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Au revoir les juifs et La France

Au revoir les juifs et La France

Walking while Jewish is not possible in most of Europe.

Almost since the beginning of this website in the fall of 2008 I have been sounding the alarm about, and documenting, the rise of anti-Semitism masquerading as anti-Zionism in Europe.

It’s been a toxic marriage of anti-Jewish Islamists and anti-Israeli leftists, resulting not just in fatalities, but in the inability to be publicly Jewish.  Walking while Jewish is not possible in most of Europe.

It’s worst where the marriage of Islamism and Leftism is most complete, in cities like Malmö, Sweden, but the Malmö Syndrome has spread almost everywhere in Europe.

It’s what allows a BBC anchor today to berate a French woman complaining about threats to Jews in France after the murders at the kosher supermarket, with a harangue about Israel.

Remember the riots in Paris and elsewhere in Europe last summer in which gross anti-Semitism was on full display under the guise of anti-Zionism.

Jeffrey Goldberg in The Atlantic has a fascinating interview with French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls. When you read it, keep in mind that it too place before the recent killing at the Hyper Cacher kosher supermaket, French Prime Minister: If Jews Flee, the Republic Will Be a Failure:

… “The choice was made by the French Revolution in 1789 to recognize Jews as full citizens,” Valls told me. “To understand what the idea of the republic is about, you have to understand the central role played by the emancipation of the Jews. It is a founding principle.”

Valls, a Socialist who is the son of Spanish immigrants, describes the threat of a Jewish exodus from France this way: “If 100,000 French people of Spanish origin were to leave, I would never say that France is not France anymore. But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.”

… “Jews were sometimes marginalized in France, but this was not Spain or other countries—they were never expelled, and they play a role in the life of France that is central,” he said.

Valls, who on Saturday declared that France was now at war with radical Islam, has become a hero to his country’s besieged Jews for speaking bluntly about the threat of Islamist anti-Semitism, a subject often discussed in euphemistic terms by the country’s political and intellectual elite. His fight, as interior minister, to ban performances of the anti-Semitic comedian Dieudonne (the innovator of the inverted Nazi salute known as the quenelle) endeared him to the country’s Jewish leadership, and he is almost alone on the European left in calling anti-Zionism a form of anti-Semitism.

“There is a new anti-Semitism in France,” he told me. “We have the old anti-Semitism, and I’m obviously not downplaying it, that comes from the extreme right, but this new anti-Semitism comes from the difficult neighborhoods, from immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, who have turned anger about Gaza into something very dangerous. Israel and Palestine are just a pretext. There is something far more profound taking place now.”

In discussing the attacks on French synagogues and Jewish-owned businesses this summer, during the Gaza war, he said, “It is legitimate to criticize the politics of Israel. This criticism exists in Israel itself. But this is not what we are talking about in France. This is radical criticism of the very existence of Israel, which is anti-Semitic. There is an incontestable link between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism. Behind anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism.”

When I read it, I kept thinking of the movie, Au Revoir Les Enfants, about the fate of young Jewish students in Nazi occupied France:

(See Siskel & Ebert – Au revoir les enfants)

True, France of 2015 is not Vichy France. The hatred of Jews is not institutionalized, and the government is not shipping Jews off to gas chambers.

But Jews also can’t walk in public while Jewish in Paris, Copenhagen, Brussels, and just about anywhere else in Europe.  They have to hide their Jewish identities, like the Jewish students at the Catholic school in the film.

I was taken by the cheering reaction by the crowd at the Grand Synagogue in Paris today when Benjamin Netanyahu entered.

The Tablet Magazine pointed out the ending of Netanyahu’s speech, when the crowd broke into singing the French national anthem:

The reason that Jews can live normal lives as citizens of Western democracies today is not that human nature has markedly improved since 1945, or that another series of attacks by anti-Semitic fanatics is unthinkable. Sadly, that’s not true, as the events of the last week and the last year in Paris show. We are not afraid because we know, whether overtly or in a dark half-acknowledged corner of our minds, that there is one state in the world—however imperfect it is in some of its particulars—where we and our children will be welcome, and whose government will do its best to protect us, with all the force at its disposal.

….The fact that the State of Israel exists means that the Jewish people will never be radically alone. That’s why the people in the Grand Synagogue of Paris are cheering….

When Netanyahu finishes his speech, the crowd spontaneously starts singing their national anthem—which is, of course, the French national anthem.

The people in the Grand Synagogue are proud to be French, and they want the prime minister of Israel to see and understand their pride in their country, just as they want France to live up to the inspiring words of La Marseillaise.

What has changed for the Jewish people over the past 75 years isn’t that we have ceased to love the countries where we live. It is that we are no longer compelled to bet—with our lives—that our love will be requited.

Israel opening its arms to European Jews, and letting French Jews know they have a home waiting for them, isn’t a matter of Israel emptying out the Jewish populations of Europe and thereby achieving the Nazis’ dream, as suggested by Chemi Shalev of Haaretz, or an act of anti-Semitism itself as suggested by anti-Israel propagandists among the BDS movement.

It’s about choices:

“The sense of insecurity in the French Jewish community is very profound, and the primary motivating factor is obviously the rise of anti-Semitism in recent years, spurred by the Toulouse attack and the attack last year at the museum in Brussels, but also by a more prevalent lower-level sense that people can’t be openly Jewish in the streets of France,” said Avi Mayer, a spokesperson for the Jewish Agency.

The mood in France, coupled with a slowing economy, has created a tidal wave of interest in immigration to Israel, Mayer says….

At the same time, Mayer points out, the Jewish Agency has established a fund to help ramp up security at Jewish sites around France. The goal, he says – in comments echoed by Jewish Agency Chairman Natan Sharansky earlier Sunday – is not to empty France of its Jews and bring them all to Israel. It is to help the French Jewish community thrive, and also promote Israel as the homeland that is always waiting, should Jews choose to join it.

“This is a principled stance,” he says. “We believe that Jewish communal life should be strong all over the world, and people should come [to Israel] from a position of strength.”

There is a recognition of a reality that has been building for many years.  Maybe France can reverse its Goodbye to the Jews, before the Jews of France say Goodbye.

Au Revoir is a choice that Les Enfants did not have.  But they do now.


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For all the talk of “Islamophobia” and the fear of “backlash” against Muslims in the wake of terror attacks, has anyone ever noted a corresponding number of Muslims emigrating from Europe (or anywhere else, for that matter) to Muslim-majority countries?

It would be very interesting to learn the numbers of Arabs who flee Israel annually. Somehow, I doubt that boat-fulls of Israeli Arabs are washing up regularly on the beaches of Egypt.

    JusticeDelivered in reply to DDsModernLife. | January 12, 2015 at 11:11 am

    Loss of Jews would have a huge negative impact on France economically. Jews produce inventions and scientific discovery’s at a far greater rate per capita than one would expect from such a small group.

    Muslims are much like locusts and must be prevented from driving the world into a new dark age.

I usually try to inject humor in my comments on this site. There is no humor to be found here.

It is impossible to believe that all of this is happening again in a world that my father went off to war as a young man to keep this from ever happening again. It’s not often that I can find reason to be grateful that he is no longer alive but this is one time that I am.

    NavyMustang in reply to Anchovy. | January 12, 2015 at 6:04 am

    My father was the same. North Africa, Sicily, Italy. MonteCassino. He would be heartbroken at the Europe of today.

    It is mind boggling that we are coming full circle to the Europe of the 1930s.

      Anonamom in reply to NavyMustang. | January 12, 2015 at 10:28 am

      I apologize, NavyMustang. I accidentally hit the down thumb button on your comment. I did not mean to, and I agree with your comment.

        JusticeDelivered in reply to Anonamom. | January 13, 2015 at 5:58 am

        Many sites allow an up or down rating to be changed, perhaps this is a feature which the administrator can enable?

    Anonamom in reply to Anchovy. | January 12, 2015 at 10:26 am

    And it is tragic that a large number of our citizens from generations later than your own likely would not understand your comment.

I think it is cheering that anybody would open their arms to the Jews, and I also think our President should have been there, to do the same.

The left-wing is blaming European nationals for the consequences of their DRAT (Displaced, Replace, Abort, and Tax) policy. Apparently, they need a scapegoat in order to continue policies that marginalize Europeans. Jews are good, but native Europeans are better.

Stop aborting your children, morons. And stop consuming opiates from the liberal Church. They are not “free”.

Remember Dryfus. Read Zola.

Per Haaretz, Hollander asked Bibi to not attend.

The BBC clip is particularly disgusting in the use of Palestinian violence as justification for the killing of Jews. However this is the BBC which has to fall over itself in an effort to seem even handed in how to ctreatrs
creates the news.

Pity the woman didn’t throw back in his face that France voted to recognise a Palestinian state and even that act of support didn’t placate the terrorists who killed the 4 in the supermarket for the crime of being Jews.


    guyjones in reply to mailman. | January 12, 2015 at 8:25 am

    The interviewer’s comment is asinine, fallacious and obnoxious. The woman is expressing the completely valid concern that Jews are (rightly) afraid of violence and anti-Semitism in France, and he interjects with some hollow and infantile attempt at moral equivalence by stating that “Palestinians have suffered at Israeli hands,” or what-have-you. It was a heavy-handed and clumsy attempt to invalidate the fundamental legitimacy of the woman’s comment, and the obvious implication is that the woman’s complaint is less valid, because Palestinians are allegedly also “victims,” or something.

    I also notice his condescending remark at the end, “But, you understand that everyone has different perspectives,” or, words to that effect. The woman was far more tolerant of this imbecile’s antics than I would have been.

      Colorado Wellington in reply to guyjones. | January 12, 2015 at 9:35 pm

      Guy Jones: You are quite tolerant by calling Tim Wilcox an imbecile. The case is worse than stupidity:

      “And, a lot of these prominent Jewish … uh … uh … faces will be very much against the mansion tax …”

      Tim Wilcox discussing the “Jewish lobby” on BBC TV News, Nov 8, 2014

    JusticeDelivered in reply to mailman. | January 12, 2015 at 11:15 am

    BBC and Guardian are quick to censor anyone who dares to speak truth about these matters.

I heard something very worrying on the radio here in Israel, assuming I did not misunderstand the Hebrew. The French are not particularly interested in defending the Jews, “Je Suis Juif”. They are more interested in “Je Suis Charlie”, backing an vicious anti-Semitic piece of filth. Do you recall the original cover that caused the attack a couple fo years back? It showed a Molsem and a Chosid, the two sides of the school shooting awhile back, equating the murderer and the victim. As far as I am concerned, the magazine and the Islamists deserve each other.

(Two disclaimers – I do not recall if the magazine was produced before the shooting, and it is possible I may have misunderstood it.)

The information about whom the French are concerned about is from the deputy head of the Jewish Community of Toulouse.

    guyjones in reply to mzk. | January 12, 2015 at 11:36 am

    I believe that at least one or possibly two of the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists were Jewish. While I understand that you took offense at the image on the cover page, I think that an accusation of anti-Semitism aimed at the paper isn’t borne out by fact. My own perspective is that the contributors simply were irreverent, equal-opportunity offenders.

I really appreciate his remarks, but he should know the history of his own country. Jews were expelled from France – in practice, the Isle d’Paris five times in approximately 100 years, once by “Saint” Louis, one of the most venal villains in history. (I always thought it appropriate that the airport in S. Louis is named after the Nazi Charles Lindbergh – and, BTW, I love the city itself.)

The final blow, though was the burning of the Talmud in the streets of Paris. Remember, before printing, burning a book was not a symbolic act – rather it meant that the book was no longer obtainable. Jews – well, observant Jews – can survive without food, without clothing, without shelter – but not without books.

And so Western Jews are now called Ashkenazim – Germans – when once they were known as Tzorfatim (French).

pablo panadero | January 12, 2015 at 8:20 am

I would say that it is a fairly safe bet that the Jews in France voted overwhelmingly over the years for the Socialist party. Thus, they have supported the parties that have gladly taken their support and money while slowly eroding their ability to remain in France.

innocent bystander | January 12, 2015 at 8:26 am

“What has changed for the Jewish people over the past 75 years isn’t that we have ceased to love the countries where we live. It is that we are no longer compelled to bet—with our lives—that our love will be requited.”

Quoted for Truth.

It took less than a hundred years for the Revolution to erupt after the revocation of the Edict of Nance. I think it will take less time for a new one.

    Kepha H in reply to teapartydoc. | January 12, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    Teapartydoc: it’s the Edict of Nantes, not Nance.

    It’s also interesting to note that the Huguenots, wherever they went, ended up staunch patriots of the countries that took them in (Britain, America, the Protestant German states, the Netherlands).

    I’m sure that formerly French Jews will be a good addition to any country that takes them.

Congratulations, BBC. Your appeasement of radical Islam makes you useful to them and you shall be among the last they kill.

“This new anti-Semitism comes from the difficult neighborhoods, from immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa, who have turned anger about Gaza into something very dangerous. Israel and Palestine are just a pretext. There is something far more profound taking place now.”

Pretext, yes. Muslim hatred of Jews long predates the creation of the modern state of Israel. It goes back to Mohammed himself. Pogroms, with rape and murder and arson and desecration of holy places, are an ancient tradition in Islam.

Speaking for myself, Europe’s Jews are more than welcome here in America. Israel’s, too. I hate to say this, but Israel is a charnel house, just waiting for Iran to get the bomb. America is the Promised Land. Come home to America.

curmedgeonincharge | January 13, 2015 at 6:30 pm

“But if 100,000 Jews leave, France will no longer be France. The French Republic will be judged a failure.” I think we can go a step further and say that The French Republic will be CONFIRMED a failure.

That Haaretz is an execrable rag of a newspaper.