Video: #BlackLivesMatter Plays Hillary Like a Fiddle

When it comes to social justice, no one is immune to the warriors’ tactics of persuasion—not even Hillary Clinton.

Yesterday, Black Lives Matter protesters interrupted an “African-Americans For Hillary” event with chants of “BLACK LIVES MATTER” and various hymns. Clinton was forced to pause her speech to address the interruption—and of course went into full pander mode.


From The Hill:

Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.) and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed went up on stage in a show of support to Clinton.“Thank you all very much, I really appreciate it, and I appreciate the congressman and the mayor having my back,” Clinton said.The protesters were eventually removed from the rally.“So, I’m sorry, you know, I appreciate their passion, but I’m sorry they didn’t listen, because some of what they’ve been demanding, I am offering and intend to fight for as president,” she said.Clinton was announcing her criminal justice reform plan, which includes a call to end racial profiling in law enforcement.“Let’s remember that everyone in every community benefits when there is respect for the law, and when everyone in every community is respected by the law,” she said.Her plan comes several weeks after she met with leaders from the Black Lives Matter movement.

Apparently, the promise of a “plan” didn’t stop activists from crashing her big unveil:

BLM activists aren’t just targeting Hillary Clinton. Back at the beginning of August, activists humiliated Bernie Sanders during a rally in Seattle:

A “plan” to reform the criminal justice system didn’t save Bernie, or Hillary, and it won’t save their fellow Democrats from more embarrassing spectacles like this one.

At least we can say that they’ve earned the pleasure.

Follow Amy on Twitter @ThatAmyMiller

Tags: Black Lives Matter, Hillary Clinton