governor’s Mansion and the White House. “I really am constantly surprised by the stories of me running for, fill in the blank—Congress, Senate, City Council, the presidency,” Clinton said. “I really find this all rather hysterical, because I’ve been asked this question a lot throughout my life, and the answer has never changed.”

That present tense denial did not exclude a future run. And of course, when people ask if Chelsea is running for office, they don’t mean this very second when we are in pre-election cycle, they mean in the near future. Perhaps for Congress or a state gig in 2018 or more likely 2020.

Then there’s this, Chelsea added:

“If someone steps down or something changes, I’ll then ask and answer those questions at that time. But right now, no, I’m not running for public office.”

Got it. She’s going to be hard to get. People are going to have to demand that she run for something. That demand will be manufactured, just like the rest of her public build-out.

And when the time is right, she’s say Yes. For the good of the children.

Is Chelsea running for office?

It depends on what the meaning of the word “is” is.

Tags: Chelsea Clinton