Ahead of September Election, Merkel’s Economic Advisor Slams Her Refugee Policy
Merkel’s Refugee Policy to cost $400 billion, says Germany’s prominent economist Professor Hans-Werner Sinn
With less than 6 months to go until Germany’s parliamentary election, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s economic advisor has come out against her Refugee Policy. Merkel government should have shut the borders to migrants coming from safe countries, Merkel’s senior economic advisor Professor Hans-Werner Sinn told German language magazine The European.
According to Hans-Werner Sinn, Germany won’t be able to sustain another wave of migrants, given its heavy economic cost. The migrants let in by Merkel between 2015-16 alone, were going to cost $400 billion to the taxpayers, he told the German magazine — referring to an earlier study published by University of Freiburg Professor Bernd Raffelhüschen.
In September 2015, German Chancellor had forced other European countries to open their borders to millions of supposed ‘refugees’, most of them turned out to be economic migrants from Arab and Muslim countries, when she arbitrarily suspended Europe-wide border regulations, or Dublin II. The resulting migrant wave has led to mass sexual assaults in several German cities and a wave of deadly Jihad terrorist attacks.
Ignoring the catastrophic aftermath of her Refugee Policy, Merkel is urging European countries to follow Germany’s example. At this week’s Munich Security Conference, Merkel spoke of EU’s obligation to accept more refugees and insisted that Islam was not the source of terrorism.
British newspaper Daily Express writes:
Angela Merkel’s open door migrant policy has been slammed by one of her most senior economic advisors, saying those travelling from safe havens should have been rejected at the border.
Prof Hans-Werner Sinn, 68, is one of Germany’s leading economic experts and serves on the Advisory Council of the Ministry of Economics, cited research saying that the migrant crisis in Germany had cost the country in the region of £17billion (20bn euros) and would cost the country around £340bn (400bn euros) in the long-term.
Prof Sinn (…) said: “The Chancellor’s action can be justified for humanitarian reasons, but it was a flagrant violation of the right to asylum which prevents refugees from coming to Germany via safe third countries in order to apply for asylum there.
Raffelhüschen, the economist quoted by Merkel advisor Hans-Werner Sinn, had gone even further in his study on the economic cost of Merkel’s Refugee Policy, warning that if the second generation of these migrants also fails to integrate into German workforce and ends up on welfare like their parents, the cost to German taxpayer will go up by €1.5 trillion. [Legal Insurrection’s post on Raffelhüschen’s analysis]
In short, Germany will go bust before it gets Islamised.
While Marine Le Pen’s Front National and Geert Wilders’ Dutch Freedom Party are offering stiff challenge to established parties ahead of elections in France and the Netherlands respectively, Germany’s AfD party is trailing in all opinion polls as distant third with single-digit support. At this point, main challenge to Merkel’s re-election bid comes from the left-wing Social-Democrat rival Martin Schulz.
September’s general election in Germany will also be a referendum on country’s Refugee Policy. A victory for Merkel or Schulz will be an endorsement of mass-migration. German voters will soon have a historic choice to make.
Merkel: ‘EU needs to take in refugees’ [VIDEO, February 19, 2017]:
[Cover image courtesy Reuters, YouTube]
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And Greece is going to need another bail-out soon.
But Germany has plenty of Euros to burn, right Angela?
The cover-up of Obama et al’s catastrophic anthropogenic global refugee crises may cost Mother and Party their jobs.
Yes, it appears ‘Mother Merkel’ might retain power come September, but the AFD is a growing party with a large block of seats already in the Deutsch parliament.
My sister-in-law has lived in Germany during the previous 5 years to care for her aged mother (now deceased). SIL notes that history cautions Germans to be wary about political parties rooted in nationalism and suspicion of the ‘other’. However, she sensed a marked change in the tolerance toward Merkel’s open borders for refugees after the Christmas Market massacre in Berlin last year.
The AFD party is not on everyone’s lips, but it appears more and more to be a viable opposition to ‘Mother Merkel’s’ open border madness.
Just imagine what could have been done for these people in their homeland if the money had been made available to them there? We could have chipped in our share and the Saudi’s their share. Hell, we could have created paradise for them in their hometowns. Instead, we have made our homelands a cesspool of welfare, cultural nightmares, and social disasters. Next, the public school system will be subjugated into a promuslim propaganda program.
No amount of money could not have created ‘paradise’ in the country of these people.
Just look at America’s ghettos and generational welfare catastrophe.
Not everyone is destined to live in paradise – particularly not a culture like this.
No need to drag everyone down the rathole with them.
“Next, the public school system will be subjugated into a promuslim propaganda program.”
Your warning is coming a few years too late; CAIR has been doing that by the insidious placement of Islam-praising school texts in public schools for some time. You should also check out Professor Jacobson’s posts about the pro-Palenstinian/Anti-Isreali propaganda fest at a public school in his backyard.
Is this mass migration just a modern way of imposing a Jizyah on the infidels?
In fact, yes!
“We will conquer you through the wombs of our women”
I’m thinking Europe (and Obama) are a major reason there are refugees.
These are not “refugees”; they are a combination of economic immigrants and stealth jihadists. Refugees would be a fairly even mix of males, females, and children; instead, this is predominantly a flow of military age males, which more closely resembles an invasion force. Judging by their actions it is quite easy to justify that impression.