Watch: Hamas supporters lift Al Jazeera reporter in air in celebration

Tamer Al-Mishal was a reporter for Al Jazeera in Gaza during the recent conflict.

Among all the networks reporting from Gaza, Al Jazeera was considered vital to Hamas getting its message out.

Al-Mishal was granted special access to accompany Hamas fighters in tunnels to prove to the world that Hamas still had fighting capacity.

Al-Mishal’s coverage was so helpful to Hamas that after the ceasefire, crowds lifted him in the air shouting his name. (h/t Paul Hirschson)

The “About” note to the video reads (Google Translate):

Mahtflon [sic] in the field of the main hoist the Gaza-Jazeera correspondent Tamer Mishal Ali shoulders after the announcement of a cease-fire in recognition of his efforts and the efforts of Al-Jazeera coverage of the war in Gaza.

The media was so favorable to Hamas, and so compliant with Hamas’ demands, that had more reporters stuck around until late August, they too could have been part of the celebration.

Tags: Al Jazeera, Gaza, Hamas, Media Bias