Tardy to the Party: Missing court-ordered deadline, State Dept. dumps Hillary emails

Tardy for a court-ordered document dump deadline, the State Department will release more than 2,000 pages of emails from embattled former Secretary, Hillary Clinton Thursday evening.

According to The Hill, forty-five of the newly published emails have been marked classified, bringing the total classified email tally to 1,319:

Thursday’s document dump is likely to be the second-to-last release of Clinton’s emails by the State Department, which has been ordered by a court to have the full 55,000 pages of emails to the public by the end of the month.Forty-five of the emails in Thursday evening’s release have been deemed classified at some level, department spokesman John Kirby said, bringing the total number of emails with now-classified information up to 1,319. At least one of the new emails has been upgraded to a level higher than “confidential.”Last week’s dump, which came on New Year’s Eve, fell short of a court’s mandate to release 82 percent of the supposedly work-related emails. Thursday’s release will bring the State Department up to that benchmark, Kirby promised.“In just a few short days, we’ve been able now to catch up to the 82 percent that we were responsible for,” Kirby told reporters on Thursday. “We’ll continue to do the best we can moving forward.”Combing through the monthly releases of thousands of Clinton’s emails has become a regular habit for journalists and political operatives throughout Washington. The majority of the emails tend to deal with trivial matters such as television shows and meeting schedules, but they have occasionally offered insight into the lives of Clinton and her top aides.Some have been more revealing, however, with tidbits of information about diplomatic engagements and other government activities.National security experts worry about the presence of hundreds of classified emails that passed through Clinton’s personal, seemingly unsecured server. That information may have been vulnerable to hackers, analysts warn.The State Department and Clinton’s presidential campaign have both insisted that nothing that passed through Clinton’s email inbox was classified at the time it was sent. Instead, they maintain that the information was only classified after the fact.

Hillary as long-insisted that no classified information passed through her home-brewed server. That story then morphed into, “no information that was classified at the time.” That seems to be Camp Hillary’s story and they’re sticking to it. At least until they change it again.

We’ve chronicled the Hillary/Classified Email cluster since its birth. See here, here, here, here, and here.

Highlights of the classified email debacle include:


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Tags: Hillary Clinton, State Department