Is Joe Biden setting up health (or insanity) defense to renomination?

Joe Biden’s behavior is becoming more and more questionable.  Hardly a day passes in which Biden doesn’t say something really strange.

The put “y’all back in chains” comment, saying he was in North Carolina when he actually was in Virginia, and forgetting which century we are in, are just the latest.

While Obama is standing by Biden, the rumor mill has been working for months about Obama ditching Biden for Hillary, and it is growing.  Anne wrote about Hillary’s “brand renovation” in June, asking “where is she heading?”

Some even are saying Sarah Palin’s recommendation that Obama swap out his VP was a move to cut off that line of retreat.

Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney says the President’s lunch with Biden and Hillary is “routine.”  They officially have until September 6, when the nominating process occurs at the Democratic National Convention, to make the decision.

Just this week, Biden opened a speech referencing his prior aneurysms.

One has to wonder, if it’s either the history of aneurysms or the equivalent of an insanity plea, is Biden setting up a health defense to renomination — bowing out for the good of the party while not admitting he knowingly did anything wrong.

I think it is highly unlikely, but is Biden dropping out something we should not wish for too hard because we may get it?

I think so.  I say let Joe be Joe.