The next big anti-Israel food fight? GreenStar Coop (Ithaca)

As mentioned in a prior post, an upstate New York group calling itself Central NY Committee for Justice in Palestine just launched a campaign to convince GreenStar Food Coop in Ithaca to boycott Israeli products, Ithaca (NY) anti-Israel group starts food co-op boycott drive with Sabra Hummus blood libel.

GreenStar’s governing Council is neutral on the issue, but by its bylaws may have to let the issue go to a full membership vote next October, though the bylaws present several grounds on which the Council can reject the boycott and avoid a membership fight.

I appeared tonight on WRFI Ithaca Community Radio to talk about the GreenStar effort and BDS in general.

This whole fight is a shame. GreenStar is a good place, and doesn’t deserve to be used as a political pawn by local BDS activists.

At 6:40 on the audio you may hear the host, Aryeal Jackson, speaking on the phone in the background, somewhat disrupting my answer. Apparently Ariel Gold, the leader of the local BDS movement, called in the middle of my interview to complain.

The Cornell protest referenced in my talk is discussed in prior posts:

UPDATE 2-7-2015: It cost me more than the store brand, but it felt good to help defeat the BDS hate (original Tweet):

Tags: Ariel Gold, BDS, GreenStar Food Coop, Media Appearance