Laugh or Cry: Colin Quinn Jabs at PC Culture

This week was a terrible week in news:

We dove even deeper into the depravity of the pro-choice movement.
We watched the factions of the conservative movement turn on each other.
We were forced to contemplate “President Biden.”
We found out that Hillary Clinton’s minions might be violating election laws…all in the name of making sure their opponents don’t vote.
Hillary Clinton…she keeps showing up…spit in the faces of those seeking the truth about her emails.
We watched two young news pros die on live TV…
…and then we learned that their murders were motivated by hatred.

As bloggers and activists, we aren’t isolated. We choose to expose ourselves to the best and worst that the world has to offer; but…good grief…this week.

It’s time for a palette cleanser in the form of a comedian taking PC culture to the cleaners. It’s a laugh-or-cry subject, but why let that get us down? Just do it:

It’s funny because it’s true. Fortunately, the conservative movement is filled with strong, outspoken, fearless leaders who take this garbage head-on. Still, it doesn’t hurt to laugh in its face in between battles.

Do something great this weekend, everyone.

Tags: Culture, Political Correctness