Al Sharpton | George Zimmerman | Steven Pagones
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What do Steven Pagones, Kareem Brunner and George Zimmerman have in common?

What do Steven Pagones, Kareem Brunner and George Zimmerman have in common?

Al Sharpton aided and abetted by the media

Now that George Zimmerman has been acquitted in a court of law, it’s reasonable to review how the case progressed. Breitbart provided a useful timeline. Here’s the third item:

March 13, 2012 – NBC’s Al Sharpton Uses MSNBC Platform to Stoke Phony Racial Narrative

Joel Pollak, Breitbart editor, elaborated:

The next day, March 12, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network issued a statement in which Sharpton called for a “complete and thorough investigation” into Martin’s death. He added: “[W]e are told that racial language was used when the young man reported his suspicions to police,” a misleading claim later disproved by transcripts of the 911 call, in which race was first raised in a question by the dispatcher, not by Zimmerman himself.
On March 13, Sharpton devoted a portion of his program on MSNBC, PoliticsNation, to the Trayvon Martin case. He interviewed Martin family attorney Benjamin Crump, who reiterated the accusation that Zimmerman was “white”: “We think Trayvon Martin didn’t know who the heck this white man was who approached him before he got killed.”

Sharpton was one of those who shaped the narrative that the killing of Trayvon Martin was a hate crime that needed to be prosecuted.

As Bryan Preston observed:

Al Sharpton’s presence as a commentator is particularly galling. Sharpton operates as part shakedown artist, part con man, and part Hizballah-lite through his National Action Network. He was no bystander in the Martin case. He was among the first to turn the tragedy into a phony referendum on race relations. He is regularly among the first to deploy the terroristic slogan “No Justice, No Peace” when things aren’t going his way. Or when he believes a credible threat of violence is useful to him.

Al Sharpton regularly denounces America as a racist country. But only in “racist” America could Sharpton build a lucrative and influential career in national media on anti-Semitism, a horrendous hoax, lies, smears and a riot that resulted in the deaths of innocent people.

By now the Tawana Brawley case is known as a hoax. But the hoax wasn’t a victimless crime. In the course of pressing the fraudulent case forward, Sharpton and his allies defamed the Dutchess County (NY) prosecutor, Steven Pagones.

Pagones sued Brawley and her advisers, including Sharpton, and won $65,000 from Sharpton. Sharpton, having been found guilty of defamation, refused to pay and refused to apologize. Instead, well moneyed Sharpton supporters paid the settlement.

Mr. Pagones filed a $395 million defamation suit in October 1988 against Ms. Brawley and the three advisers. Ms. Brawley never responded, and in 1991 a judge ruled that Mr. Pagones had won his case against her by default. In 1998, after an eight-month trial, a jury found that Mr. Pagones had been defamed and awarded him damages: $185,000 from Mr. Mason, $95,000 from Mr. Maddox, $65,000 from Mr. Sharpton and $187,000 from Ms. Brawley.

In March, a group of Mr. Sharpton’s supporters agreed to pay the judgment for him. The group, which was led by Percy E. Sutton, the former Manhattan borough president, included the lawyer Johnnie L. Cochran Jr. and Earl Graves Jr., the president of Black Enterprise magazine.

The justice system failed Steven Pagones.

After the Tawana Brawley case and the Crown Height riots, the New York Times declared that there was a “new” Al Sharpton, featuring him as the cover story on Sunday magazine in January, 1993. A key section of this makeover reads:

Some of that change is earned, arising from basic political arithmetic. When he held his own in televised debates and held his temper on the campaign trail, some voters scoffed. But 166,665 others pulled the lever with his name beside it, giving him about 15 percent of the vote in the Democratic primary and landing him third in a field of four, ahead of Elizabeth Holtzman, perhaps forever changing the idea that this man with flowing hair and an endless avalanche of angry prose would never do more than pose for the cameras: part street preacher, part buffoon, persistent claimant to the heritage of black rage.

The primary battle silenced many detractors, whites and Republicans among them, who found “the Rev” more dignified — that was the word they used — than the seasoned politicians he faced. As Robert Abrams, the Attorney General, Geraldine A. Ferraro, the one-time Vice Presidential candidate and Elizabeth Holtzman, the City Comptroller, traded barbs, Sharpton followed the Rev. Jesse Jackson’s advice to “fly above the storm.”

Everyone took note. Gov. Mario M. Cuomo, after one particularly vicious debate, singled out Sharpton by favorable contrast, “Because he was positive, because he was mature.” The other three candidates, the Governor concluded, “all got hurt” in their debate. Reflecting on that change, Representative Maxine Waters of California, who herself successfully balances activism and mainstream politics, says she, too, was surprised by his transformation. “He obviously made a decision to show how smart he really is.”

But within three years, Sharpton’s true colors came through again.

He led increasingly violent protests against a Jewish owned business in Harlem, Freddie’s Fashion Mart. One of the protesters, Roland Smith, who had been seen at the demonstrations, entered the store, shot and wounded four people, and set fire to the store, killing four more before taking his own life.

Eight people in a Harlem clothing store were killed yesterday in a fierce blaze that police believe was deliberately set as part of bitter landlord-tenant dispute that led to angry protests in the neighborhood.

Among the dead was a man police suspect set fire to the store.

The fire consumed the building on Harlem’s main thoroughfare, 125th Street, shortly after a tall gunman, waving a revolver, burst into Freddie’s Fashion Mart across the street from the storied Apollo Theater.

Sharpton, of course, denied that the protests were violence. But an affidavit filed by Kareem Brunner, a security guard, who was killed by the fire, told a much different story.

On July 1, 1995, Brunner signed on as a security guard with Freddy’s clothing stores. He worked for a time at a Bronx branch and then was offered a few more hours a week if he transferred to the W. 125th St. store. He hoped the extra dollars would help him buy a car someday. Brunner always passed a workday with a smile, but even cheer so buoyant as his was tested when the picketing began. The language was violent and racist from the start, and after four days Brunner went to the 28th Precinct stationhouse. Brunner reported what he had heard and police returned with him to the store. An officer threatened to arrest the demonstrators if they became unruly. The moment the police were gone, the demonstrators resumed the threats. Brunner later reported that he was repeatedly called a “cracker lover” and a “traitor.” He saw one protester mime striking a match while shouting, “Burn, cracker, burn!

On Dec. 5, Brunner was summoned to the store telephone and put on the line with Randy Dusek, the store’s lawyer. Dusek asked if Brunner was willing to tell his story in the form of a sworn affidavit. Brunner agreed, though he knew the document was sure to come to the attention of the very demonstrators who were outside the store, threatening him. Dusek wrote up Brunner’s account, added some lawyerese and sent it up to the store. Brunner signed it in a hand as clear and deliberate as his life. That Thursday afternoon, Dusek filed the papers in the clerk’s office in Manhattan Supreme Court. The papers were processed overnight and one of Dusek’s associates was carrying them to a judge at the moment the gunman strode into Freddy’s. …

Brunner’s mother gave a hint as to the source of her son’s strength when the Rev. Al Sharpton offered money if the news cameras could be around when she got the check. The mother declined, saying she would rather her son’s body go unclaimed than be used as a political gimmick. Sharpton and others who came forward were told that if they wanted to give money, they should do so without fanfare, directly to the funeral parlor. Enough did, and the body was finally released.

Sharpton, who was, at least, indirectly responsible for Brunner’s death, sought to use Brunner to burnish his own image. The depths of Sharpton’s depravity know no bounds.

Needless to say the justice system failed Fred Hariri and Kareem Brunner, as well as the others killed and injured by Roland Smith.

Years later, there was yet another campaign to rehabilitate Sharpton’s image. This time it was in the form of an op-ed in the Washington Post, in the wake of the Tuscon shooting that severely injured Representative Gabby Giffords, calling for “passionate, not poisonous” debate.

The morning that I was to lead a peaceful march, I gave a speech during a weekly radio broadcast in which I said that we need to deal with a “white interloper” who was trying to alter the landscape of Harlem. My clear intent was to lead a peaceful protest. I did so that day, but I was wrong to refer to this man’s race, and I was not careful in making distinctly clear that we were solely calling for nonviolent opposition.

Two and half months later, a disturbed and troubled man went to a neighboring store and set a fire. He killed several of the store’s employees and then himself. My words were immediately raised in the media. My initial response was to defend the fact that I had never condoned such violence, and never would. But the fact is, if I in any way contributed to the climate – which was clearly more volatile than I had thought – I had to be more careful and deliberate in my public language rather than sharpen my defenses.

As we sort out what happened in Tucson, we must resist the temptation to merely cast blame, and we all must be more aware of the weakness of the idea that we do not somehow contribute to the vitriolic atmosphere. Everyone must be alert. Much as I went over the line years ago, those with public voices must ensure that their messages cannot be misconstrued as calling for a heinous act. Every morning, I think about how wounds are very real – psychologically and physically.

(A few days later, Sharpton was feted on Meet the Press. Not one panelist – not host, David Gregory, not panelists such as David Brooks and Peggy Noonan – had the courage to challenge Sharpton’s shameful record of spreading poisonous and passionate libels.)

It’s as if he’d only said “interloper” all would have been well. But given the context of his role, everyone listening would have understood that he meant “white interloper.” But if you think it was just one word that Sharpton misspoke, read more of his comments that were recorded and transcribed in the New York Times.

There is a suspended and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. It started with the vendors. Now they are going to the actual merchants. . . .

I want to make it clear to the radio audience and to you here that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business on 125th Street.

Nowhere in his words was a plea for non-violence. His words were ugly, inflammatory and deliberately provocative. Even Sharpton’s recollection of the events is dishonest. It wasn’t Freddie’s that moved to push Record Shack out, but the black church from whom both stores rented. (I did write to the Washington Post challenging Sharpton’s honesty. No action was taken and I received no response to my concerns.)

Now two and half years later, Sharpton fanned the flames of hatred and outrage leading to a case “which never should have been brought.” Yes Zimmerman is a free man now. But he is also a marked man.

The legal system failed George Zimmerman (and Sanford’s ex-police chief Bill Lee.)

Shouts of “No justice, no peace” are poisonous and imply that violence is the proper response for whatever the shouters deem is an injustice.

Sharpton would not have the power he has, if it was not granted to him by the media and political elite. He amassed all of 27 delegates in the 2004 Presidential primaries. That’s less than 2% of what was needed for the nomination. It’s likely that he ran only to avail himself of federal matching funds, which, in any case, he misused to fund his lavish lifestyle. The suits at MSNBC and David Gregory may think that he is especially profound and insightful, but he is an unchanged, unapologetic, conscienceless demagogue, interested only in boosting his own visibility and earnings, unconcerned with the victims of tirades. Indulging him, is being an accomplice to his hate-mongering. Alas, President Obama has validated Sharpton’s tactics by making him his liaison to the black community.

A few asides to mention:

In this recounting, I made little reference to Sharpton’s role in Crown Heights. He did not get involved until after the killing of Yankel Rosenbaum so that blood isn’t on his hands. Still he encouraged the rioting against the neighborhood’s Jewish community and stooped to using the ugly “diamond merchants” stereotype of Jews at Gavin Cato’s funeral.

In the course of researching this post, I learned that Pagones recently tracked down Tawana Brawley and attempted to get her to pay the $430,000 she owes him. (She was assessed $190,000 in damages resulting from the defamation suit; the rest is interest.) The account here seems to make a mistake. Harry Crist committed suicide before being falsely identified as Brawley’s attacker. When Pagones attempted to clear Crist’s name he was then slandered by Shaprton and company.

Yesterday, on Meet the Press, Rich Lowry efficiently dismantled Sharpton’s arguments. Sharpton, by the way, looks and sounds terrible. With his weight loss he no longer projects the pomposity he used to and now just looks old and malnourished. White, Hispanic ex-Gov. Bill Richardson, unfortunately followed with a long, turgid speech about the racial injustice inherent in the verdict.

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The saddest part of this, is that mr. Sharpton still finds idiots willing to listen to him, and willing to follow him in his deceptions.

Uncle Samuel | July 15, 2013 at 5:15 pm

Who is going to pay to clean up after the tantrums of these ne’er do well destroyers?

Who is going to pay for the burned cars, smashed windows, poop and trash on the street?

They should be jailed, stripped of their jewelry, electronics, wages and welfare checks garnished, forced to clean, wash and repay every bit of the damage they do…then 1 year of community service.

    Uncle Samuel in reply to Uncle Samuel. | July 15, 2013 at 5:41 pm

    The Mayors of these ‘chosen’ cities should gather their councils, pass laws about protests/gatherings, how, where, how long, noise, litter rules, etc., who is responsible for clean-up and damages (Rev. Al and participants) when and to whom damages will be paid, consequences for not paying.

    What will happen to those who violate those laws, cause damage. Then send notices to Rev. Al, have him sign and return or tell him to forget about it. Post rules online.

    Have National Guard and police in riot gear with tear gas, mace and tasers on hand to herd the protesters.

    (Uncle Samuel is very much of the Sheriff Joe Aripaio ‘Law and Order or else’ persuasion.)

    Not A Member of Any Organized Political in reply to Uncle Samuel. | July 15, 2013 at 5:58 pm

    Uncle Samuel, I noticed the professor used the correct, KEY word in his post below this….

    “scheduled”…..all those ::::cough cough:::::: protests are
    “scheduled” as in FAKE and PAID FOR!

    They are not spontaneous!

    But rather they are Hitler Brown-Shirt programmed, bought and paid-for (remember payment doesn’t have to be in money, but can be in psychological income or free goodies…etc.).

    Why does the FED-Media Complex Axis of Evil hate Hispanics??????

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to Uncle Samuel. | July 15, 2013 at 7:39 pm

    As always, we are. But we shouldn’t. As long as they keep it in their own neighborhood, like almost the entire city of Oakland, leave it.

Al Sharpton is the “Don King” of race relations.

    tsewr in reply to MrE. | July 15, 2013 at 6:55 pm

    Hey Hey at least Don King can pick a winner now and again. Sharpie picks losers every time.

Great chronicle.

And to think Sharpton could be a dim POTUS nominee. I mean, why not? They got the POS in.

Anyway, a little OT but here’s another interesting Sharpie connection, from a HA poster:

You might want to add Ronald Fulton to your probe.

“Trayvon Martin’s uncle/step-uncle Ronald Fulton was Executive Director on the Community Relations Board of Miami-Dade County.

That’s why this all got ginned up. What’s the chain of command or relationship between the Community Relations Board of Miami-Dade Coumty and the Community Relations Board of the Department of Justice?

That’s the crux of this story and why it was easy to get the attention of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Erik Holder, the National Media, and finally, the President. You can decide the order between Holder/President and NBC.”

    JackRussellTerrierist in reply to wyntre. | July 15, 2013 at 7:42 pm

    Actually, the whole thing was a joint effort by the totality of the black power structure, up to and including Boss obastard.

What was interesting about the Mr. Pagones payment was that for the years prior to Mr. Sharpton’s friends coming in to pay the judgement, Mr Shaprton lived on “no income” through the use of various corporate entities who paid Mr. Sharpton’s way.

All looks and sounds pretty bad.. I wonder what caused the dramatic weight loss and wasting away appearance?

Al looks and sounds pretty bad.. I wonder what caused the dramatic weight loss and wasting away appearance?

Thank you for mentioning Steve Pagones. It is sickening how Obama pandered to this charlatan. I don’t understand why he works on MSNBC.

Pagones now has his own investigative firm.

txantimedia | July 15, 2013 at 5:48 pm

Sharpton is a charlatan. A modern day seller of potions and elixirs that solves nothing and defrauds people in the process. He’s an unrepentant ne’er-do-well scavenging the bones of other people’s miseries to enrich himself at our expense, a human wrecking ball, destroying everything in his path and never looking back to see the damage that he causes.

‘Shouts of “No justice, no peace” are poisonous and imply that violence is the proper response for whatever the shouters deem is an injustice.’

Thank you for making that comment Prof. Jacobson. Early in your coverage of this case I made a similar comment and was roundly rebuffed. I couldn’t (and don’t) understand the logic in not seeing the NJNP chant as anything but incitement.

goddessoftheclassroom | July 15, 2013 at 5:56 pm

Most of my students are fantastic people and hard-working. Some have no motivation or worth ethic. The really annoying thing is when one of the slackers turns around and accuses me or any other teacher trying to light a fire under his (it’s usually a guy) rear end, he says, “You’re just racist.” I once replied, “No, I’m an attitudinist. I don’t like your attitude.”

    Juba Doobai! in reply to goddessoftheclassroom. | July 15, 2013 at 8:17 pm

    They hated me. A bit of an accent. Precise pronunciation. Questions, always questions to force them to think. They would have none of it. Instead, they said they hated me because I made them aware of how much they didn’t know. The answer to and cure for that, RTFB, was one they disdained. I decided that my health was of more interest to me than their education, so I left them to wallow in their ignorance.

Is the Rev being consumed by the cancer he is?

Even worse than Sharpton’s role in the Tawana Brawley fiasco was his pivotal role in inciting a crowd to violence in Harlem in 1995, causing multiple homicides. Sharpton launched a protest because a Jewish subtenant who operated Freddie’s Fashion Mart had raised the rent on his black subtenant (after the black landlord had raised the rent on the lessee operating the fashion mart). Thanks to Sharpton’s rank incitement, a black protestor shot up the store and set it on fire, killing eleven people.

That Sharpton — instead of being shunned as the despicable race hustler that he is, with the blood of innocents on his hands — has managed to rehabilitate his image to the extent that he has a cable TV show, is treated as a legitimate black leader and is welcomed with open arms at the White House is a testament to the Left’s brazen absence of moral standards in choosing its standard bearers.

William, with regard to the Crown Heights riots, although you stated Sharpton got involved later, it was his inflammatory language at the funeral of the child that did in fact cause the riots.

Yankel Rosenblaum was an Australian citizen who was knifed to death during those riots.

    David Gerstman in reply to Aussie. | July 15, 2013 at 7:37 pm

    Aussie, it wasn’t Prof Jacobson who wrote the post it was me. Gavin Cato’s funeral as after Yankel Rosenbaum was killed. Sharpton wasn’t in Crown Heights (I forget where he was) until the third day of the riots. Herbert Daughtry was leading the charge before Sharpton arrived.

      Juba Doobai! in reply to David Gerstman. | July 15, 2013 at 8:23 pm

      Daughtry, Sharpton, same thing. Despicable men using the title Reverend and fostering hatred. David Dinkins did nothing while Crown Heights burned. Nothing. Perhaps he’d been told to wait for Sharpton. He said he didn’t know what was going on in CH. Sharpton, Daughtry, Dinkins, lowest of the low.

By the way, how many recognized the name of Percy Sutton. If you did, I hope you said BINGO.

It was Percy Sutton who helped Barry Soetoro get the funds to attend Harvard.

I wonder what else is hidden about the time Barry Soetoro spent in NYC. Did Barry participate in the Crown Heights riots? Did Barry Soetoro participate in the demonstrations at Freddies?

Let’s talk about what really went down. Sharpton, Crump, the Martins knew nothing about George Zimmerman but his name.

To be sure the anti-semitic Sharpton thought he had a white Jew he could crucify. When it was discovered that Zimmerman was not this white Jew it became a little more complicated and this “white Hispanic” or “self-identified Hispanic” terms were created.

The only racism in any of this comes from the Trayvon race-baiters, hustlers and from Trayvon’s own words.

Uncle Samuel | July 15, 2013 at 7:18 pm

Larry Elder has been putting out a stream of anti-Sharpton tweets that are hilarious:

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 5h – With the Zimmerman sideshow over, maybe we address the 50% urban drop-out rate, and that 75% of black kids are born w/o Dads in the house?

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 2h – With OJ, the state had mountain of evidence. Zealots called him innocent. In Zimmerman, the state had nothing. Zealots called him guilty.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 2h – Before his assassination, MLK was stabbed, nearly fatally, by black woman. And MLK’s mom was killed by black man.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 7h – So now what @TheRevAl? After Duke-LaCrosse, Crown Heights, Freddie’s, Tawana, what will you whip out next?

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 45m – Hey @Brithume, somebody tell Al Sharpton’s the bank’s on the line. His race card has expired.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 1h – Hey @TheRevAl , the bank’s on the line. They say your race card is overdrawn.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 15h – Better deal with Zimmerman verdict now. Had GZ been convicted, it would have been reversed on appeal. Judge should have allowed TM’s past.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 17h – The true racist history of the Democratic party:

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 14 Jul – NYC is 40% white, 20% hispanic, 20% black. Yet, 96% of the murders are committed by blacks & Latinos–mostly against other blacks & Latinos.

Larry Elder ‏@larryelder 14 Jul – Remember, the FBI video tape of @TheRevAl speaking to an undercover agent– about dealing kilos of cocaine? No?

What started the Freddy’s Fashion Mart protests and ending in mass murder was a rent hike and dispute. The United House of Prayer, a large African-American church owned the building where Freddy’s Fashion Mart a Jewish owned clothing store was located for 40 years in Harlem. Freddy’s sub-rented a small space to a black-owned record store. When the church raised Freddy’s rent he in turn raised the record’s store rent.
The record store owner claims Freddy’s is trying to close him down, enter Sharpton who uses the dispute to incite racial hatred saying “We will not stand by,” he warns, “and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Then Sharpton’s National Action Network sets up picket lines where customers are spat on, threatened, called “Uncle Toms” and “traitors”. Some protesters are heard to have said “Burn down the Jew store”. On Dec. 8, one of the protesters bursts into Freddy’s, shoots four employees point-blank, then sets the store on fire. Seven employees die in the inferno, most are black or hispanic.
This man who has other riots on his resume is now employed by NBC with his own TV show. He is comparable to a member of the KKK back in the 1950’s except NBC rewards him with a national TV show.

    BannedbytheGuardian in reply to styro1. | July 16, 2013 at 6:00 am

    Thanks . This I did not know.

    I once thought to look his background up .Iirc he was a child preacher & never actually ordained.

[…] Some have referred to Sharpton as a race merchant. It’s apt. He traffics in racial resentment.  The Legal Insurrection blog has a good rundown of Sharpton’s shameful history. […]