“We have a different hate campaign each week.”
Ann Coulter on the liberal mob in Indiana.

Ann Coulter appeared on the O’Reilly Factor last night and addressed the story of the Indiana pizza place which was forced to shut down because of threats.
She pointed out that the left has adopted a regular cycle of outrage which usually turns out to be false. She also urged Republicans and conservative Christians to stand up to bullies.
Watch the video:
Ann’s words on O’Reilly are reflected in her new column:
Hands Up, Don’t Discriminate Against Gays!
Happy National Hate Week! Today, we’re all hating on Indiana. Who will be the left’s Emmanuel Goldstein next week?
Evidently, the sole function of the media these days is to subject the public to a steady stream of manufactured events: “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”; nuclear power kills; Lena Dunham’s rape by a college conservative at Oberlin; the “mattress girl” raped at Columbia University; Jon Stewart is funny; a fraternity gang-rape at the University of Virginia; and a law protecting religious freedom will lead to separate water fountains for gays in Indiana.
The whole country has to keep being dragged through these liberal hate campaigns, but as soon as the precipitating event turns out to be a gigantic hoax, the truth is revealed like a bedtime story being read to a child: The ending is whispered and the narrator tiptoes out of the room.
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There’s another likely fake going on at Duke University as we speak. On April Fool’s day a noose made from an extension cord was hung from a tree branch on campus. It was reported by a student member of the Black Student Alliance who said he was tipped off by a… text or email, sorry I don’t recall at the moment. Duke University adminstrators went apoplectic, set up demonstrations, rallies, etc., acting as if 10,000 mounted Klansmen had overrun the campus.
Well, they’ve announced they’ve discovered who hung the noose, that the student is ‘off campus’ now, federal law prevents us from revealing the student’s name (it does not), never mind, forget about it, go away.
Any bets on whether the student who hung the noose was a race activist stoking the fires?
Also, any bets on whether they would have released the student’s name if it was an actual racist act by a white boy frat member or Young Republican?
I had no doubt from the instant I heard of the case.
I also told my friends I’m sad this is so predictable, but.. well, it is. It’s like a ten-hoax combo or something.
“She pointed out that the left has adopted a regular cycle of outrage which usually turns out to be false.”
In this instance, Coulter is wrong. Outrage over the RFRA is based on the bills own supporters stating that it allows discrimination. An example, below, is the press release from Advance America, Eric Miller’s group, which clearly states that they want RFRA in order to allow “Christian bakers, florists and photographers” to discriminate.
No. Coulter is right, and you are a liar and a happy lil’ fascist.
Who lies.
And is a fascist.
You’re right about one thing, I am pretty happy! Gov. Pence signed the amendment to his RFRA!
The fact that gop politicians are spineless idiots doesn’t surprise anyone, jackass.
But he should have “up yours” to the perpetually aggrieved nazis like you.
Morons are preternaturally “happy”, moron.
But, IF you knew anything about what you’re lying about here, you’d know you can take no joy from the Indiana tweek.
It really doesn’t do what you imagine, you lying, fascist moron.
If the RFRA was not going to allow discrimination, they why was Advance America saying it would? Here is a link to their press release again.
Furthermore, even if RFRA itself did not allow discrimination, the uproar has certainly brought attention to the fact that 1.) discrimination will not be tolerated in public businesses, and 2.) Indiana (like many places) does not have protections for gays and lesbians like it should. Hopefully, more protections will be passed by their legislature, but at least the issue is out there in the open now!
Awww… I broke your widdle brain.
Already. You really need to bulk up your ability to sustain anything LIKE a rational thread before you show your ass like this again.
You are lying again, liar.
I read you link. It never mentions “discrimination”.
What any reader will find is that it DOES mention the concepts of right and religious liberty.
What we’ve established about you is this…
You LOVES you some use of force. It’s where you default.
You are intolerant of others, and you HATE diversity of thought.
You are obdurately stupid. Your position is that religious conviction has no place in business or the workplace. This is NOT the law of the land. See HobbyLobby, moron.
You think it “right” that people in business should be stripped of any ability to act in a manner displeasing to your Collective. That is not the law of the land. People in businesses are NOT vassals of the state.
You express the typical Collectivist conceit that YOU know other people’s religions better than they.
You LIE constantly. And you know it.
You also entertain the Collectivist self-righteous conceit that YOU are good and enlightened, the nation is at your back, and anyone who holds a differing view is evil. All that is pure, cheap, self-delusion.
“I read you link. It never mentions “discrimination”.”
I had to laugh at this line! Yesterday you were telling me how we all discriminate all the time, and now all of a sudden the Christian businesses are not discriminating merely because the word “discrimination” is not in this press release!
“This is NOT the law of the land. See HobbyLobby, moron.”
See Roe v. Wade, pal! Anyway, Hobby Lobby is not without its critics…
Annnnd, the wheels go flying off again.
Puurrrr lying lil’ fascist moron…
Ragspierre is right. You are a liar. You chose to quote part of the sentence and then added a word you like, “discriminate”, to it.
If you were not a liar you would have quoted the entire sentence:
“Christian bakers, florists and photographers should not be punished for refusing to participate in a homosexual marriage!”
Having the freedom to opt out of participating in a homosexual marriage isn’t discrimination. For example, the Oregon baker who was sued had happily served her homosexual customers for nine years. But when they asked her to bake a cake to commemorate their marriage, she told them she was sorry but she could not. It would violate the tenets of her faith.
It would be discrimination had she chosen never to have served them because they are homosexuals. You know the difference between choosing to opt out of participating in a marriage and wholesale discriminatory bigotry. Stop pretending like you don’t.
And stop lying. We, or at least I, am sick and tired of the non-stop lying, distortions, mischaracterizations, and deceit used by the progressive left to win elections and ram through policy.
““Christian bakers, florists and photographers should not be punished for refusing to participate in a homosexual marriage!””
If baking a cake equals “participation”, then Advance America is saying that bakers should be allowed to discriminate by not baking a cake.
Since the baker bakes cakes for the public, they must serve the public, which includes homosexuals. If the baker bakes wedding cakes for the public, then must serve any wedding party that wishes to buy their cakes. If the baker doesn’t like this, they can go bake in private and not operate a public business.
Yep, screw the Christians. Their beliefs don’t count. They are just slaves to the whims of the left. All for the state, nothing against the State.
Christians are still able to hold their beliefs, they just can take actions based on those beliefs that discriminate against customers.
No one will be policing your thoughts, calm down…
“they just can take actions”
Er, I mean they can’t take actions…
Leftard here is perfectly fine with enslaving people to the gheys. He thinks it’s a neat idea to force people to sin against their will.
He also thinks it’s no big deal, because he has absolutely zero morals. This jackass would have been happily loading up the trains going to auschwitz or turning in his neighbors that were jewish.
“He also thinks it’s no big deal, because he has absolutely zero morals. This jackass would have been happily loading up the trains going to auschwitz or turning in his neighbors that were jewish.”
1.) Ironically, Vichy-era France was a heavily Catholic nation.
2.) Also ironic: there were plenty of German Christians in the 1930s.
3.) More irony: Italy was a heavily Catholic country back then.
4.) Oh, and let’s not forget Catholic Spain and the Inquisition! Plenty of Jews killed there too!
Christians have historically not been immune to the urge to “load up” the Jews onto trains. On the other hand, I have no such urge…
—they just cant take actions based on those beliefs that discriminate against customers.
Here, Christian. You vill take nice photo’s of the gay wedding, understand? Or else you vill be financially ruined, threatened with your business burning, and sent to gulag. Nothing personal, you can be a Christian in your head as long as you SHUT UP and do as you are told. Here’s your yellow cross to wear. It must be worn on the outside anytime you leave your house.
What color snappy uniform do you favor? brownshirts or gray?
I wish you younger people had been taught an appreciation for religious tolerance, but apparently the leftward bent of educational system has left that concept in the dust. You know Christians don’t have to stay tolerant, they are 80 percent of the population. What happens when we adopt Muslim tactics and sharp knives?
Could you please take a moment and read the first Amendment to the Constitution where it says
…Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,..
If pole dancing and ‘Piss Christ’ can be protected speech, then so can the personal art of wedding photography, the art of cake decoration.
“I wish you younger people had been taught an appreciation for religious tolerance, … You know Christians don’t have to stay tolerant, they are 80 percent of the population. What happens when we adopt Muslim tactics and sharp knives?”
This….is…AWESOME! How is your head big enough to hold both of those sentiments at the same time!?!?
Also, the irony of a follower of Jesus threatening violence cannot be overstated!
Not according to the RFRAsssssss, and the court rulings that in many states do the same things.
See? Democracy says you are a stupid, lying, fascist. Totally out of step with Americans. Typical of Collectivists.
Suck it.
I get it now. The only way you can win is to redefine the word “discriminate”, which has a very powerful meaning in the law. So the goal is to define opting out of participating in homosexual marriages as discrimination. Just like you call the dismemberment and decapitation of preborn children “reproductive liberty”. It’s all lies.
But you redefined marriage and abortion, so maybe redefining discrimination to force people to violate their conscious may work.
It doesn’t mean you are right, though. Just evil.
See intransitive definition #2.
Yeah, redefining words is a big part of being a “progressive.” Look at how they’re trying to redefine racism using the “sociology” angle so that it only applies if you’re in a position of power/privilege. i.e. You’re an evil white male.
Wedding cakes require a site visit by the bakery to set up the cake. That act makes them participate in a sacred ceremony that they have religious objections to. What will happen in the future when a Muslim wants a cake to celebrate his daughter’s clitoridectomy? Farfetched? Maybe, maybe not.
“Wedding cakes require a site visit by the bakery to set up the cake.”
If the bakery offers that service to the public, they must offer it to everyone equally.
So the Muslim bakeries get a pass in your world? Did you watch the Crowder report on what happened in Muslim bakeries in Dearborn? I want to see you go protest that!
I’m not sure why you think I would give Muslim bakeries a pass to discriminate against gays.
I googled the story from Dearborn and I agree with you that it mirrors the controversy in Indiana. I think that the bakeries in Dearborn (and any other area) should sell to all people equally, straight or gay.
Furthermore, I abhor the fact that our country is close allies with Saudi Arabia and other 3rd world countries that repress people who do not toe the line, religiously. I also abhor the attacks on Christians (and any other religious order) in those countries where they occur.
None of this affects my opposition to discrimination in Indiana.
“If the bakery offers that service to the public, they must offer it to everyone equally.”
The idiocy of the left. This sounds so fair, gosh, it must be true! But it is not. I own a business. I serve who I want to serve and I refuse service to whomever I do not want to serve. I do it all the time, have for 35 years, completely legal.
By leftist logic, if you own a pizzeria in Atlanta and you deliver to the public at all, you have to deliver to everyone. Wheee! Equality! And if someone orders delivery from Minneapolis? Well… OK. So where’s the line? Um, I dunno. Who draws it? Got me. The pizzeria owner draws that line. He ‘discriminates’ by distance.
OK, OK, but what if it’s local people, huh? How ’bout that? Same thing. Pizzeria seating capacity = 80 people. 300 show up from the local baseball field after a game. 220 will have to be ‘discriminated’ against.
Name one example in America where a private agency, business, service, etc., consistently refuses service to LGBTs. Name one that causes them any more grief than having to simply go somewhere else.
LGBT = “Being purveyors of tolerance and diversity, it is our demand that the beliefs and rights of others must be forcibly subjugated to our own beliefs and our own perception of our rights. Being lovers of tolerance and diversity, we will not tolerate Christian beliefs nor any others that diverge from our own.”
Christians should be as accepting of others as Muslims:
HIDDEN CAM: #GayWeddingCakes at Muslim Bakeries?
I just saw that! Where are the crowds protesting the Muslim intolerance? Oh, I know, hiding in the closet or going after a family run pizza business.
Where the f did you come from? And why are you here?
Coulter? Is she going to tell us to vote for Romney again? No thanks.
Or McConnell just last year, telling us she knew he would fight executive amnesty and obamacare. Instead, now he is elected for 6 more years he is trying to destroy sitting conservatives Senators and waiving amnesty and obamacare through.
In the war of words, we need to fight back.
Neo-Puritanism: The act of cleansing a culture of those that don’t think or act like you. Forcing others to do what you believe at the cost of their free will. In the old days, you had to go to church or be put in the stocks. Today, it means you lose your job, your livelyhood, your business, or your place in school. In the old days, you tared and feathered them. Today, you burn them with venomous social media posts on Facebook and Twitter.
Start calling them what they are to their face with words you control.
“Today, you burn them with venomous social media posts on Facebook and Twitter.”
The horror…the horror…
Yep. AssoNY is a HAPPY hater.
AND he lied a new lie here. Remember yesterday when we was all supportive of burning the young lady for her ThoughtCrime?
Today he’s doubled back on that; “Why NOBODY want to punish you for thinking things”.
What a miserable fascist.
The owner of the pizza shop is not being punished for her thoughts, she is being punished for stating that she would turn those thoughts into discriminatory action.
Furthermore, I do not agree with the threats and harassment that she has suffered. I am happy that people have chosen to help her family get through the temporary closing of her restaurant, even though I disagree vehemently with her support of discriminatory practices.
I do agree with the criticism she has brought on herself, though. If someone speaks in public, they can be criticized in public, this is the American way (unless you would have the government stamp out that criticism).
And until she turns those thoughts into actions she has committed no offense
“And until she turns those thoughts into actions she has committed no offense”
No legal offense, sure.
However, people who disagree are certainly allowed to express that disagreement, so long as they don’t make threats and the like.
1984 is your guide. You’d fit right into the Inner Party.
What you “disagree vehemently” with is anyone holding a view not in keeping with Big Brother.
Happily, Americans find you repugnant and dangerous.
Suck THAT.
Rags, you spend countless posts berating and insulting me for not thinking as you do, and then you claim that I am the one who does not tolerate diversity of thought.
I am all for folks like you having your own opinions, and I encourage you to verbally express them in public. I just don’t want you to think you can actually turn all of those opinions into actions. You can dislike the gays all you want, but you cannot open a business to the public and then pretend like the gays are not part of that public.
Not according to the law, liar. According to the RFRAssssssss, people of conscience MAY live…in EVERY FACET OF LIFE…according to their consciences. You’ll find that articulated in the First Amendment. EXERCISE is a verb. Moron.
I don’t care what you think. I care about you LYING about what others may do, think, and EXPRESS.
Note your post above. The young lady in Indiana can THINK what she wants. But when she merely EXPRESSES that thought…
You are a lying fascist, and you know it.
The first part of your post goes on about “exercising” a right, while the second part focuses on “expression.” Which is it?
The pizza lady is free to express her opinion on anything. However, if she opens a business to the public, she is not free to serve some of the public while turning others away for reasons having to do with her religion (or race/gender, etc.)
You’re just an idiot.
“The first part of your post goes on about “exercising” a right, while the second part focuses on “expression.” Which is it?”
I can’t express how stupid that question is. Seriously.
“However, if she opens a business to the public, she is not free to serve some of the public while turning others away for reasons having to do with her religion (or race/gender, etc.)”
And, yet AGAIN, you lie.
The RFRAsssssssss expressly say differently. As does our Constitution. As does the majority of Americans.
SUCK IT, liar.
“The RFRAsssssssss expressly say differently”
Yeah, I know, that is the whole point about this controversy! The Indiana RFRA gives businesses the ability to discriminate against gay people, and I don’t like it.
That’s the lie you keep chanting.
The repetition doesn’t make it any more true, liar.
Christians, true Christians, do not ‘respond’ the way world responds.
We fast and pray.
We vote according to our conscience.
We name evil and confront it.
We hold our elected leadership accountable.
We grow in wisdom, knowledge and a good understanding.
We wait on the Lord.
We protest with sackcloth and ashes and signs.
We pray to the Only One Who can change things.
RFRA: while homosexuals are demanding others service them Christians are being slaughtered around the world.
In Iran, Christian Pastor Saeed Abedini is STILL in prison and he is physically suffering. He had come back to Iran to start an orphanage.
You do not hear Saeed whining, complaining and threatening to harm others to be served or to get his way. He is a Christian. That is how WE respond.
Even when I was a much younger Christian, I never got involved in nor supported any of the anti-gay and anti-abortion movements, because I saw the folly in trying to save sinners by legislating against and attempting to prevent sin in the world. As a Christian, I believed that only Jesus saves (John 14:6) and that Jesus was more than able to deal with a person’s sin once saved. It was a belief that worked for me, but often elicited a condemning response from my brothers and sisters in the Lord who were determined to “fight sin” and enlist the help of other Christians in their ill-advised battle.
I was ill prepared with scripture to argue the point with fellow Christians at the time, until I came across a passage that speaks to what my life-long leading from the Lord has been. Found in the last chapter of the last book of the Bible, it is the final command of the Lord to help His people deal with the sin in the world.
“Let the evil man go on in his evil: and let the unclean be still unclean: and let the upright go on in his righteousness: and let the holy be holy still.” (Rev 22:11 BBE)
Unfortunately, those who love sin are not content to let the righteous and holy be righteous and holy. They are hell bent on extorting not only our endorsement for their sin, but forcing our unwilling participation.
And there you have the very essence of the real sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, where gangs of lawless men, went house to house, to demand those who sought shelter in the house of the righteous, be sent out into the streets to be defiled.
As this world embraces the fullness of sin, can punishment be far behind?
“Unfortunately, those who love sin are not content to let the righteous and holy be righteous and holy. They are hell bent on extorting not only our endorsement for their sin, but forcing our unwilling participation.”
You have a choice, don’t open a business that serves the public. No one can force you to open a pizza parlor…
And you have a choice, don’t eat pizza.
“And you have a choice, don’t eat pizza.”
This is the same argument that was used to justify stores turning away Black customers…
No, assoNY. That’s a lie, and you’re a liar.
As usual.
“This is the same argument that was used to justify stores turning away Black customers…”
That’s not the argument … rather I’d like to see the LGBT crowd cite the constitutional basis for compelling one citizen to serve another in private enterprise. Does the constitution allow for what amounts to servitude (or slavery) for anything other than punishment of crime(s) committed?
As an aside, where the credo of the LGBT movement seems to be “live and let live”, why is their methodology more along the lines of “live and force to live”?
assoNY, read that. Learn something. Jim Crow was intended to DEFEAT market forces via compulsion. RFRA laws are the OPPOSITE>
You are mixing up some very important facts. They didn’t refuse to sell pizza to anyone. If someone came in and ordered 20 pizzas for the wedding rehearsal dinner, they would received the 20 pizzas. They said they would refuse to participate by catering a religious ceremony that they feel is in direct conflict with how they have been taught by their God. That you can’t see the difference is bewildering.
Actually, the answer here is really very simple.
I am a provider of goods or services. Of course, I will take a portrait, sell flowers, or feed anyone who comes into my establishment.
HOWEVER, my catering, flower arrangement, or photography for events is advertised this way…
We provide our services and goods (other than normal “shop” access) to consumers on a strictly conditional basis. We ONLY cater (or photograph or arrange flowers for) occasions we elect to. We EXPRESSLY limit our services to occasions to those we ELECT to serve. We DO NOT offer our occasion services to the “public”.
Kind of like a “catering club” then? It might work, but It would depend on the case-law of whatever state you were conducting business in, along with federal case-law.
One point of Coulter’s remarks, that really nails it, is conservatives being such wusses when it come to defending their rights. Why isn’t there a boycott of any business that even talks to an ad salesperson representing the TV station that went Christian hunting and mercilessly drive the station out of business. Wanna threaten arson? Be prepared for the onslaught. We you are spineless you invite society’s predators, and when undeterred they will continue the hunt
Those who are the activists and supporters of the LGBT movement are pursuing their goals to put the religion of all Christians into a proverbial closet; A closet they have been able to rightfully opened the door on. The LGBT activists, now having found recognition, have set themselves on a vendetta mission of retribution.
Conservatives for the most part are practicing Christians. The leftist Liberals using any means necessary for defeating a Conservative agenda, find the agenda of LGBT to be a most perfect platform to support, as witnessed in our foreign policy pitting Iran and Israel and the rising anti semitic agenda of BDS. Hypocritically they court these two agendas while continuing to play the black and women voters with inequality issues, whether it be on employment, healthcare or rape. They have a pent up desire to suppress secular religious beliefs and ostracize those who pursue a faith based life, by using activists causes. Who is the group or the party of intolerance?
As the Pope recently pointed out “All Christians were Jews at the time of Jesus”. And too, there is an old saying, “Be careful what you ask for”. When intolerance is shown to those who practice the Jewish or Christian faiths and who subscribe to it’s beliefs, find themselves being marginalized and placed in a position to accept no public display of faith, it is those who are showing their intolerance to be the ones feared. The atheist and agnostic should also be skeptical of those who would ostracize them, if only for their right to hold an opinion which did not conform to the agenda of intolerance held by the Liberals.
There is one religion upheld by the Liberal Left which does profess all the beliefs of zero tolerance to diversity, religious freedom, to women’s rights, to peace, conveys no liberties, gives no deference to any of the individual freedoms of a democracy and practices justice with “A Eye for A Eye”. We have a President who has been promoting their expansion for the past 6+ years.
How many down votes does it take to get tossed off this site? Probably nobody gets tossed off for having asinine views but this particular buttface should be an exception. I thought jetboy was annoying over at HotAir but this clown assoNY takes the queer wedding cake.
Hey doofuss – we get it that you think you’re fabulous and that you’re god’s gift to society but we aren’t impressed and you really do need to grow up. Nobody here would be oogling you if we were at a party. We’d be checking out the other gender and you wouldn’t confuse anyone into thinking that you were a different gender than the one your plumbing says you are.
FOAD. Yeah, I said it. So sue me.
Yesterday Midwest Rhino caught anoNY falsifying quotes, something I had picked up on as well last week, I just didn’t post it. For me, that shows discussion with such a person is pointless. So, the troll joins my short list of ‘regular commenters whose posts I quit reading because there’s no point, nothing of value.’ Sammy would be on the list, for example, but his posts often hold unintended comedic value, a la The Onion, Norm Crosby, or Estragon.