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December 2011

I have tried to emphasize time and again here that I am not anti-Romney. When I endorsed Newt on November 16, I made sure to point out that I thought Romney was a smart and decent person, but I saw fundamental flaws in his candidacy, none...

"I really don't care what you think." Thanks to Linda, again, for these taking in Nasheville, TN:  ...

Newt Gingrich has been raked over the coals for using the term "right wing social engineering" with regard to Paul Ryan's Medicare Plan released last spring.  In context, Newt was making the point that the plan as proposed went to far in one fell swoop to pass...

Desperate campaigns engage in desperate tactics, and the Romney campaign with its "zany" comment today now has sunk lower, bringing up Newt's Tiffany purchases: In a capitalist country, what business is it of anyone what someone purchases with their own money? Charles, I'm sure you'll be...

Various interesting stuff: Thursday night is Fox News Iowa Debate, starting at 9 p.m. Eastern.  I'll cover it, but haven't decided whether to do Live Event or simply commentary at the breaks.  What do you think? Moe Lane takes a look at the new Pennsylvania redistricting map,...

The Romney campaign and its supporters have been pursuing a strategy of crazy ever since Newt surpassed Romney in the polls.  The strategy is to use words like reckless, unreliable, and so on as frequently as possible when it comes to Newt. It has been relentless, and...

Listening to Fox News last night, there seems to be a split of preference in the GOP primary.  O'Reilly pretty clearly is on Romney's side, Hannity is more neutral leaning towards Newt, Greta I can't tell. But I think we know where the person who prepares...

The Doomsday Poll results are in. Ron Paul met the most opposition, with by far the highest percentage of votes for staying home or voting for Obama in the general election.  Second, with less than half as much opposition, was Mitt Romney. There was some funny business as to...

Charles Krauthammer said Newt Gingrich was speaking like a "socialist" because Newt, responding to Mitt Romney's demand that Newt give back the consulting money he earned from Freddie Mac, said that he'd consider it if Romney gave back the money he earned from bankrupting companies...

Ann Coulter was on Hannity last night, and it was embarrassing.  (Video embed at bottom of post) Coulter stumbled trying to explain why she declared Romney a sure loser against Obama at CPAC in February of this year. First she said Obamacare changed her mind about Romney,...

Thanks to frequent photographer Matt, who writes: I've been waiting to send this one in. Every imaginable bumper sticker via the liberal meme on a Prius with a CU license plate. What struck me was the Marines sticker. Being the time of giving with Christmas and Hanukkah,...

Following up on my post this morning regarding whether conservatives and libertarians would stay home or support Obama if Newt were the Republican nominee, I wonder which if any of the other candidates generates such feelings. So, here is the Doomsday Poll, in two parts.  First, which...

Today's doings: If this PPP poll is accurate (and you know I have a concern about PPP), then the negative ads being run against Newt are having a big effect in moving Newt lower and Ron Paul higher.  I'd like to see some more before jumping...

And we try to deal with as much of it as we can here at Legal Insurrection. In fact, in the coming week there will be a couple of law students to help me -- between semesters -- cover the Iowa caucuses, New Hampshire, and...

There has been plenty of griping and talk by Tea Partiers that if Romney is the nominee, they're staying home in November. I don't believe it for a second.  When push comes to shove, they will not choose four more years of Obama. But I do believe...

Now he has to vote for Ron Paul as a third-party candidate even if Romney is the nominee, and has to call Romney supporters racist too. This was 2002, "My views are progressive."  (h/t @Allahpundit) ...

As part of his campaign to paint Newt Gingrich as crazy, Mitt Romney has focused on Newt's statement that the Palestinians were an "invented" people.  Romney argued at the Drake University debate Saturday night that Newt had used "incendiary words" which would "create extraordinary tumult" and said "I'm not a...