Durbin pulls race card on Senate Republicans (#JVTA)

Rosa Parks. Loretta Lynch. To Senate Democrat Dick Durbin, they’re one in the same.

Durbin took to the floor of the Senate today to lash out against Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell over the delayed confirmation vote for Attorney General candidate Loretta Lynch. Republicans are blocking the vote until two more Democrats sign on to passage of the Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act; Democrats were scared off the bill earlier this month by accusations from liberal special interests that it expands “anti-choice” regulations under the Hyde Amendment.

So, Democrats balked, Republicans dug in their heels, and now Durbin is on the floor of the Senate invoking the shades of segregation. Vintage him:


Fact is, there is no substantive reason to stop this nomination. But the Republican majority leader announced over the weekend that he was going to hold this nomination…until the bill….passes, whenever that may be. And so, Loretta Lynch, the first African-American woman nominated to be Attorney General, is asked to sit in the back of the bus when it comes to the Senate calendar. That is unfair. It’s unjust. It’s beneath the decorum and dignity of the United States Senate. This woman deserves fairness. She seeks to lead the Department of Justice, and the United States senate should be just in its treatment of her nomination. To think that we would jeopardize her opportunity to serve this nation, and to make history, is fundamentally unfair.

He wants unfair? We can show him unfair. Earlier, House Republicans put together a nice infographic showing how unfair modern human slavery can be:

Human flesh is a billion dollar industry; cartels are importing and exporting people, and men, women, and children are being sexually assaulted in exchange for cash—and Lynch having to wait for her nomination vote is unfair.

Being in the minority may just make Democrats jump the shark when it comes to playing the race card, because this is getting ridiculous.

Meanwhile, Senate leadership is signaling that Lynch’s nomination isn’t the only one on hold:

You go ahead and keep rolling with that “unfairness” narrative, Dick. Those 20 million slaves can wait their turn, right?

Tags: Dick Durbin, US Senate