Video: Mizzou Red-Headed Social Justice Warrior Prof. in police confrontation

You remember Mizzou Prof. Melissa Click, don’t you?

She’s the world’s most famous red-headed social warrior professor who gained internet fame for seeking “some muscle” to keep a student journalist away from a Black Lives Matter protest.

Click claimed this was an aberration and that she’s not really the wacko she appears to be on the video.

The Columbian Missourian reports on the consequences, or lack thereof:

She acknowledged that ordering Schierbecker away from inside a human wall around the camp and calling for “some muscle” was poor judgment.

But Click, who also had joined student protesters during MU’s Homecoming parade, didn’t rule out protesting with them again; nor did she rule out filing a lawsuit against the UM System Board of Curators, MU or Schierbecker. She said she would not join students in protest if she felt it would endanger others or disrupt an event.
Since Nov. 9, Click has faced the following:
  • Death threats, rape threats and calls for her to be jailed and fired.
  • Plans to revoke her courtesy appointment with the Missouri School of Journalism; she resigned Nov. 10 before a vote could be taken.
  • A Title IX complaint filed against her Nov. 10 by Brian Brooks, a former associate dean of the journalism school; Brooks told the Missourian he thought Click had “proven herself unfit to teach at the University of Missouri.”
  • A misdemeanor charge of simple assault as a result of Schierbecker’s Nov. 11 complaint with the MU Police Department; the charge was deferred Jan. 29, and Click has been assigned community service.
  • A Jan. 4 letter calling for her to be fired, signed by 117 Republican lawmakers and sent to MU Interim Chancellor Hank Foley, Interim UM System President Mike Middleton and the Board of Curators.
  • Suspension from her teaching duties and banishment from MU’s campus.
  • An investigation launched by the curators while she awaits news on whether she will receive tenure.
Her supporters have included MU faculty members, 116 of whom signed a letter released Jan. 5 in response to the Republican dispatch, and black rights activists, who interrupted a Feb. 4 curators meeting to advocate for Click.

New video from a police body cam appears to show that Click is precisely the type of wacko she appeared to be when she demanded “muscle.” Via The College Fix, Mizzou’s Melissa Click told police ‘get your f**king hand off me’ at previous racial protest:

Bodycam footage obtained by The Columbia Missourian shows the protest from the perspective of two Columbia Police Department officers responding to the homecoming protest.The video picks up near the end of previous footage from The Missourian and the protesters themselves….As the police arrive, about half the group disperses down the street while the others cluster by the edge of the sidewalk. When officers urge protesters to leave the street, Butler throws his hands up in front of an officer to guard the remaining protesters and begins arguing with him.“We’re done,” Butler tells another officer.  The first officer then puts an arm between himself and Butler and begins walking Butler backward, toward the sidewalk.The officer walks back into the street, leaving Click to thrust her small five-foot frame between Butler and the second officer. With arms raised, she berates the officers for physically handling the protesters.The first officer returns and reaches his hand toward Click’s shoulder. “Get your fucking hand off me!” Click exclaims before recoiling and apparently careening her body into the officer.

Click probably will keep her job, regardless.  Or maybe not, MU Chancellor to confer with Board of Curators about body camera footage of Melissa Click:

MU assistant professor of communication Melissa Click’s interaction with a Columbia police officer during the university’s Homecoming Parade on Oct. 10 warrants a conversation with the University of Missouri System Board of Curators, MU Interim Chancellor Hank Foley said Sunday night in an emailed statement.

“Her conduct and behavior are appalling, and I am not only disappointed, I am angry, that a member of our faculty acted this way,” Foley said in a release from the MU News Bureau. “Her actions caught on camera last October, are just another example of a pattern of misconduct by Dr. Click—most notably, her assault on one of our students while seeking ‘muscle’ during a highly volatile situation on Carnahan Quadrangle in November.”

Don’t hold your breath though. On campus there are different sets of rules for different people, and social justice warriors are at the top of the caste system.

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Melissa Click, Social Justice