Anti-Israel Vassar student group focuses on race of crowd at my speech
“I have never seen so many older white people packed into a room”

Not all minds were changed by my speech at Vassar. The speech and lengthy Q&A (see video below) took place after none of the 39 Vassar professors who signed a letter defending the academic boycott of Israel took up my challenge to debate any or all of them.
But that’s okay.
It’s a shame, though, that people who disagree with me have to focus on race.
(Original tweets here, here, here, here)
Their comment isn’t even accurate and is insulting to the diverse crowd in attendance. Certainly the crowd was mostly white, just like Vassar’s student body and faculty. But so what?
Dividing people by race and trying to drum up racial tension is a deliberate tactic of SJP at Vassar and elsewhere, as was reflected in the highly racialized taunting of two Vassar professors at a March 3 open forum on campus, as previously reported.
I guess I’m not really surprised.
Updates: The link to this bit of logic from Vassar SJP was sent to me by a reader. I, apparently, am a “a right wing mansplaining pundit.”
The Case for Israel is Falling Apart – Recently, William Jacobson, a right wing mansplaining pundit,…
— SJP Vassar (@SJPVassar) May 7, 2014
Also, a Professor at Ithaca College notes that SJP, at its Tumblr website, links and quotes an anti-Semitic White Nationalist website for arguments attacking supporters of Israel on the internet.
@SJPVassar Occidental Quarterly is NOT leftist, it’s racist, white nationalist, etc. You claim not to be antisemitic, so why link to OQ?
— R. Lesses (@argaman) May 8, 2014
@argaman hey, you’re definitely right that QQ is a white nationalist publication, that doesnt mean everything they say is invalid though!
— SJP Vassar (@SJPVassar) May 8, 2014
.@SJPVassar If you want to be anti racist, why have anything to do with a WN pub.? They believe whites are superior to blacks.
— R. Lesses (@argaman) May 8, 2014
As I wrote when it turned out that the Overland Park KKK shooter linked to Max Blumenthal’s anti-Zionist conspiracy theories, this is a shared space.

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Ah, remember…
The FIRST knee-jerk thing (“jerk” being the operative term) these Collectivists so is count color, gender, and any other superficial divisor they can employ.
Except, of course, when they are the pressure group, such as at Rutgers WRT a commencement speaker. Then, a monochrome gathering of old fat men is peachy (pun intended).
I think the person thinks that those who are ok with status quo in Isreal are older whiter people. And those who seek change in Isreal/ Palestine are younger and more diverse. Which is what many people believe about America. Younger and diverse want change and older white conservative don’t wAnt health care and minimum wage and gay Mariah’s and welfare and rap music and facebok and twitter and e cigarets and everything else colorful and young. Idk I could be wrong
“Idk I could be wrong”
Yep. But why worry about that today?
Which older people “don’t want health care”? A lot of people — young, old, in-between — have had their affordable, functional insurance stolen by the hope-‘n-change crowd and are left with inferior and/or unaffordable options. Then there’s the $700+ billion that the hopey-changies siphoned out of Medicare. Was that because old folks “don’t want health care”?
Rap “music”? So you’re proud of aligning yourself with the most vulgar, ugly, violent, anti-musical excuse for music ever produced. Historians will someday wonder how human taste and sensibilities could have been so coarsened and degraded among people who imagine themselves to be “progressive.”
And they’ll still be listening to what I listen to and calling it great music.
Typo gay Mariah’s = gay mariage my mistake auto type
Selective exclusion. Why not normalize all dysfunctional and unproductive behaviors?
You want monolithic older people, Small Jihadist Pimp, wait until Springsteen tours again. Clarence was the diversity.
Why are conservatives so surprised that in a country that laws are made based on color than the citizens think based on color? Do you think that has anything to do with it?
The Progressive Era called. They want their Jim Crow back.
Progressive = REgressive
Progressives were the cause of the rise of organized crime in this country – because of the Prohibition Act. Now the Regressvies have outdone themselves with an even more reviled law – ObamaCare.
Black Americans created slavery???? You are a delusional joke who can’t refute the facts that conservative politics do not have a diverse appeal. Only a certain demographic
I’ll just leave that cluster of stupid hanging there, where all can see it.
I really think you watch way too much hannity dude. Hahahah you need to wake up its 2014 wake up and smell the coffee…
I don’t watch any Hannity. Dude.
But what a stupid thing for you to say. Dude.
Black Americans created slavery????
Interestingly enough, we know a great deal about the history of the Atlantic and African slave trades, and blacks in Africa – but not in America – were the start of it all. A small but persistent slave trade existed in central Africa before Europeans arrived. It was easy revenue for chiefs to sell some of their own villagers to any passersby who might be interested. Meanwhile, Europeans had reached the New World. The Spanish were looking for gold, partly because of the colossal debts accumulated after some six centuries of warfare with various Berber caliphates from North Africa. The French were interested mainly in trade, particularly for animal pelts which at the time were grossly overvalued in the European market. But the English were interested mainly in settling and farming. But some of the farm lands were in regions with tropical or sub-tropical climates, and tropical diseases caused high mortality rates among European farmers. The theory was that laborers native to tropical and subtropical climates would not be so susceptible to these contagions. Equatorial Africa seemed to be just the place, with a developed trade in laborers just waiting to be tapped.
The supply line was local chieftains in the interior selling villagers to their neighbors to the west, who would sell them to their neighbors, etc, until reaching the coast, where they would be sold to Portuguese or English slavers, with everybody along the way getting their markup. The English slavers would transport them to the plantations in the Carribbean, primarily Jamaica, or in the southern US (but not Florida or the Gulf coast, which were Spanish and closed to English trade).
There was some similar trade from East Africa, ending up with Arab traders, but the practice of selling one’s own villagers for profit was rare among the chiefs in East Africa, which is why physical features commonly seen in today’s populations native to Sudan, Ethiopia, Somaila, etc. are not seen in modern black populations elsewhere which are primarily descended from ex-slaves.
The Atlantic trade continued to the end of the nineteenth century, but by then the black laborers weren’t slaves, of course, but contract workers. The big market was construction crews for the Panama Canal, first attempted by France and then by the US. Yellow fever was the big killer there, even more than malaria. It was so severe that the usual source for hired labor in those days, China, wasn’t even tried, as everyone was sure that the Chinese would be stricken and killed almost immediately. They still thought black laborers would be able to hold up better, and hired large numbers, mainly from Jamaica. The pay was good and work opportunities in Jamaica were scarce, so there were plenty willing to give it a shot.
And what is one of the biggest stories in the news THIS WEEK? Boko Haram (a group of radical muslim blacks) in Nigeria (black country) has kidnapped 300 (black) girls and sold them (to other blacks) into slavery.
Don’t get me wrong… slavery in this country is a horrible stain on our history, but the “white guilt” thing is getting a tad old.
“A small but persistent slave trade existed in central Africa before Europeans arrived. It was easy revenue for chiefs to sell some of their own villagers to any passersby who might be interested.”
Those passersby were — and still are — Muslims.
The USA’s first overseas war was against the Barbary Pirates, who enslaved anyone and everyone they couldn’t get a ransom for.
It was blacks in Africa who sold slaves to the Westerners and that is why the vast majority of slaves were black. They are still at it according to the news from Nigeria.
Slavery was created hundreds of thousands of years ago and it’s origins are lost in history.
Can you read? Or do you just make stuff up? Point to where someone claimed that “black Americans” created slavery.
Thank you for articulating a question that has been pestering me each time I hear the denial of racism in America. This country was founded about 237 years ago. For the first 187 years, racism was legal. This didn’t change until the passing of the 1964 Civil Rights act only 50 years ago.
How can racism NOT be a part of American culture?
It is the Progressive Fascists like you and Tyrant Obama the Liar who want laws based on race. We are against all forms of racism including affirmative action.
Pretty sad i had to sit through that tragic affair
wow, you actually forced them to attend and handcuffed them once there?
well done Prof 🙂
Now that would be a cool video.
Especially with some computer graphic animation added for the action scenes, and to zing up the Professor’s tie a bit.
well done Prof, you were so good they had to go with a race and gender in order to criticize you. Bravo 🙂
All of those tweets are admissions of a tactical defeat.
I’ve never seen so many older white people … translates as Oops, looks like we’ve been trying to stampede the wrong crowd;
Academic freedom must come with a level of social responsibility means I sure wish the term “academic freedom” meant something more useful to us;
be sure to bring a fact checker certainly sounds like we definitely need somebody more mentally agile than me to do this; and
Really I expected more from the zionist lobby is a rewording of Jacobson is a poopy-head, and … SHUT UP!
The second one is particularly malignant. “Social responsibility” is the same thing as “social justice”, which is code for strict Party line. And “academic freedom”, or any other kind of freedom, is not what the Party is about.
Great Comments Tom Swift!
You can tell that racism is still endemic in the progressive fascists. They hate white people and don’t think they have the right to participate in society. Not much different the the Democratic party from the Jim Crow era.
That student is ageist and RACIST!
Typical evil O-bot.
“Dividing people by race and trying to drum up racial tension is a deliberate tactic of SJP at Vassar..”
You said it Prof!
A crowd of older white people is not diverse that does not represent America as a whole. I think that’s what the tweeter was trying to get at. but fact don’t matter in the neo con bubble only red meat rhetoric.
You poor moron. “Diversity” is not about superficial appearances, by how people think.
It’s embarrassing you have an idiot troll here, posting.
You are welcome to stay and learn, however.
I think you are an embarrassment to claim you know how people think. Oh and I think you shouldn’t be so insulting. I’m embarrassed by you and feel you have problems. You are self righteous and holy than though and this is why normal people free thinkers would never follow your divisive bitter angry politics.
I think you are an embarrassment to claim you know how people think.
And this, written by the twit who waltzes in and starts pontificating about what conservatives believe, even though it’s painfully obvious that he knows approximately as much about conservative beliefs as a goldfish knows about the New Jersey tax code.
Well, keep up the, ummm, good work, but maybe you should consider keeping it up someplace else.
But you would think like that with your head buried up in the end of your back like that…….lol
You thought of that “zinger” right after you hit Submit, didn’t you?
It sucked.
Shouldn’t this be enough to get this troll booted?
A crowd of older white people is not diverse
A bunch of “typical white persons”, eh?
Cuz we all know all white people are identical. And all older people are identical. So older white people are, like, totally identical, Dude.
Yes it’s America your race and background influences your thoughts. It’s America it was once illegal for a black person to read. In this same country oh but republicans think that never happened.
You’re overdoing the “stupid” act a bit; you need to retain some shred of plausibility.
The Republican party was formed specifically to oppose the pro-slavery policies of the Democrats. The actual issue of the day involved the question of whether the new territories in the West would be accepted by Congress as “slave” or “free” states. The Republicans insisted that they be “free” states; the Democrats disagreed.
Sadly, the same argument continues today, with the Democrats demanding their favored constituencies be allowed to live off the labor of others.
It’s America that I write this way. It’s America that makes me not get MY RACE OUT OF MY HEAD!!!! It’s America that the KKK was all about Southern Democrats. It’s America that the Black Caucus was praising racist Cuba and Castro
O BAMA617, you seriously need to take a history class if you do not know that Democrats were the proslavery, KKK, and Jim Crow party. There was a reason Martin Luther King was a Republican.
Democrats did not start being superficially problack until LBJ an. d if you read some of his quotes on it your hair will stand on end. Basically, all the Democrat hand outs were set up to tear apart the black families and make them dependent on the government. Conservative blacks are trying to fight back for their communities and the Progs are calling them every vile name in the book.
My suggestion is to read primary source material to learn and make up your own mind. The prog talking points and their pet media twist
Continued.. twist things around until it is very little truth left and tons of lies.
Right now you are just spouting canned talking points and taking the proglodytes word for it. The real racists in America these days are the progressive left but they keep deflecting by accusing others and their pet. news media lies through their teeth which is why I stopped watching tv news years ago.
As to who showed up to the talk…. It was obviously people who cared and had the time.
“It’s America it was once illegal for a black person to read.”
You’re right. It was illegal in some states to teach SLAVES to read and write. Free blacks were allowed to learn.
Free blacks were allowed to learn.
In the slave states, free blacks were allowed to own slaves, too. And some did.
One of the biggest slave breeders in South Carolina was a Black man and himself a former slave. I haven’t read that he sold his own mother but he did sell several of his daughters.
Watching the video, I couldn’t help but think Professor J looks like a throwback to a more respectable time in academia. Numbed by seeing so many strident, self-righteous, unprofessionally unprofessorial professors over the years, I’m shocked to find it shocking to see what should be viewed as an ideal archetype of the temperament and bearing of what should be expected of a professor.
In a nutshell, he’s sort of a walking, talking, one-man broken-windows theory of what it is to conduct oneself as a professor.
At the risk of being called an oxymoronic moron, I’d say his presentation screamed and shrieked of fairness and civility.
He went way, way, far out of his way to give his opponents a benefit of the doubt I feel is completely undeserved—hair pulling stuff—but I like to think that if I were a professor, I’d feel compelled to eschew the easy soap-box antics and do the same.
He won by challenging them, 39-1.
He won by being the visiting team, playing in their stadium.
He won, after their cowardly 39 separate, individual instances of boycott, by continuing on, and not stooping to mocking their cowardice (as I’d have been tempted to do, and should be done by others).
He won not only with logic and substance, but in style points, also.
As he said, referring to the ASA vote, what matters is who shows up.
He showed up. They didn’t. We hear so often these days of the supposed “adult in the room,” but we just saw an adult in the faculty lounge.
An adult in the faculty lounge. I’d sooner expect to see Sasquatch cruising down the Sunset Strip.
And if I may be allowed just one final football metaphor …
“The Drive,” as it’s known in Denver, led by John Elway, covered 95 long, brutal yards.
That’s some 200 miles less than the drive from Ithaca to Poughkeepsie.
Nuff said.
You know you’ve won the argument when the best rebuttal the opposition can manage is: hey, you’re mighty white!
Know what other group of people was largely white, SJP? The millions of Jews murdered in the Holocaust.
I would be mad at her after she quatered the play girl
Model and ran him out of Boston with his tail between his legs. Boston people love lizzy.
WAJ should have introduced himself as Cornell’s first Cherokee law professor.
Great one Henry!
Lizzie Borden, er I mean Warren will get you for that! LOL
I’m not given to playground taunts, but but but buck … buck … buck … (that’s a chicken)
Has SJP Vassar elaborated on the supposed ‘falsehoods’ that Professor Jacobson ‘spouted?’ Let’s hear them and discuss them.
Again I say this country was founded on laws being applies to certain races and it’s natural Americans think by race. It’s only right conservatism also does this and this is why they lose time and time again.
America inherited certain European practices and attitudes – specifically, the English slave trade and the Spanish approach to Indian relations – which have taken a while to root out. They’re now history. Conservative Americans don’t think by race. Progressive Americans do, because they find it useful.
150 yrs plus rooted out? My grandfathers father was put to death hanged because he learned to read and taught others. Be careful how you dismiss history because you were not effected my friend.
yeah we’re gonna take lessons from someone who doesn’t know how to write great grandfather.
you lie.
Right, ancient history. “Root out” means existed at one time, doesn’t exist now. That’s also called “progress” (not to be confused with “Progressive”).
We’re not dismissing history here; we think it’s a good idea to understand it.
Moron, there were free, educated black people in America all during our history.
Which I recognize is a total mystery to you. History, that is…
Now, go get some help. I have nothin’ but love for ya’. See if there’s a counselor on your ObamaDoggle plan.
And you also admitted that it was the law to think in terms of race. Naturally this way will continue conservatives deny this at their own political peril.
Laws don’t normally try to regulate thought. Some people would like to be able to do so, but all they can manage to regulate is communication. And thus was born “political correctness”.
D’oh! And the concept of “hate crimes”, of course.
I find it touching how concerned you are with the political peril of conservatives.
You really are a Grade-A idiot, aren’t you?
Today, are Republicans or Democrats more likely to support laws that discriminate on the basis of race?
The answer is the same as it ever was — Democrats want laws focused on race, even resorting to discussion of “blood quanta” that have their roots in the darkest Jim Crow swamps.
Apparently, Dr. Carson…and thousands like him…are not “black”.
And if there is a racist here, THAT would be our troll.
No, genius, this country’s legal system at it’s founding was English Common Law. Which was never based on race, because everyone was white.
You can not have a legal code based upon racial discrimination if there are no races to discriminate.
And in fact blacks were not permanently scarred by slavery. Blacks have been scarred by liberalism. Did you go to college? It doesn’t matter; the liberal education establishment does the same crypto-Marxist indoctrionation at lower levels now. And did they do a great job of indoctrinating you.
Yes, it is rooted in Marxism. The Marxists of the Frankfurt School learned that they couldn’t divide people by class in the US. But that race would do fine as a substitute. Instead of economic class determining how you think, your race does. The Whites substitute for the bourgeois oppressors, racial minorities substitute for the oppressed proletariat.
“Teaching for ‘social justice’ is a cruel hoax on disadvantaged kids.”
“…Thus Maxine Greene urged teachers not to mince words with children about the evils of the existing social order…”
You’ve been well and truly had, O BAMA617.
Conservatives will never admit that this country at one time carried laws outlawing the education of blacks. No no no libs did that.
Really, stupid…you need to troll somewhere else.
You have lowered the IQ here appreciably. And trolling is a pathology. Find some good counseling.
What’s stupid is your denial that there was once slavery laws in this country. Does that word hurt your feelings. Slaver slavery slaver in the free land. Let me tell you something descendants of slaves were forced to think in terms of race it could mean your life or your death. You play ignorance and make yourself look like uneducated Viagra swallower. Now I don’t want to be insulting but speaking to you about anything more complex than Legos will make you sad. Good luck.
Post the link to where I made any such statement.
Slavery does not hurt my feelings in the least, although I do hate it in all its forms. Wherever it is being practiced. Including Africa today.
Descendents of slaves are NOT “forced” to think in any manner whatsoever. They can elect to embrace any number of ideas. Just like me.
There is no race of people I can think of that has not had a slave experience in their history.
You are not special.
You really don’t have anything except contempt for other, your “natural” racism, and slavery, do you? Oh, that and misplaced self-righteousness.
I mean “Slaver slavery slaver in the free land.” LOL I can see you foaming at the mouth as you write this.
It amuses me.
Yes, there WERE laws enforcing slavery in this country.
Then Christian Republicans fought and died to end them.
Democrats created a terrorist group to create a political order not much different than the slave era, then spent a century protecting that terrorist group.
No no no libs did that.
Surely you are aware that abolition – the elimination of slavery in America – was a religious movement. There was nothing remotely “liberal” about it.
It was said here and argued here on LI website blog that black Americans have been disadvantaged by liberal politics and not by slavery Jim Crow and institutional racism. And I understand you don’t believe these things ever existed.
I’ve never seen a post at LI supporting slavery, Jim Crow, or institutional racism. Those are Democratic aberrations, and you won’t find many aberrant Democrats here.
But of course you don’t have any links to the offending items.
You’re like the Japanese WWII soldier who spent 40 years living in the jungle because nobody bothered to tell him the war was over. Here’s a newsflash: Slavery is over. 600,000 white Americans went to war and died in large part so black people could be free. Jim Crow laws were put in place by Democrats. They’ve been outlawed for half a century.
The Japanese soldier had an excuse for hiding in the jungle for 40 years. He sincerely did not know the facts had changed. He was living in an alternative reality.
You, on the other hand, know that the reality has changed but for some reason you want to pretend it has not. Yours is a psychiatric problem.
There were two of these eternal Japanese WWII soldiers.
My wife told me that for the last one, they had to find his commanding officer, who luckily was still alive, fly him from Japan over to the island, and have him give the soldier the order to surrender.
The war finally ended for him, he returned to Japan, and led a happy life for the years left of it. He put those lost years behind him.
But I think he’d be shocked at these true believers we still have today hiding in the weeds and thickets of academia.
Jim Crow was a Democrat policy. The problem you are having is that Progressives in the Democrat party have co-opted the term liberal when they are nothing of the sort and were not the historical abolitionists and free thinkers.
Basically you are sleeping with the enemy of your ancestors and current black people (but now it is hidden and more subtle) and don’t know it.
You really need to read what Marx had to say about Bourgeois education, O BAMA617, and then read books written by people like Bill Ayers. Who wrote Teaching for Social Justice: A Democracy and Education Reader. Or Eric Gutstein, who wrote Reading and Writing the World with Mathematics: Toward a Pedagogy for Social Justice.
You’ll finally discover whose mind you are using. I was going to write “whose mind you are thinking with” but that clearly wouldn’t be the right phrase.
The Difference Between O BAMA617 and LukeHandCool: A Metaphor for The Difference Between Left and Right on Race and Ethnicity.
I’m told, and believe, that no two snowflakes are alike.
O BAMA617 would say all snowflakes are exactly the same.
—by LukeHandCool (with a little help from Henry Gibson, who was an occasional customer of Luke’s many years ago. Nice fellow. A Laugh In giant, but an unassuming man in person)
The difference between o bama617 and lukehandcool is that I think slavery has permanent negative effect on black America he thinks it was a temporary bad think. What a joke it’s like Donald trump telling people what it’s like to be hungry.
Despite what you said, no one here has denied that slavery, Jim Crow laws or anything you else you spouted existed. Let’s drop that canard.
You have said that slavery has a permanent negative effect on black America. By your logic, then, the holocaust also has a permanent negative effect of Jews. In that case, weren’t those “old, white guys” a member of a disadvantaged and harmed class of people?
And how long is permanent? In 25 years, will black America still be negatively effected? In 100? In 500? At the end of the sun’s natural life?
“You have said that slavery has a permanent negative effect on black America. By your logic, then, the holocaust also has a permanent negative effect of Jews. In that case, weren’t those ‘old, white guys’ a member of a disadvantaged and harmed class of people?”
—Well, when speaking of people in America in 2014 who are obsessed with linking subcultural dysfunctions, low rates of success in areas, etc., to historical grievances, don’t overlook or dismiss the suicide bombings in German cities today by Jews, Slavs, Gypsies, etc.
And don’t turn a blind eye to the suicide bombings on buses in today’s Tokyo by historically aggrieved Chinese, Koreans, Singaporeans, Filipinos …
The widespread genocide and slave labor practiced by Japanese troops just a few decades ago is THE effect why all of Asia is a backwards, primitive, technological and economic third-world suckswamp today.
“And how long is permanent? In 25 years, will black America still be negatively effected? In 100? In 500? At the end of the sun’s natural life?”
Oh, God. I have two intensive advanced accounting classes I’m taking now (and should be studying for this very moment).
I remember one student in my geography grad program whose self-designed and approved program of study was “Marxist Geography.”
Please don’t give them any ideas about historical grievance accounting or bookkeeping.
I can just see that field coming. Huge, huge ledgers … where no balance of accounts is ever achieved … for years and years and years.
Remember, you heard it here first.
slavery has permanent negative effect on black America
It will have precisely the negative effects you want it to have.
That’s a trap you’ll have to escape from on your own.
Actually the joke is you claiming to know anything about slavery.
At least Donald Trump could go a few days without eating and feel hunger. What are the chances of you going off to Niger or Chad and doing some forced labor there? Not too good I’d bet.
Slavery will have a permanent effect on blacks because they embrace permanent victimhood.
The following article proves the truth of my words:
Luke would say rap music causes teenage pregnancy….
wow, you’re like a slightly retarded, petulant little child playing with his two favorite Super Hero dolls…. Straw Man and The Red Herring. POW!! SLAM!! WHAMO!!
No, idiots deciding to have sex before they’re mature enough causes teen pregnancy.
Rap just causes headaches and enriches thugs.
“The difference between o bama617 and lukehandcool is that I think slavery has permanent negative effect on black America he thinks it was a temporary bad think.”
Do you think past anti-Semitism has a permanent negative effect on American Jews?
Why are they arguably the most successful people in the world today?
Do you think relocation camps and anti-Japanese official and societal policies from the past still have a permanent negative effect on Japanese Americans?
Why their disproportionate success in academia and the professions?
I could go on and on.
What coincided with Daniel Patrick Moynihan’s warnings about the disintegration of the black family?
What was it?
Hint: It had nothing to do with slavery.
“Luke would say rap music causes teenage pregnancy….”
No he wouldn’t.
Just like Professor J said in the video, that he tries to be very careful with his choice of words, I, too, try to be very careful.
I would never say rap music causes teenage pregnancy. Wouldn’t say it in a million years.
I might say that vile rap lyrics contribute to a coarsening of our society which contributes, as many other coarsening factors do, to a weakening of many societal norms that would have heretofore acted to lessen the risk of risky, careless behavior.
See, dude, you gotta stop talking like inane bumper stickers.
“See, dude, you gotta stop talking like inane bumper stickers.”
BWAAHAAHAA!! Pretty much puts most of this thread in perspective, LukeHandCool…er…I mean, dude.
A lot of hysteria in the comments. Sad. Thank you, Prof., for talking.
“What a joke it’s like Donald trump telling people what it’s like to be hungry.”
Imagine that. Me, Donald Trump.
Oh, gosh, no. It isn’t to be.
I have much better hair.
I have about $200 in the bank until payday next week.
O BAMA617 …
You’re fired.
Re: O BAMA617 comments. All but one of the Vassar student protestors were “people of color.” I have not seen one comment ever on this site drawing a conclusion about race, or any overall considerations of “people of color” as O BAMA617 does about white people.
Is this what the whole thing is about … for the protestors and O BAMA617? Hating white people?
Because we know how to succeed and have let them in on the secret. And the secret is delayed gratification, hard work, and self-discipline.
A great solo presentation! Hopefully some of the no-show 39 will watch the video within the safety and comfort of their ‘irrefutable’ positions.
Professor, I heard you make the point, I think twice, of the dehumanization of Israel, of the discord itself. This inferred, I believe, that the BDS seeks to exclude the Jews at the state level and at a human level. And, that the underlying issue of dehumanization affected everyone and not just the Jewish people.
The facts you relayed help flesh out the reality of Israel’s own humanity, its common desire to thrive as a nation, its well-documented desire to work with its opposition and that, like other nations, it is not perfect. You put an honest non-hostile face on a thoughtful and graceful presentation.
Hannah Arendt made a point at one time about how people (the Nazis army specifically), when they choose to no longer be people because they stop thinking, can then commit heinous crimes against others. The “banality of evil” was the term she used to describe people who acted mindlessly against others, without even a second thought, from a life already emptied of its own humanity.
Why did the 39 Vassar professors cross the road?
replied and followed you 🙂
Backatcha, my friend.
By the way, how many pro-boycott Vassar professors does it take to screw up their courage to debate one man?
As for the SJP Vassar tweetists,
I’ve heard of poor winners.
I’ve heard of poor losers.
But poor forfeiters?
I know it sucks to be a loser. And I know it really sucks to be a real loser.
But SJP Vassar, it must really, really, really, really, really, suck to be you right now.
Check your back for post-its, suckers.
If the crowd was too white, wasn’t that the fault of all the people of color who failed to show up? Or was someone at the door denying them entry?
They were too busy cashing their welfare checks and yakking on their obastard phones to show up.
“I have never seen so many older white people packed into a room.”
Ummm … don’t let SJP Vassar see this, okay? That might constitute a micro aggression. I mean, it’s not an MSNBC staff meeting or an Elizabeth Warren campaign volunteers gathering, or a Snow White casting call … it might not be as perilously of pallor as all that pale-faced stuff, but it’s still a shocking display of so many older white people packed into a room:
Gag me with a spoon!!
“I have never seen so many older white people packed into a room”
Probably too young to have been invited to one of Clinton’s “Renaissance Weekends”. 90% White and 99% from the 1%. And some of the messiest people you will ever meet. Just as bad as OWS, except they actually paid good money to engage in a conspiracy.
“What could it all mean?”
I tweeted back that it meant either that @SJPVassar was blind or that he didn’t respect older white people very much.
If I wanted a view on anything ME i would ask every camel in the world before a Vassar student .
That includes Asian camels & circus camels .
What about tobacco camels?
They’ve been banned.
Even more so ,he looked very witty .
A poser …
We see here a very strange phenomenon, exemplified by these quotes from the same poster, all from this thread –
Naturally this way will continue conservatives deny this at their own political peril.
Conservatives will never admit that this country at one time carried laws outlawing the education of blacks.
What’s stupid is your denial that there was once slavery laws in this country.
And I understand you don’t believe these things ever existed.
Every one of these statements is not just dead wrong, but downright bizarre; and something I don’t think I’ve run into before.
Now as we all know, it’s perfectly routine for Democrats to impune their own rich crime history – support for slavery, rampant sexism, warmongering, corruption, voter fraud, and instutional racism – to their opponents.
And sometimes a more novel line is proposed, such as the howler that slavery was some kind of “conservative value” (I’ve only seen that one argued once, but it was too FUBARed to forget).
And I’m familiar with the “excrement” school of propaganda, in which one throws any old manure and hopes that something sticks. Primitive, but easy.
But this weird “denial” claim is beyond that – just totally wacky in every sense. New wackyness must have an origin, and I see no reason to suspect that O BAMA617 has the brains to synthesize it himself. So, where did it come from? Is it some new meme being pushed by DemocraticUnderground or DailyKOS or NPR or some such intellectual wasteland?
Hint: Our troll is not American and English is not its first language.
It both is and it isn’t bizarre. If you believe in that there are objective standards of truth then it’s bizarre. On the other hand if you’ve been indoctrinated to believe that there is no such thing but that the “truth” is whatever serves your agenda then it’s not.
For instance, O BAMA617 asserts that “slavery has permanent negative effect on black America.” This is classic leftist sophistry. People believe it now only because they’ve been taught to believe it. So it sounds plausible. But if you actually look at the evidence (which of course O BAMA617 would reject because it conflicts with his indoctrination) it’s completely untenable. Before someone came up with that theory, black Americans did not act as if they were permanently scarred by slavery because they didn’t believe they were.
Take academic achievement. Thomas Sowell has written extensively on the subject of how black students performed on par with white students from the 1890s through the mid-1950s in Washington DC and in NYC, even though the schools in Washington DC were officially segregated and and the schools in NYC were de facto segregated.
Neither the teachers nor the parents thought that black Americans had suffered permanent negative effects from slavery. They expected the students to work hard and behave themselves. Consequently the students did, and it never occurred to them that they had suffered permanent negative effects of slavery, something with which they had no personal experience.
What happened in the mid-50s? Of course desegregation and the rise of the civil rights movement. Which is of course a very very good thing. But it did lead to some very strange elements being introduced into education. Essentially the curriculum became politicized. And the students started failing. And as the liberal educators politicized the curriculum even more, the more the students failed. Naturally the educators couldn’t be the problem, the educators concluded. And certainly the black students weren’t the problem. Aha! They’re suffering the permanent negative effects of slavery! So that’s what they taught the students. Of course, to actually look at the evidence blows that explanation out of the water. That’s what Dr. Sowell found in the early ’70s when he first started looking at the issue. The people who came up with the theory that excused their own failures rejected his evidence out of hand. Because no evidence was necessary; wasn’t int self-evident?
And that explains people like O BAMA617, who actually believes it. I think, but I can’t be sure, that he’s saying we’re denying slavery and Jim Crow, etc., because we’re denying that these things caused “permanent negative effects.”
Odd that the “permanent negative effects of slavery” didn’t start showing up until the late ’50s/1960s though, isn’t it? Along with liberalism increasingly running amok in the classroom.
I find it interesting that SJP can say, “you’re definitely right that QQ is a white nationalist publication, that doesnt [sic] mean everything they say is invalid though!”, yet not give the same accommodation to Prof. Jacobson, who doesn’t bear any stain of hatred or discrimination.
why have anything to do with a WN pub.? They believe whites are superior to blacks.
Unlike fans of Perpetual Affirmative Action, who believe … what, exactly?