Just minutes ago, Mia B. Love won the Utah-04 nomination at the Utah Republican Convention. Love received 70.5% of the vote on the second ballot, defeating Carl Wimmer who received 29.5.
The result is a shock except to those of us in the blogosphere who have been following Love.
Just three months ago Love was relatively unknown, but through her hard work on the ground and the coalescing of the conservative blogosphere around her, Love gained traction and now pulled off the once unthinkable.
When I spoke to Love in early January, Love was hoping just to make a primary against favorite Carl Wimmer, who had the backing of Mike Lee, the Club for Growth, and many state politicians.
Now Love stands alone heading directly into the general election, facing the vulnerable Democrat Jim Matheson, whose prior district was carved into multiple pieces, forcing him to run in the new 4th District.
Matheson has money, and big national Democrat backing, but as recent polling shows, he is beatable.
You can support her at Love4Utah.com, and she’s on Twitter @MiaBLove, Facebook and YouTube.
Prior posts:
- Mia B. Love – A conservative political star rises in … Utah
- Mia B. Love competitive versus Jim Matheson in UT-04
Update: In a show of unity, Carl Wimmer (just to Love’s right in photo) joined Love on stage, endorsed her and pledged his support to help her defeat Matheson:

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Good for her.
I’ll have to send some money.
1. Love has already exceeded my expectations. In the second round she got all the non-Wimmer votes; even a few Wimmer votes flipped to her.
2. Last week, referring to the nomination and the general election, I posted:
She’s halfway there.
3. Kudos to our host for spotting a winner.
4. And Orrin Hatch is getting primaried! So tell me again that the Tea Party is dead.
Golden Oldie: Love Is In The Air
Good for Love and for Wimmer so quickly supporting her.
Exactly. Now if only Newt and Paul would do the same.
[…] minutes ago, Mia B. Love won the Utah-04 nomination at the Utah Republican Convention. Love received 70.5% of the vote on […]
Hot Damn
Congrats Mia!!
I’m sending her more money. And good on Mr. Wimmer for his unity.
As for Congressman Matheson, maybe he’ll make the same fake pledge Senator Manchin did about not supporting Obama. The party of dems is now the party of Alinksky and Marx, rather one of Truman and JFK, and I say this as a recovering democrat.
Love how the repubs reliaze there are millions of new independents who want fiscal sanity, we don’t care about party, we want debt, spending govt itself reigned in and contained as the founders intended.
Ms. Love seems to get this. I am definitely rooting for her and encouraging everyone I know to donate to her.
[…] Legal Insurrection: Mia B. Love wins Republican nomination in UT04 […]
That is great news, I congratulate her, and it’s on to win the election itself.
Mia’s win is like a “Ray of Reagan Sunshine” in this world of destructive liberal politics and politicians today, as we the Reagan Constitutional Conservatives fight on against liberal forces on both sides of the political party fence.
Actually its not “liberal” forces, as much as it is “progressive” forces. I always and still do consider myself a liberal, a classical liberal, the way the word was originally defined, and is still defined in Europe. Less govt, more indiv freedoms, more free market, not crony capitialism aka statism.
Progressives are the newer breed, they want to “progress” past the US Consitution, which was intended to contain govt to protect the rights of an individual citizen. Conservatives want to “conserve” the original intent of the Constitution, just as those classical “liberals” want to as well.
We are all united against progressives, statists, etc. or whatever they want to call themselves next.
thank you, alex. I agree. Classical Liberal = lover of Constitution and Freedom.
This is great news indeed, and it is good for Wimmer to stand up in support and unity. This will help get the party behind Ms. Love immediately. Everything I’ve read about her is impressive.
One key point: she had better be prepared for the progressive nastiness that’s sure to follow any successful Republican minority woman candidate. Don’t melt, don’t lash out: use humor and keep your eyes on the prize. That goes for all of us.
A commanding win like this is good to see. Maybe Utah can show Republicans how to unite behind a candidate. Somehow, the left will see racism in this choice. They can’t help themselves.
[…] News – Mia Love Wins UT04 NominationApril 22, 2012 By Lonely Conservative No comments yetVia Legal Insurrection, there’s a bit of good news today. Mia Love won the nomination to run as the Republican in […]
[…] Mia B. Love wins Republican nomination in UT04 (legalinsurrection.com) Share this:TwitterFacebookMoreLike this:LikeBe the first to like this post.
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Oh this is a feel good!
Ok -in the spirit of race what is a black person of Haitian descent ?
Can’t be Hispanic.
Can’t be African American.
Might be Franco -Caribbean-American.
Just to add another layer a Mormon to boot with a crazy Russo-italian name of Lyudmya.
Plenty of ntches there. Et Bon Chance.
Come on, this is a huge shock, an earth-shattering win against the deserving favorite! Even her most ardent supporters were only hoping she would make the primary ballot, not such a consensus win as this.
That name – I have it worked out. it is the American spelling of the French pronounced Lyudmilla.
So no Italian (which would be the Mia bit ) .
We had two winners…..The Tea Party and Mia Love!
Congratulations all around.
Will send money next payday – and proud to do it!
[…] have been waging a war on women, as indicated by their opposition to ObamaCare. Thus, via Legal Insurrection, we discover that Mia Love is the nominee for UT-4.There is no way this could be motivated by […]
For those wondering about the electoral makeup and shape of the new Utah 4th Congressional District I found this in the Desert News from December:
“Currently, the 2nd District includes the populous east side of Salt Lake County — a Matheson stronghold — as well as much of rural eastern and southern Utah. The newly redrawn 2nd District is now more heavily Republican as it picked up western Salt Lake County.
The 4th District covers heavily populated southwestern Salt Lake County — an area Matheson represented early in his career — and western Utah County and more rural Sanpete and Juab counties. It is the smallest district geographically, and though largely Republican, it has more Democratic voters than the other districts.
Redistricting parceled Matheson’s 2nd District constituents into the four districts. A Democratic Party analysis shows about 6 percent went to the 1st District; 32 percent to the 2nd District; 36 percent to the 3rd District and 26 percent to the 4th District.
Party official Todd Taylor said historical voting trends show Matheson would do slightly but not significantly better in the 4th District.”
The money quote here, I believe, is that the Democrat who is quoted essentially said that Matheson’s old 2nd District became more Republican after redistricting and that Matheson chose to run in the new 4th District because he believes he gets a tiny Democrat advantage had he chosen to stay in the redrawn 2nd Distrct. In other words, both the redrawn 2nd District and the new 4th District are more Republican than his old 2nd District, which had a Cook PVI score of R+15.
Even as a novice up against a veteran, Love looks to be in a pretty decent spot here.
Politically speaking Shurtleff was right.Mia Love is a “novelty”. Wimmer had a better chance to beat Matheson than Mia Love. I’m glad Wimmer didn’t win. I’m a Matheson voter but I’m smart enough to know that the radical right and the tea partyers would have rallied around Wimmer and I’m sure they won’t rally around Mia Love. It’s their inate bigotry which will only allow them to give lip service to Love and then they’ll stay home. Utahn’s have never voted for a black man much less a black woman. And they are not going to start now. Matheson has positioned himself so close to the center that Mia Love would have to adopt the Fox news mantra and run against every black issue ever promoted for her race and her people. Matheson and the Obama people willl play up to Mia Love , kissy pooh her and then dismiss her as another Repugnant anomaly. She can only win by adopting far far right policies to attract the tea partyers and the far right old white men of Utah and they will NEVER vote for her. In Congress the Black caucus will have her for lunch. They’ll give her a job serving on the needs of poor blacks of American and she’ll switch on the Utah Repugnants faster than Romney will do if he gets elected.So you see Mia Love is really a “political novelty”. The significance is only because she is a black woman and being politically correct is suddenly politically correct in Utah. If the nominee was a white man there would have been no clamor over calling him a “novelty”. In fact he would have cherished the appelation.
[…] have been waging a war on women, as indicated by their opposition to ObamaCare. Thus, via Legal Insurrection, we discover that Mia Love is the nominee for […]
[…] have been waging a war on women, as indicated by their opposition to ObamaCare. Thus, via Legal Insurrection, we discover that Mia Love is the nominee for […]