Legal Insurrection Fundraiser

This is our third semi-annual fundraiser.  Parts One and Two have some background as to how we operate and why fundraising is a critical part of our revenue stream. (If on homepage, click “more” for details on purposes of fundraiser.)


(This post will be “sticky” for a while)

One-time Donation:

Subscriptions: You can subscribe monthly (and cancel at any time) — use drop-down menu below to pick an amount.

Subscription Options
Option 1 : $5.00 USD – monthlyOption 2 : $10.00 USD – monthlyOption 3 : $25.00 USD – monthlyOption 4 : $50.00 USD – monthly


Our needs this year are greater than ever before.  I have gone out of pocket close to $20,000 with regard to fighting the BDS movement, including legal fees for filing the IRS challenge, hiring videographers and other assistance.  We have no institutional support, we rely on readers who share our goals.

The time I’ve devoted to the cause also has required that we expend more for help running the blog and authoring the content.  That revenue stress will increase even more so as I spend more time on the road visiting colleges and groups; I do that for student groups for free because it’s most important to me that they know they are not alone in this fight.

The more resources we have, the more research we can do, videos we can film, and groups we can help.

At the same time, I don’t want to neglect our traditional political and legal coverage, particularly in an election year.

Please consider a donation or subscription.  Subscriptions are particularly helpful. 

Also, consider using the links in the sidebar since a small portion of your purchase goes to Legal Insurrection at no extra cost to you.

You can donate using the PayPal links below, or (particularly for larger donations) you can mail a check payable to me as follows: William Jacobson, 524 College Ave, Ithaca, NY 14853.

(Featured Image: Ithaca College Hillel student leadership)

Tags: Legal Insurrection Fundraiser