Anti-Israel Vassar student group focuses on race of crowd at my speech

William A. Jacobson Cornell Law School speaking at Vassar College

Not all minds were changed by my speech at Vassar. The speech and lengthy Q&A (see video below) took place after none of the 39 Vassar professors who signed a letter defending the academic boycott of Israel took up my challenge to debate any or all of them.

But that’s okay.

It’s a shame, though, that people who disagree with me have to focus on race.

Vassar SJP Tweets re Jacobson speech

(Original tweets here, here, here, here)

Their comment isn’t even accurate and is insulting to the diverse crowd in attendance. Certainly the crowd was mostly white, just like Vassar’s student body and faculty. But so what?

Dividing people by race and trying to drum up racial tension is a deliberate tactic of SJP at Vassar and elsewhere, as was reflected in the highly racialized taunting of two Vassar professors at a March 3 open forum on campus, as previously reported.

I guess I’m not really surprised.

Updates: The link to this bit of logic from Vassar SJP was sent to me by a reader. I, apparently, am a “a right wing mansplaining pundit.”


Also, a Professor at Ithaca College notes that SJP, at its Tumblr website, links and quotes an anti-Semitic White Nationalist website for arguments attacking supporters of Israel on the internet.




As I wrote when it turned out that the Overland Park KKK shooter linked to Max Blumenthal’s anti-Zionist conspiracy theories, this is a shared space.

Tags: BDS, race card, SJP, Vassar College