“Because I just said!” Reporter Kicked Out of Immigration Rally for…Asking Questions

Last summer, a young woman named Kate Steinle was murdered by an illegal immigrant named Francisco Sanchez. Sanchez had been previously detained and then released by San Francisco authorities under the city’s “sanctuary” laws. After Sanchez’s act of brutality hit the headlines, activists and conservatives in Congress sprang into action, drafting “Kate’s Law,” which would block cities that refuse to abide by federal immigration policies from receiving federal law enforcement funding. Democrats blocked passage of the bill in the Senate, but the fight rages on, and for good reason.

Pro-illegal immigration activists are terrified of it. The MSM and White House did an excellent job keeping the administration’s inaction on the issue out of the press, but that hasn’t stopped the good guys from fighting back. Media Research Center reporter Dan Joseph took his team to a pro-amnesty rally in Boulder, Colorado, and started asking attendees if they had heard of Kate, or her namesake law. You can see what happened in the video below.

At about the 1:38 mark, MRC finally finds a rally attendee who has at least heard of Kate’s Law and is willing to say that illegal immigrants who commit violent crimes should not be allowed to remain the country. (Never fear—ten seconds later two women come together to blame the human condition for brutal murders, as opposed to the people who commit them.)

Keep in mind that everything we see in the video shows a normal journalist asking questions of people who don’t seem to particularly mind what’s happening. There’s nothing hostile about the exchanges happening here—just rally attendees being confronted with alternative viewpoints, and willingly responding.

Clearly, then, the rally organizers had no choice but to boot MRC’s entire team from the very public event.

Behold this silliness. The bouncer first confronts Joseph at around the 2:10 mark:

This is suppression in its worst form. These people are terrified of an honest conversation about illegal immigration because they know that if that conversation ever happens, they’ll have to answer not just for the actions of refugees and exploited people, but for the actions of hateful, violent people who have no business being granted the privilege of remaining in the U.S.

Apparently for these activists, scoring a policy point is well worth the risk of allowing actual murderers to terrorize innocent people.

Follow Amy on Twitter @ThatAmyMiller

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Immigration