Failed Green Party presidential candidate launched recall bids in 3 states. We’ve been monitoring the Wisconsin recount closely.

So here we are on Recount Day 5 and there’s very little change. Local press report a drama-free process.

From Channel 3000, Madison:

Both Clinton and Trump lost 20 votes each in the six counties that had finished as of Monday morning. Trump won Wisconsin by about 22,000 votes. The recount that began Thursday was requested by Green Party candidate Jill Stein. She also requested recounts in Michigan and Pennsylvania.Dane County Clerk Scott McDonell said Dane County is about one-third of the way done with its recount with more than 100,000 counted as of Monday.”To date we have found that the machines are extremely accurate. As in any recount, a few ballots were marked in a way that could not be read by the tabulator, but the voter intent is clear. For example, the candidate’s name was circled but the oval was not completed. There have been a few examples of incomplete absentee certificates that has caused a draw-down of ballots per the recount guidelines provided by the state,” McDonell said in a release.A draw down is the removal of a ballot to compensate for a ballot that should not have been allowed in the first place, but was allowed by mistake, according to the release.”The process has been very smooth. The workers we have hired have been excellent and the observers have been diligent and respectful at all times,” McDonell said.

Wisconsin’s deadline is 8:00 PM, December 12 and everyone is on track to finish on time. A few county-specific updates:

Six counties have completed their work: Adams, Crawford, Forest, Iron, Menominee, and Price. Several other counties are starting today after initially adjourning on Friday.The Commission is not able to provide a running statewide tally of how many votes each candidate is up or down. However, we continue to post daily update spreadsheets on our website comparing the votes for major candidates reported in the canvass to the number of votes reported so far during the recount. These updates can be found on the 2016 Presidential Recount page.When a county has reported a vote difference of 10 votes or more in a reporting unit (ward or combination of wards), we are providing the board of canvassers’ explanation for the difference.So far, changes between canvass results and recount results are due to human error.Soon, a table providing each county’s status and links to the board of canvassers’ minutes and results will be available on the 2016 Presidential Recount page.

Democracy in action!

By Stein’s request, a recount was approved in Michigan which began Monday at noon.

Follow Kemberlee on Twitter @kemberleekaye

Tags: 2016 Election, Jill Stein, Wisconsin