WATCH: #BaltimoreRiots live updates

Baltimore called in reinforcements after riots that began Saturday night continued to devastate the city. What began as a march over the death of Freddie Gray who passed away from a spinal chord injury while in police custody, rapidly descended into a violent riot.

So far, rioters have thrown rocks and bottles at cops, looted and set fire to a CVS pharmacy, and robbed a reporter. And, just like the Ferguson, Missouri protests, these riots include the anti-Israel mob.

To give you an idea of what’s going on there, this confrontation between rioters and local law enforcement sums it up pretty well:

#BREAKING: Demonstrators clash with police officers in #Baltimore. Watch LIVE VIDEO:

Posted by ABC15 Arizona on Monday, April 27, 2015

The Baltimore Orioles game scheduled for this evening was postponed due to the unruly mob. The University of Maryland closed their Baltimore campus today because of local “activities.” Essentially, Baltimore is out of control.

Not to fear though, Al Sharpton is set to make an appearance.

CBS Local live feed here:

And of course your Twitter live feed as well:

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Tags: riots