Christina Hoff Sommers gets Trigger Warnings at Georgetown

New Post – Oberlin Radical Feminists Freak Out at Christina Hoff Sommers.


You may remember Christina Hoff Sommers of the American Enterprise Institute as the Factual Feminist.

We’ve linked her outstanding work at College Insurrection many times.

Ms. Sommers spoke at Georgetown on Thursday night and some students took it upon themselves to label the event with trigger warnings.

Here are some more tweets via Twitchy:

On a related note, Instapundit points to a message for “straight white men” from an attendee of an event for the Association of Writing and Writing Programs. No trigger warnings here:

MESSAGE TO STRAIGHT WHITE MEN: “SIT DOWN AND LET US ABOLISH YOU.” The left isn’t even trying to hide its eliminationist fantasies any more.

UPDATE 4-20-2015 — by WAJ — I just learned that former Cornell undgrad and Legal Insurrection writer/intern Laurel Conrad, who now works for the Clare Booth Luce Policy Foundation, was the organizer of the Sommers event!

The event Facebook page is here, and a follow up blog post by the Luce Foundation here.

Laurel provided me with an email the opponents of Sommers’ speech sent out before the event. It read, in part:

Tonight, Republicans are hosting an extremist anti-feminist speaker that dismisses and denies survivors of sexual assault and the real harm of rape culture. Current College Republicans leadership has not been willing to do simple things like add a trigger/ content warning, or clarify why they felt it was appropriate to bring this speaker into our community.

Featured image via Christina Hoff Sommers’ Twitter page.

Tags: Christina Hoff Sommers, College Insurrection, Feminism