Calgary pro-Palestinian protesters chant “Heil, Heil Hitler”

You can add this to the growing list of grossly anti-Semitic, pro-Nazi outbursts around the world, as we noted in Just more “pro-Palestinian” protests: Nazi salutes in Paris, “death to all Jews” in the Hague

In Calgary, pro-Palestinian protesters confronted pro-Israel protesters.

After some shouting back and forth, the pro-Palestinian protesters started chanting (at 0:40) “Heil, Heil Hitler.”

(h/t @EzraLevant)

More on the protest at Sun News.

This is part of an extensive pattern in which neo-Nazi symbolism, chants and other anti-Semitic slogans are used.

It’s not isolated, but pervasive. And it is something, we have noted, that anti-Israel activists have tried to blame on Zionism itself:

Yet the anti-Semitism reflects ages-old blood libels, actively being pushed by top Hamas leaders:

UPDATE: Apparently a local reporter refused to report what was shouted (h/t @jfgroves via Small Dead Amimals via BCBlue) and did not include it in her published report:

Also, the website EveryDayAntiSemitism is collecting a horrifying array of anti-Semitic signs, tweets and videos.

Tags: Antisemitism, Gaza