Well, this is interesting.
The University of Virginia is defending its former (and soon to be again?) President Teresa Sullivan against allegations by a former Rutgers law professor revealed in a Breitbart.com series by Michael Patrick Leahy, concerning a book co-authored with Elizabeth Warren. Background on the allegations is here, and on the alleged “whitewash” investigation here.
Now U.Va is hitting back, as reported in a new post by Leahy, Exonerated? Warren Academic Battle Continues:
Carol Wood, University of Virginia Associate Vice President and University Spokesperson, claimed yesterday in an interview with the Washington Post that the 1991 University of Texas whitewash report into allegations of scientific misconduct made against UVA President Teresa A. Sullivan and Massachusetts Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren exonerated them….
Leahy has followed up with U.Va disputing the claims of exoneration. I’m sure he’ll have more to come.
Update: Teresa Sullivan was just reinstated as President of U.Va.

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Contrary to a popular trope, there IS such a thing as bad publicity. (When you’re trying to make a story go away is an excellent example.)
Keep-a stirring that pot! Heh.
The latest PPP poll has the candidates tied which is down from their last poll showing Warren with a 5 pt lead. Also interesting, Brown’s favorables are increasing while Warren’s are falling. Still PPP finds a way to spin this is as the one Senate race where voters just can’t choose between two candidates they really really like.
If PPP keeps spinning this way, they’ll have to be unscrewed from the ground come November 7.
You still planning on being in Spring at the end of July?
Yes I am. I’m flying into Bush on the 27th and will have a rental car. How shall we exchange info?
There’s a pub in the Woodlands Mall that still (last time I was there) had a smoking section (I’m a cigar guy).
Name a date and time.
Saturday afternoon okay by you? I’m leaving on Monday afternoon, so it’s a real short trip, but I love a good cigar!
My extremely packed social calendar shows Sat. afternoon or evening is open. Say when.
Saturday at 2 at the Cigar Place in Woodlands. I went to their Facebook page and it looks like a nice place.
My brother’s not too far- 15 minute drive from Goodfellow Dr.
‘K. I’ll be there.
Are you talking about the place on Sawdust?
I googled and found the place called “Rio 24” in Woodlands. Is that the place you’re thinking about?
Persie – if you get lost or late here’s where to find Rags on a saturday arvo.
1- The Woodlands Aquatic Center. Here Rags trains with USA’s best divers perfecting his twists & reverse somis.
1-HULDA -Houston Urban Line Dancing Association. TAs the 1987 Texas runner up Rags is a legend.
Cheers & glad to help.
At least it’s not synchronized swimming!
Rio 24, right?
The devastating review conducted by Rutgers Law Professor Philip Shuchman reveals Warren is a scientific hack, employing every trick in the book used by charlatans to manipulate data in search of a preset conclusion, but this isn’t news, nor even uncommon in studies and research work that has any potential political use. Worse, Warren’s ‘work’ is too targeted to be the result of ignorance or ineptitude and she and her co-author would have had to sit down and purposefully planned and executed considerable horrors of data misrepresentation and manipulation toward the targeted, politically motivated conclusions. So yeah, she’s a hack. But this is of the ‘dog bites man’ sort of news, a common practice in the softer sciences like economics. I’m pretty sure these revelations will cause MA voters’ eyes to glaze over, if they hear of it at all. Too complicated! Do you have anything in a seven second sound bite?
If Warren would knowingly manufacture unevidenced conclusions, and falsify her ethnic heritage for personal gain, what dishonesties would be off limits to her as a US Senator?
I see that the accreditation agency, SACS, has sent a letter to UVa on whether the Board of Visitors actions may have violated the accreditation standards.
In both higher ed and K-12, the regional accreditors are the real power brokers in education. To a degree hardly anyone seems to appreciate. In higher ed the leverage is continued participation in the federal student loan program. There is a global movement to radically remake higher education into a learner outcomes, non-teacher based, change the values, attitudes, and beliefs of the students until it is their filtering worldview, approach. It is called the Bologna Process and has been very controversial in Europe, South Africa, and Europe where it is already in place.
The Obama Administration has quietly begun pushing the Bologna Process in US higher education.
Here’s a post I wrote explaining the problem with the accreditors and their actual loyalty to the UNESCO vision.
In the US the higher education transformation is being led by the Lumina Foundation. If you hear of a restructuring in your state, notice how there will always be a representative of Lumina there and the administrators want that fact known.
Like they get bonus points from the accreditors for following Lumina’s mandates.
Robin I agree . Balogna ought be banned.
You are way ahead of me on the Lumina. I am still on the Illuminati. Currently looking at maps of Poland …….
That is on Thursday 4-7.
Rags is training his horse to line dance. He saw one dancing on TV & knows his can be better.
Rags is an Alpha.
whoops. That is for Persi on where to find Rags.
Illuminati & Synchronised swimming in one thread.
You make it sound like there is a Salami Process, At least that would be tasty.
I don’t come up with the names. I just make the connections and describe.
And the Bologna Process is explicitly part of the Lumina Foundation’s transformational approach to higher ed, the Degree Qualifications Profile.
I don’t know anything about any Illuminati. Just UN bureaucrats who like to jet around living at our expense.
Just like the accreditors in that respect I suppose.
I am just having some fun. I do know about the bologna Process & last I looked it was thought helpful by technically based insitutions & accreditations.
Humanities are not really affected as no one cares. It does not matter what they say as long as they can read & write. No one cares .
PPP’s newest poll on the Massachusetts Senate race finds it dead even, with Elizabeth Warren and Scott Brown both at 46%. Warren’s now been at that exact same 46% mark in three PPP polls in a row dating back to last September. Brown’s increased his support from levels of 41% and 44% on those previous two polls.
So it seems obvious that Theresa Sullivan’s firing had nothing to do with the Breitbart story if UVa is pushing back.
As far as the polls are concerned, if Scott Brown stays at 46%, he will lose this race. The only caveat is if the national election is a wave election – meaning that Romney blows out Obama. In that case, I believe there won’t be the kind of ticket splitting that would push Warren into the Senate seat.
Again, Massachusetts is a highly liberal, unionized state and while they don’t like Warren (ie her unfavorables keep rising), they will hold their nose and vote their party…unless, of course, Obama gets crushed.
With each day that goes by, I can see a wave election happening.
We live in strange times.
And the accreditation agencies, which by and large are owned by one company, just reminded every higher ed governing board and school board that they must not interfere.
15-0 vote after a summary dismissal earlier.
One of the primary architects of using education to change the nature of America, John Goodlad, announced last fall in a forum I watched that if Americans understood Obama’s real plans for education, we would be far more upset than we are over Obamacare. He meant it as a good thing. After all John had Bill Ayers as an honored speaker within the last year.
No one can violate the will of the accreditors. The true political sovereigns of a vision that should have no place in this great country.