Report: Obama Gives ‘Blessing’ to 2016 Biden Run

CNN reported last night that President Obama has given his blessing to a 2016 presidential run for Vice President Joe Biden.

This news isn’t completely unexpected but as Legal Insurrection readers know, it will change the landscape of the Democratic Party’s 2016 primary, especially if Elizabeth Warren is involved.

From CNN’s report by Jeff Zeleny and Peter Morris:

Obama gives Joe Biden ‘blessing’ for 2016 bidVice President Joe Biden received President Barack Obama’s “blessing” to make a 2016 bid for the White House, according to a senior Democrat.But that’s if Biden chooses to run — the decision is his. While he doesn’t need the President’s permission, of course, a potential presidential candidacy was among the topics of their lunch Monday at the White House. The President made clear he would not stand in his way or counsel him against a run, the senior Democrat said.The Vice President was expected to huddle at his residence Monday night with Anita Dunn and Bob Bauer, the husband-and-wife team who have been at Obama’s side for much of the last decade, two people familiar with the meeting told CNN. Steve Ricchetti, the Vice President’s chief of staff, was also expected to attend.

A report from Cameron Joseph of New York Daily News concurred:

Barack Obama gives Joe Biden his ‘blessing’ for 2016 presidential runVice President Biden invited top Democratic donors to meet with him after Labor Day, the White House praised his “aptitude” for the nation’s top job and President Obama is said to have given his “blessing” Monday, heightening the buzz over the veep’s Oval Office ambitions.

CBS News confirmed.

Here’s a video report CNN posted last night:

The reactions on Twitter were mixed. Via Twitchy:

Maybe Greg Sargent should ask Hillary Clinton that question.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2016 Democratic Primary, Joe Biden, obama