Man Shot Dead After Attempted Hit-and-Run on Cop

Hysteria among anti-cop protesters reached a fever pitch in Pennsylvania last night when a man tried to run down cops with his car and was ultimately shot dead.

FOX News reported:

Man tries to run over Pa. police, shot deadA man who had posted an online video threatening to kill police and FBI agents tried to use his car to run down officers seeking to arrest him on Tuesday so, fearing for their lives, they shot and killed him, authorities said.Police did not immediately identify the man, who was killed in Upper Darby, in suburban Philadelphia, as officers ordered him out of the car and he appeared ready to accelerate at them as they manned a blockade.Police Superintendent Michael Chitwood said the officers feared the man would kill them and they “did what they had to do.” He said five officers fired at the man and no officers were injured.

Kimberly Guilfoyle reported live:

To pretend this has nothing to do with the murder of two cops in New York is to deny reality.

Where does this madness end?

Featured image via FOX News video.

Tags: Fox News, NYPD Executions 2014