Chicago’s Top Cop: Police are ‘Second-Guessing Themselves’

It seems every time a cop shoots someone it becomes a national story with charges of racism and excessive force against them. Now the situation has cops deciding not to defend themselves.

Chicago Superintendent Eddie Johnson said one of his officers didn’t defend herself against the man who beat her unconscious because of the backlash she and the department might receive:

“As I was at the hospital last night, visiting with her, she looked at me and said she thought she was gonna die, and she knew that she should shoot this guy, but she chose not to because she didn’t want her family or the department to go through the scrutiny the next day on national news,” Johnson said while attending a public ceremony honoring heroic officers and firefighters.“This officer could (have) lost her life last night,” the superintendent said. “She’s hospitalized right now, but she still has the spirit and the bravery that these officers and firefighters display every day — every day. We have to change the narrative of the law enforcement across this country.”

A man allegedly high on PCP got into a struggle with the 17-year veteran. He “smashed the officer’s face into the pavement repeatedly until she was unconscious.” Two other officers received injuries while arresting this man:

“Just yesterday, we had an incident where officers responded to a simple traffic accident,” Johnson said during the ceremony. “Traffic accident — now I want you to think about this for a moment. Responded to a traffic accident to render aid wherever they could. A subject who was under the influence of PCP attacked a female officer, viciously pounded her head into the street as her partner tried to get him off of her. And this attack went on for several minutes.”Asked whether the incident was an example of officers “laying back,” Johnson said “it’s an example of how dangerous this job is. And because of the scrutiny going on nationwide, there (are) officers second-guessing themselves. That’s what we don’t want.”

Leslie continues to follow the disturbances in California after cops used deadly force out of fear for their lives. Despite this, Black Lives Matters activists have protested, rioted, and even left threatening graffiti in Los Angeles.

In July, a sniper shot twelve officers, five of which passed away. Last month, though, Sgt. Demetrick Pennie, president of the Dallas Fallen Officer Foundation and a 17-year veteran, filed a lawsuit against leaders of Black Lives Matters for inciting violence:

The listed defendants include not only those associated with the Black Lives Matter movement but public figures such as the Rev. Al Sharpton, Louis Farrahkan, George Soros, the New Black Panthers Party and even President Barack Obama and presidential nominee Hillary Clinton.According to the suit, the defendants “have repeatedly incited their supporters and others to engage in threats of and attacks to cause serious bodily injury or death upon police officers and other law enforcement persons of all races and ethnicities.”

Tags: Chicago, Culture