Charlie Hebdo releases terror attack Anniversary Cover (#JeSuisCharlie)

January 7 is the one-year anniversary of the attack on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and, two days later, the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket.

The cover for the anniversary issue of Charlie Hebdo has been released. The Guardian reports:

French satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo will mark a year since an attack on its offices with a cover featuring a bearded man representing God with a Kalashnikov slung over his shoulder, accompanied by the text: “One year on: the assassin is still out there.”One million copies of the special edition will be available on newsstands on Wednesday, with tens of thousands more to be sent overseas.It will mark a year since brothers Chérif and Saïd Kouachi burst into Charlie Hebdo’s offices in eastern Paris and killed 12 people, including eight of the magazine’s staff.The attack on 7 January 2015, claimed by al-Qaida’s branch in the Arabian Peninsula, came after a 2011 firebombing of its offices that forced it to move premises. Its staff had also been under police protection since it published cartoons of the prophet Muhammad in 2006.Included in the special edition will be a collection of cartoons by the five Charlie Hebdo artists killed in the 2015 attack as well as several external contributors.

We will have more on the anniversary. You can review our prior coverage the days of the events:

Tags: Charlie Hebdo, Paris, Terrorism