Bipartisan Senate Panel Tells John Kerry He’s a Sucker on Iran

John Kerry testified before a senate panel about the awful Iran deal Thursday and was met by skepticism and derision from lawmakers in both parties. In a classic Democrat defense move, Kerry again tried to spin the issue and suggest it’s his critics who are being unrealistic.

CNN reported:

Kerry to senators: No ‘fantasy’ alternative to Iran dealKerry told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that there is no “unicorn” or “fantasy” alternative if the U.S. rejects the deal, which the administration maintains will keep Iran from getting a nuclear weapon but which many Republicans see as providing Iran a path to a bomb.But Committee Chairman Bob Corker, a Tennesse Republican, said that the U.S. had been “fleeced” and that Kerry had “turned Iran from being a pariah, to now Congress being a pariah” in the course of making the agreement.And Florida Sen. Marco Rubio, who is seeking the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, repeatedly warned that the next president could overturn the deal, which isn’t a binding treaty.

Here’s a short highlight reel:

That CNN video cut off before you could see the best comment from Democrat Senator Bob Menendez.

If you watch the first seven minutes of the video below, you’ll hear a clearly annoyed Menendez say to Kerry, “I have limited time. You’ve been with the Iranians two years. I have seven minutes.”

When you’re done watching those videos, you may want to read Victor Davis Hanson’s take on all this at National Review. Here’s a sample:

A few years from now – after Iran has used its negotiated breathing space to rearm, ratchet up its terrorist operations, and eventually gain a bomb to blackmail its neighbors – the current deal will be deeply regretted. Expect a Nobel Peace Prize for Secretary of State John Kerry now, followed by Chamberlain-like infamy later.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Iran, Iran Nuclear Deal, John Kerry, US Senate