Poll: Wendy Davis has cratered

Wendy Davis’ bizarre and distasteful attacks on Greg Abbott are working like a charm. For Abbott.

Davis already was in a deep hole according to polls prior to the Wheelchair Attack ad.  Holding a rally with people in wheelchairs to defend the ad just compounded the problem.

That hole has become a crater, UT/TT Poll: Abbott Holds Commanding Lead Over Davis:

Republican Greg Abbott has a 16-point lead over Democrat Wendy Davis in the closing days of this year’s general election for governor, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.Abbott has the support of 54 percent of likely voters to Davis’ 38 percent. Libertarian Kathie Glass has the support of 6 percent, and the Green Party’s Brandon Parmer got 2 percent.“The drama of the outcome is not who wins, but what the margin will be,” said Jim Henson, co-director of the poll and head of the Texas Politics Project at the University of Texas at Austin. “Wendy Davis has not led in a single poll in this race.”Among men, Abbott holds a 61-32 lead in this survey. And he leads by 2 percentage points — 48 to 46 — among women.

Davis has managed to drive up Abbott’s negatives, but it doesn’t seem to help her:


The media made a mountain out of Wendy Davis’ molehill of accomplishments.  Now that mountain has cratered.

Tags: Greg Abbott, Wendy Davis