Scott Walker Opponent Runs Attack Ad Based on False ‘Criminal Scheme’ Story
And hits Walker on jobs despite low unemployment in the state.

Democrat Mary Burke, who’s running against Scott Walker for governor in Wisconsin this year, is apparently unaware that the John Doe scandal has been thoroughly debunked.
Why else would she run an ad like this? Maybe she doesn’t care about the truth.
Legal Insurrection reported on Thursday that Burke started running an advertisement using the John Doe accusations the very same day that prosecutors disavowed any claim that Walker was a target or engaged in criminal conduct.
Guy Benson writes at Hot Air last night:
That spot went live just days after Democrat Mary Burke (whose relationship with the truth has been…checkered) assured voters that the ‘John Doe’ investigation would not be a focus of her campaign. Better still, it debuted on the same day that the special prosecutor’s office issued a clarifying statement confirming that Walker is not, and never was, a target of their (suspended) investigation.
Burke goes out of her way to hit Walker on jobs but if the situation is so bad, how does she explain this June 25th report from the Green Bay Press-Gazette?
Unemployment drops in most of Wisconsin
Unemployment is down in most Wisconsin cities and counties in May.
The state Department of Workforce Development reported Wednesday that unemployment rates in May either decreased or remained the same in 23 of the state’s 32 largest cities. Unemployment rates dropped in 69 of 72 counties and remained unchanged in the other three.
Wisconsin’s monthly unemployment rate in May was 5.7 percent, the lowest it’s been since October 2008.
I guess no one told Mary Burke about that either.

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Mary Burke took a hit as far as the truth is concerned.
Lucky for her that her campaign doesn’t depend on the truth.
She’ll keep running these ads. The ads will work in Milwaukee and Madison; that’s where she needs to run a big margin to offset what Walker to do in the rural counties. The Milwaukee and Madison newspapers and TV stations will cooperate (they’re progressives too, you know) by refusing to publish and broadcast the truth.
By September Ms. Burke is hoping that the stain is indelible and the truth has been beaten to a bloody pulp. Might work too.