Jeanne Shaheen “out there working for the people of Vermont”
An obvious gaffe by Elizabeth Warren that no one on The View, including Warren, blinked an eye at.

Elizabeth Warren appeared on The View on Tuesday and gave ringing endorsement to Jeanne Shaheen for working so hard for the people of… Vermont.
From the Washington Free Beacon:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D., Mass.) gave an impassioned endorsement of senator Jeanne Shaheen (D., N.H.) on Tuesday’s The View.
The only problem was that she forgot which state Shaheen is from.
Warren touted Shaheen’s historical significance, but made a crucial slip-up when trying to sell her case to Whoopi Goldberg and Rosie O’Donnell (as if they needed convincing):
“The only woman in the history of the United States who has been both a governor and a Senator,” Warren said. “Independent, out there working for the people of Vermont.”
Unfortunately, Shaheen is running for re-election in New Hampshire.
Here’s the moment on video:
You can watch the extended version here. You’ll notice Warren doesn’t correct herself and neither does anyone else.
Aaron Blake of the Washington Post is seeing a pattern:
Oops! Elizabeth Warren mixes up Vermont and New Hampshire on “The View”
Bill Clinton and Michelle Obama called Bruce Braley Bruce “Bailey.” And then the first lady mucked up just how long Sen. Mark Udall (D-Colo.) has been a Coloradan.
Now another top Democratic surrogate, Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), has flubbed another basic fact about a top Democratic Senate candidate. Appearing on “The View” on Tuesday, she referred to Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) as a senator and former governor from neighboring Vermont.
A slip of the tongue, of course, and we’re guessing plenty of Americans mix up Vermont and New Hampshire, at least on the U.S. map. But Warren is from a state that borders both of those states, and the man she beat in 2012, former senator Scott Brown (R), is challenging Shaheen in the Granite State.
I suppose if Scott Brown wins next week, Shaheen could run for office in Vermont.
Featured image via YouTube.

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Geography is hard!
I think Goldberg is from VT … who knows why Lieawatha says what she says anyway.
OUR Indian Princess stumbles again! She needs to take off those hard souled shoes of the white man and put on a good pair of Moccasins – she won’t trip so often!
re: “The only problem was that she forgot which state Shaheen is from.”
Why not just say all blacks look alike, or all Asians look alike or all ‘Palefaces’ look alike…or all Ivy League elitist Democrats from New England look alike?
Liz Warren: “Don’t let anybody tell you that…I said this. There is a simple explanation: the GOP “rigged” my mind.”
Shaheen’s “historical significance?” Oh, please.
In her defense, to native Americans, all those Lilly white New England states are pretty much the same.
“The only woman in the history of the United States who has been both a governor and a Senator,” Warren said.
Lizzie seems to enjoy stating that certain women were the FIRST at something. Remember Lizzy was the FIRST to pass the bar while breastfeeding her child.
The kid would have been better off being suckled by wolves.
Maybe he would have at least learned to dance with them.
So ‘The View’ is still on, even after Baba Wawa crumbled to dust right on screen? Impressive.
Who knew there was such a market to hear the cackling prattle of dessicated old crones?
They’re on ‘Team Cult,’ and no amount of sense will move these pea-brains off their idiotic ideas.
The answer is to overwhelm them and marginalize them.