Small Swedish Town Shaken by Migrant Sexual Attacks
Women urged by police to stay indoors
While much of the attention focused on Europe’s refugee crisis has been focused on Germany, Sweden is also experiencing quite serious problems associated with the influx of Middle Eastern, Asian, and North African immigrants and refugees.
Not only have Swedish officials been accused of covering up the sexual assaults and rapes of recent immigrants and refugees, but now we are seeing the problems spread beyond the large cities and into small villages in Sweden, just as they have in Germany.
The small and sleepy town of Östersund, Sweden, has been shaken by a series of eight sexual attacks by migrants against residents in only three weeks.
The streets are deserted after dark in a sleepy Swedish town which is a now no-go zone for women after eight sex attacks in three weeks.
Women have been warned by police not to walk alone at night after the once peaceful town of Östersund was shaken to its core by a string of vicious attacks on females and even children by groups of young men of ‘foreign origin’.
First, two 10-year-old girls were groped at a bus stop by a gang of men who threatened to rape them.
The following day, a woman told police she was punched in the face, splitting her eyebrow, by a man who threatened to kill her after he made a rude comment to her.
Just five days later a woman walking on her own was attacked by three men, beaten and pushed to the ground.
They held her down and forced their fingers into her mouth while saying offensive, sexual words to her.
And in the latest incident just five days ago, a woman had to use martial arts to elbow her would-be rapist in the head and escape after three men surrounded her and punched to the ground and tried to pull her trousers down.
Police in Östersund, with a population of 45,000, say they have never seen anything like this before.
They took the unprecedented move of calling a press conference on Monday to warn women to stay indoors.
. . . . ‘This is a small town where groups of men are attacking women during the night. We wanted to warn the public and urge women not to walk home on the streets in the central part of the town after dark, because it is not safe.
‘The situation is tense. We have never experienced anything like this before. It is almost unreal. Eight attacks and just three this last weekend. This is a quiet part of Sweden where we barely have had any attacks on women and now this.’
Women in some Muslim-ruled countries are forbidden to go outside without a male family member to escort them, and it seems that this practice is taking hold in Sweden, not by theological dictate but by realistic necessity.
The brutal attacks that have spurred this move are detailed in the Daily Mail:

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It is not natural-born Swedish citizens committing these crimes.
Thank cultural Marxism for Sweden’s multicultural mess:
Sheesh what is the problem? All of the GOP has chanted forever that Islam is the religion of peace and Trump is crazy for wanting to stop immigration. You mean to say that all cultures are not equal!?! Horrors!
Not all the GOP got behind Bush’s absurd RoP meme.
ALL? No, just the Saudi puppets like the Bush family.
*SIGH* Another Trump chump. He will no more do anything about illegals and refugees than he will sprout wings and fly to Jupiter.
You’re being had just like all the other ‘marks’ who’ve been fleeced by falling for his BS over the decades.
Thought you said in an earlier post on a different story that you weren’t coming back to LI.
You’ve lost my trust, you’ve shown you aren’t a man of your word.
OOh I am being downvoted…gosh my entire day is ruined. Downvoted by some putz who is afraid of saying that some cultures need a few more thousand years of evolution before they can live next to us.
Maybe you were downvoted because you came to get attention…
The lede to me is not the occurrences themselves, nor the identity of the perpetrators. It is that the official response appears to be victim blaming and asking for behavior change in the victims.
Our ruling elite and education system tells Americans that we must change our behavior or be subject to the justifiable actions of BLM, etc.
Our ruling elite dictates that fundamental behavior changes, changes that fly in the face of our culture and legal heritage, must occur in relations between men and women.
I’m not so sure that what the Swedish government is asking is more perverse or damaging than what our ruling elite is imposing on America.
The “ruling elite” isn’t necessarily spearheading it. They are more so leveraging the cultural changes being pushed by a portion of the population, namely leftist progressives. You can go a few decades back and find academia teaching and pushing for the cultural change now routine in DC. That to me is the fundamental aspect of progressivism. Use government to change culture to you liking, and not to use culture to guide government.
If we can ever get somebody into the WH that has a pair who will appoint an AG with a pair, the AG can go RICO on these BLM bastards. If nothing else, it’ll put a stop to their activities and scrape the political romance off of them.
Actually, the initial government response always seems to be to blatantly lie to the citizens, pretend everything is fine, and try to silence anybody who says otherwise.
The Swedes are stupid peaceniks. The are socialists and have never possessed the national or political chutzpah to be a truly free and sovereign people.
Think of the entire population as Bernie Sanders supporters and you’re pretty much there, so that’s sayin’ somethin’, although he’s not as far left as they are.
And an entirely passive change of behavior. No call to “be prepared to defend yourself” and no suggestion that the real men in the town form a vigilance committee to suppress the threat.
It doesn’t sound like victim-blaming to me. It just sounds like the complete cowardice that is typical of the Swedes. They will wait until somebody else takes care of the problem. Some Swedes are more aggressive, but most are still pie-in-the-sky peaceniks. There have been rumblings about them and Finland joining NATO, and it may yet happen given Putin’s threats and actual aggressions, but for now we once again see their response to these invaders as that of gutless wonders with nothing to bring to the table.
They seem to care not what happens to their cultural and historical identity, nor that their autonomy is being conquered one sexual attack at a time.
Sorry, it isn’t the citizens of the country who need to curb their behavior. It is the duty of the government to curb the behavior of the invaders by keeping them out of the general population. There is no point in allowing out of control, feral animals to be dictating anything.
Don’t know if “curbing” behavior is possible. But Sweden’s responsibility is more basic to me – enforce your existing laws without blaming/shaming the victims.
The people ARE the government. Like all very socialist countries, they govern by groupthink. There is little to no competition of ideas going on – no marketplace of ‘thought’.
There is a very real reason for the ownership of guns. Countries that have in the past resisted immigration have been able to get away with the lie of disarmament, but now that their mono-cultures are being torn apart by immigration there is literally nothing they can do. As always there are not enough police in the world to stop a motivated aggressor.
My advice to Sweden let your people arm and protect themselves.
Blades work, too! There’s evidence suggesting they are more frightening to an attacker than a gun. Although a gun is better…
Lyrics Trump is reading at his rallies . . .
“The Snake”
(Oscar Brown Jr.)
On her way to work one morning
Down the path along side the lake
A tender hearted woman saw a poor half frozen snake
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
“Poor thing,” she cried, “I’ll take you in and I’ll take care of you”
“Take me in tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
She wrapped him all cozy in a comforter of silk
And laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk
She hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived
She found that pretty snake she’d taken to had bee revived
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
She clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried
“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you might have died”
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight
Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
“I saved you,” cried the woman
“And you’ve bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die”
“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
Concealed Carry might be the best solution for assaults on women in Sweden and Germany.
Open Carry might be the best solution for assaults on women in Sweden and Germany.
Open carry lets your attacker know that you are armed and plan accordingly. Better for you attacker to guess if you are armed. This poison pill keeps all safer by insuring attacker never knows who is armed.
Let’s be practical here. Here’s your chance to get in on the Swedish burka concession from the ground floor. Startup to IPO in 5 years.
There are two issues here.
One – The “immigrants” (I prefer the word ‘invaders’) are not, by Western standards, civilized, cannot be civilized, and do not want to be civilized. Rather, they want to turn Western nations into the kind of hellholes that they came from. The only solution is the removal of the invaders from the society. The specific method of removal is left as a decision for the citizens and governments affected. Whatever method is chosen must needs be swift, effective and preclude the possibility of reoccurrence of the problem.
Two – By refusing to control the invaders, and by telling the citizens to change their behavior, the governments of these countries are conceding that they have lost control. The citizens of these countries need to immediately begin working on replacing such failed governments wholesale – by whatever means are necessary.
Protection from barbarians from the East, who come to rape and brutalize your women … one of the great founding forces behind modern Western civilization.
If this isn’t enough to finally wake the Europeans up, then nothing will, ever. And by “wake up” I don’t mean waiting for a liberal European government to do anything useful in a timely manner.
You just can’t make this stuff up. They have some explicit drawings of sexual positions and such.
How to Have Sex: Belgium Launches Website to Teach Refugees About Sex
The Belgian government launched a website, Zanzu, aimed at giving migrants and refugees “who have been in Germany for a short time” the ability to learn about “sex and sexuality”.
In a press release marking the website’s launch in Germany, Parliamentary State Secretary Elke Ferner said that the website will present relevant information on “all sexual and reproductive health issues”, giving users “discrete” access.
However, the website has mainly been focused on for the extent to which it explains to refugees how to have sex. The website teaches refugees about foreplay, different sexual positions, and how to have ‘good sex’.
Moreover, the website talks in depth about sex work, masturbation, and even casual sexual encounters.
Any word on how they’ll get the “immigrants” to even visit the sites?
All of this is Russian propaganda. You are not even reading this carefully. Most of the men (two incidents are ambiguous) seem to know Swedish or their victims are from the same foreign nationality. This is undeniable.
For a general article about anti-migrant Russian propaganda see:
There is not the slightest bit of explanation in here as to who these people making comments and worse toward women are, or how long it’s been going on. And if they are Moslems, and all of most of them may very well be, there is not the slightest indication it has anything to with recent migrants.
Nothing, nothing, nothing, at all. I mean it. Its atotal non sequitor.
The women may be foreigners too, since nothing says that they are not, and they cluster together. (they could also be different foreigners.
It’s clear that there are people qho are trying to get people to go to a wrong conclusion, to wit, that this has something to do with Syrians and others who came to Sweden in the past year, and the way to prevent is is to refuse all migrants.
Actually, the perpetrators are very probably people who grew up in Sweden. The brief accounts of the incidents reveal that at least 3/4 of the incidents involved attackers who knew Swedish. (or their victims also knew another language)
Just review this:
February 20: ..the men [were] threatening to rape them….
This requires knowledge of Swedish, or another common langauge..
February 21: …a man passing by made sexual remark. The woman responded by calling him an ‘idiot’….
This again requires knowledge of Swedish.
February 26: …three men [abused a women] while saying offensive, sexual words to her.
Requires knowledge of Swedish.
February 27: The description here is ambigous as to the fluency of the perpetrators in Swedish.
March 2: Two women walking home from a bar were stopped by a group of men who told them: ‘Girls should not be out at this time of the night’…
Told them in Swedish, of course, or a foreign language the
men sharted with the women.
March 5: A woman walking by herself was threatened by a man in passing car, who screamed at her…
In Swedish, or in a shared foreign language.
March 6: A women walking home alone was whistled at by a man. When she told him to stop, he hit her in the head with his fist. She fell down and he punched her a second time, pushed her head into the snow and screamed at her he would rape and kill her before fleeing.
Again, this indicates a common language.
March 6: The account of this incident does not mention any words.
Now just who is spreading the trope, totally unsupppprted by the case descriptips cited that this has anything to do with migrants?
Hmmmmm. I’m starting to understand why Muslim women wear those ridiculous head to toe coverall outfits.