New Polling: Rubio Shows Big Lead Over Murphy in Re-election Battle
48-42 are the latest polling stats

Polling is looking good for Sen. Marco Rubio.
What began as a close race has turned in favor of the freshman Senator.
The last round of polls show Rubio up with a solid 6.5ish point lead.
A New York Times/Siena College Research Institute poll released Monday morning echoed trends, showing Rubio with a six point lead.
Roll Call reported:
Republican Sen. Marco Rubio continues his slight lead over Democratic challenger Rep. Patrick Murphy. A New York Times/Siena College Research Institute poll released Monday shows the Florida Republican up 6 points.
The poll lines up with several other recent polls taken of likely Florida voters. A RealClearPolitics poll taken from Aug. 31 to Sept. 12 showed Rubio ahead by 6.5 points.
In what used to be a race too close to call, Rubio has maintained a steady lead in recent weeks. The Rothenburg & Gonzales Political Report/Roll Call changed the rating of the Florida Senate race from Tossup to Tilts Republican in early August.
The Siena College Poll was conducted Sept. 10-14 by telephone calls to land and cell phones of 867 likely voters. There is a margin of error of 3.3 percentage points.
Murphy defeated Alan Grayson for the right to challenge Rubio in the general election. Serving in the House since 2012, Murphy currently represents Col. Allen West’s former district (Murphy outed him in that election).
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Hey, with the endorsement of Mr. Establishment, what could go wrong.
Rubio is a RINO squish, and a favorite of the GOPe, but he’s marginally preferable to the opponent.
hold your nose, Floriduh voters!
Great that he’s winning: Schumer still needs a useful GOPe idiot.
Good. I like Rubio, and I am glad his constituents do, too.
I’ve responded to this post, here “Democrat ‘Our Values’ Talking Point: It’s Not ‘Annoying’ — It’s Evil”.
Sorry folks, somehow I clicked on the wrong post. I’ve reposted the comment here:
This ship isn’t out of the woods yet (to mix metaphors). The Dems have a deep chest of money and more mud than sense. They would *love* to see Marco go away, and if they can manufacture a gaffe or whip up a frantic mob scene (or just plain forge something incriminating), they will.
Look out, Mr. Rubio. Every single reporter you talk to for the next fifty days will be looking for something they can use to bring you down.
Imagine him on top of the presidential ticket.
he tried that already: Bernie was more popular.
He’d wipe the floor with Hillary… And Bernie.
He couldn’t lay a finger on Trump and only received a handful of delegates from Minnesota and Puerto Rico, got shellacked in his home state, but yet he could beat Hillary?
You need to quit snorting the kitty litter.
I wish this poll had included the Libertarian candidate Paul Stanton.
As long as he stays away from any immigration debate whatsoever, I say let him stay. At least his Supreme Court votes would be more helpful than the Dem running against him.
A Monmouth poll out today has Rubio up only two and Clinton beating Trump by six. Why are polls so different?