Bill Maher Rips Liberal Fear of Free Speech

Bill Maher has been on a free speech tear lately, and if you look back at the last few months it makes perfect sense.

In December of 2014 he was booked to speak at UC-Berkeley’s commencement; but liberal students who disagreed with his views on Islam and free speech tried to shut him down.

Of course, Professor Jacobson predicted all of this. Maher ultimately spoke at Berkeley—and used the opportunity to bash Republicans.

Even so, you have to admire Maher’s recent strong defense of free speech. Here’s a clip from his Friday show where he took liberals to task on political correctness over Islam.

He even takes a poke at the “Stop Rush” crowd. (NSFW for language)

Josh Feldman of Mediaite does a great job outlining the segment:

Maher Rips Liberals for ‘Extreme Bullying’ on Islam: You’re Part of the ProblemRemember when Berkeley students protested a commencement speech by Bill Maher because he said that Islam is the only religion that’s like the Mafia and will “fucking kill you” if you say or write the wrong thing? Well, considering the Charlie Hebdo shooting last week, Maher had something to say to those Berkeley students: how is it that I’m the problem?Maher took his usual jabs at conservatives like Bill Donohue coming out against total free speech, but it distressed him far more to see liberals taking such strong stands against free speech to the point of “extreme bullying.”He explained that liberals are perfectly fine using bullying when, for instance, they denounce his views as bigoted or call for Rush Limbaugh to go off the airwaves. Maher said that if you really want Limbaugh off the air, you’re not a true liberal, you’re just a “baby” who doesn’t like hearing different opinions.

Let’s hope Bill Maher keeps fighting the good fight for free speech.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Bill Maher, Charlie Hebdo, Free Speech, Glenn Greenwald