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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Democrats are beginning to worry that Vice President Kamala Harris could hurt their chances to retain power in the 2022 midterm elections. This was entirely foreseeable. Harris was so unpopular in her party that she dropped out of the 2020 Democratic primary before anyone voted.

In a little over six months, the Biden administration has allowed hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants to flow across America's southern border. Many conservatives have suggested that this is nothing more than a cynical attempt to change America's electorate by creating more Democrat voters. A writer for the New York Times just seemed to confirm that this was the endgame all along.

You can tell much about higher education in America by looking at what schools consider a priority. Administrators and staff members devoted to diversity and inclusion were almost unheard of a decade ago. Today, diversity has become an industry within higher education and the ranks are growing exponentially.

It's been quite a while since we've checked in on Senator Elizabeth Warren. She hasn't been up to very much since her failed run for president in 2020. Now she is lending her voice to the effort to save California Governor Gavin Newsom from being recalled because there's nothing Warren loves more than anything that can draw her focus away from her job in Massachusetts.