Dem Superdelegate “hit list” creator once taunted homeless man reading Bible

A day ago I started seeing some incoming traffic from the website of Samantha Bee, former Daily Show member who now has her own show, Full Frontal.The links were coming to this post by Anne from 2012, Occupy Chicago activist claims to be person taunting homeless man at Chick-fil-A protest:

Yesterday, I posted a video of a group of Chick-fil-A “Kiss-In” protesters mocking an elderly homeless street preacher in Chicago on Friday evening. Many commenters have asked for additional information about the man and the scene….One big question has been the identity of the lead protester (in a plaid shirt) in the video confronting the homeless man….It wasn’t something we planned to investigate.But it turns out that the person voluntarily identified himself in the comments section as “Spencer Thayer” using that person’s verifiable email address (warning: profanity):

 spencerthayer | August 5, 2012 at 1:44 pmThe preacher was equating Gay people to pigs and Satan. He was being loud and rude while using his Bible to interupt the event with the intent of shaming peoples life styles. He has his right to free speech, just as I had every right to call him out on his bullshit. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that ass hat Christian’s can’t be called out for being dick heads by other dick heads.Besides the video is biased and edits out the shit he was saying to make him look like a victim. This “preacher” was nothing but a bigot. I asked and he agreed that Deuteronomy 22:24, which states raped women who do not scream loud enough should be stone, should be followed. He also said “lazy sons” should be stoned to death as well.Fuck that guy and fuck any of you who agree with him.

The person in the video certainly looks like the Spencer “Thunderball” Thayer who was a longtime Chicago-area activist, most recently with the Occupy Chicago movement leading a crowd in October 2011 in a chant of “We are the 99%.” Thayer also was a member of a group “Chicago Cop Watch” whose goal, ironically enough, was to videotape police. Thayer also was an advocate of the “Chicago Principles” during the NATO summit, a set of defining principles for all of the groups protesting NATO to keep dissent from getting out. Thayer’s Twitter account has an Occupy graphic as his profile picture and many anti-capitalist tweets.

In case you missed it, here is Thayer in our video:

So why would Samantha Bee be linking to that post?

Turns out that Spencer Thayer created a “hit list” of Democratic Superdelegates, who presumably are aligned with Hillary, not Bernie. After the use of “hit list” got attention, Thayer removed “hit” from the title.

NPR reported on the list:

But this hasn’t stopped Sanders’ enthusiastic supporters from taking matters into their own hands. This week, a Sanders fan named Spencer Thayer created the “Superdelegate Hit List,” a website to compile and share the contact information of superdelegates, so they can be persuaded. It is not affiliated with the Sanders campaign, but a campaign spokesman didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment.Thayer, who answered questions over email, later changed the name simply to “Superdelegate List.””The intent of the branding was to parody the famous Clinton Hit List, this was a tongue–in–cheek attempt at parody which I thought would encourage resharing,” Thayer said. “The branding began to detract from the campaign’s purpose, so it wasn’t a hard decision to make the change once it was clear it wasn’t working.”Thayer’s goal with the site was to make it easier for voters to get in touch with superdelegates.

Easier to get in touch with Superdelegates? Sounds a lot like Roger Stone’s threat to hand out the hotel room numbers of Republican regular delegates who might “steal” the nomination from Trump by not voting for Trump. Just to offer them milk and cookies, not to intimidate or rough them up, of course.

Thayer’s removal of “hit” from “hit list” didn’t satisfy Samantha Bee, who posted this video on her website, referencing Legal Insurrections video at the 1:48 mark:

Loves Occupy movement? Check.

Mocks homeless guy reading Bible at Chick-fil-A protest? Check.

Creates “hit” “not hit” list and provides contact info. for Dem superdelegates? Check.

The future of the Democratic Party?

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Bernie Sanders, OccupyWallStreet