Zimmerman’s father and on-scene EMT testify at bond hearing

George Zimmerman’s father and the EMT who treated Zimmerman at the scene the night he shot Trayvon Martin testified today at his second bond hearing.

Via ABC News:

During the hearing, Zimmerman’s lawyer Mark O’Mara played a tape of a 911 call in which a woman tells police that someone is yelling and she thinks they are calling for help. In the background of the call can be heard frantic screams for help, at least 14 calls for help in a 40 second period.The howls stop and the woman tells the 911 dispatcher that she just heard a shot.Robert Zimmerman listened to the tape with the rest of the courtroom and was then asked if he could identify the voice calling for help.”It was definitely George’s,” the father said.

The EMT also testified, the video of which can be viewed here.

Earlier in the hearing, a member of a Sanford, Fla., ambulance crew told a court that Zimmerman’s head, including his moustache and beard, were covered in blood after the shooting of Martin.EMT Kevin O’Rourke testified during Zimmerman’s bond hearing this morning that “45 percent” of Zimmerman’s head had blood on it and that the lacerations on Zimmerman’s head “would probably need stitches.”

As noted in prior posts, a major problem with this case has been a sheer lack of hard evidence, at least with respect to what has been released to the public. To add to this problem, the evidence that has been released hasn’t always been reliable.

First, there was the release of the 911 call by NBC that sparked an internal investigation into whether it had been selectively edited.

Then, a security tape was released from the police station the night of the incident, which was unaccompanied by any paramedic records, but appeared to show Zimmerman had no injuries to his head. This appearance prompted a Martin family attorney to hastily declare they now had “the icing on the cake.” It was later shown that the video was poor quality, and Zimmerman was in fact injured.

Today’s testimony by the EMT, coupled with paramedic records released along with the enhanced video of Zimmerman entering the police station lend weight to Zimmerman’s version of the story.

However, with the current evidence on hand and available to the public, a definitive picture of what happened that night remains unknown.

Tags: Trayvon Martin