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Greg Gutfeld on ‘Death to America’ Chant in Michigan: ‘We Are on a Slow Roll Toward Our Own Little Gazas’

Greg Gutfeld on ‘Death to America’ Chant in Michigan: ‘We Are on a Slow Roll Toward Our Own Little Gazas’

“It’s not illegal, I guess. But why are we respecting it and why are we encouraging it?”

A few days ago at a pro-Hamas rally in Dearborn, Michigan, cries of ‘death to America’ rang out from the crowd. It’s the sort of thing we are used to hearing at events in Tehran but not the United States.

Just because we value free speech doesn’t mean we have to like it, or to not be disturbed by it. It is a symptom of a much bigger problem that we see growing in America, especially in our cities.

This week on The Five on FOX News, Greg Gutfeld offered some excellent analysis on this.

Transcript via Real Clear Politics:

GUTFELD: It took us a long time to move on. I use that phrase probably loosely to move on from 9/11. We remembered it every single day, every single day we built and we did everything. 6 months since October 7th, and history is already history. There are people that are already denying what went on. It has gotten in many minds smaller and smaller. Their respect for what Israel is doing is getting smaller. But it’s not Israel’s fault. Your respect for what Israel does is related to the legacy of the Holocaust.

If you actually believed that since the Holocaust, Israel has a right to defend itself, then this is the moment to prove it. This is the moment. If everything you said about Israel in the past, that they have a right to defend themselves, and now you are criticizing them, then nothing you said was worth it. Because it is supposed to matter now…

I get the impression with the “Death To America” stuff that we are on a slow roll toward our own little Gazas. These little islands of unrest in the country. These were places that were sacrificed to leftism. Leftisms, where laws were discarded. Identity and division became the currency. Look at Minneapolis since George Floyd. It’s never been the same. It’s all these enclaves. We were supposed to be a melting pot. But that requires melting. And instead what we are seeing is a hardening. It is a hardening. And we are always accused of xenophobia if we exalt our country’s awesomeness or make fun of another country’s customs.

Fair enough. I get it. But it’s a two-way street. If you come here and reject assimilation, free speech, cooperation with people different than you. Those are our values and if you reject them, you are xenophobic, you are anti-American. It’s not illegal, I guess. But why are we respecting it and why are we encouraging it? Leftism encourages this sort of behavior. It’s time for the adults to enter the room and basically change the conversation or these cities are gone.

Watch the clip below:

This is the full segment, if you want to watch:

Of course, the question on the minds of many people is obvious. If you hate America, why are you here?

Featured image via YouTube.


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My wife and I rode through the rural countryside on our way to the wine tasting on Johns Island and as a pair of highly-educated liberals we were aghast to discover the local population of African-Americans were willfully segregating themselves. The horror!

    JohnSmith100 in reply to scooterjay. | April 10, 2024 at 4:34 pm

    It is ironic that after 1964 blacks drove people to leave neighborhoods by allowing their children to run wild, vandalism & theft, so integration was short lived. Massive wealth was transferred from America’s middle class to blacks.

    Of late, blacks have been demanding segregation for so called safe spaces.

    It is all about wringing more money out of Whites.

    It is time that black grifters and racists are given the same treatment as anyone else receives, judge everyone based on merit.

      scooterjay in reply to JohnSmith100. | April 10, 2024 at 8:13 pm

      You should see how quickly The Summit, a tony neighborhood in 2002, has declined.
      40 years of white flight compressed down to 15 years.

    Azathoth in reply to scooterjay. | April 11, 2024 at 9:21 am

    Who would have thought that all you had to do was put up a big shiny sign that said ‘NO WHITES ALLOWED’ to keep them drinking from the filthy garden hose?

    They’ll fight you if you point out the lavishly appointed water station right next to it with flavors, taps and bubblers– they’ll tell you you’re ‘gentrifying ‘ and slurp down rusty pipe water from an old rubber hose because it’s ‘authentic’.

    All because the sign says ‘NO WHITES ALLOWED’.

You’re here because the two most recent Pretenders-in-Chief invited you here and subsidized your trip. Because they, too, want death to America.

He’s right, and you can thank the communists for bringing in the trash

    MattMusson in reply to Ironclaw. | April 10, 2024 at 4:20 pm

    Arabs have attacked Jews for over 1000 years in the Middle East. Why would anyone believe that if you brought them to America in large groups, they would not attack Jews here?

    Coptic Arabs are exempted from the above statement.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to MattMusson. | April 10, 2024 at 4:45 pm

      America has a big problem, we now have several areas in America that their population has risen to they level where they feel comfortable attacking us, our way of life, and they will become increasingly belligerent. It will require a massive effort to reign them in.

      silklevine in reply to MattMusson. | April 12, 2024 at 10:14 am

      Matt Musson: Jew is always capitalized. It is a proper noun. I noticed you correctly capitalized Arab, Middle East, America and Coptic Arabs. But not Jews. Hmmmm???

Ponder how much potent political hay vile Biden, the Dhimmi-crats and their dishonest/slavish media lapdogs/trained seals/propagandist-shills made out of the brazen distortion of President Trump’s remarks about “very fine people” on both sides of the Confederate statues debate in Charlottesville, falsely asserting that he had been praising white supremacists. Indeed, the corrupt and despicable Biden often cites this incident as the alleged motivating factor in his supposedly noble decision to obtain a bed in the White House geriatric ward.

Meanwhile, Biden is daily giving substantive succor, obsequious deference, and, kowtowing to, Jew-hating bigots and genocidal supremacists in Michigan, and, elsewhere in the U.S., without a scintilla of condemnation or criticism to be found from perennially outraged Dhimmi-crats and media — because, this time, the supremacists and bigots in question are goose-stepping Muslim supremacists and Islamofascists, who are deemed to be immune from criticism and condemnation, because they constitute a prized constituency of the Dhimmi-crat Party.

This is the face of evil — not only remaining silent in the face of brazen Muslim supremacist and Islamofascist Jew-hatred, bigotry and genocidal fervor, but, actively lauding it and encouraging it.

ThePrimordialOrderedPair | April 10, 2024 at 3:15 pm

cries of ‘death to America’ rang out from the crowd. It’s the sort of thing we are used to hearing at events in Tehran but not the United States.

We are used to hearing it every time dems/leftists open their mouths. Bringing “death to America” was the sole reason anyone voted for Barky. He was to be their “avenging angel of the third world” … and he was.

The insurrectionist riots of 2020 were all about bringing “death to America”, which the dems/left emphasized by tearing down and looking to destroy every symbol of America they could find (after they had tried to literally burn the cities down).

Little Gaza is here. Detroit is an example, same with the City of Mumia Love and Floyd City, which will be the third metamorphisis for Chocolate City…formerly Atlanta.

It has the same problem – non-assimilation and a low average IQ, the first being to avoid noticing the second.

inspectorudy | April 10, 2024 at 5:36 pm

From the results of hundreds of years of Muslim “Integration” with other cultures and religions, it is amazing that our country is so stupid to think they were going to act differently here. Already they have created areas where they have pushed out any business or religious organizations that weren’t Muslim. They NEVER assimilate no matter where they end up. Islam is a good metaphor for cancer because once it is in the bloodstream, the outcome is almost always fatal. There are no free Muslim countries in the world.

Too many Muslims in this country

Oh please. Take another bottle of Xanax with your bottle of wine.

Subotai Bahadur | April 10, 2024 at 6:43 pm

1) It will not only be “little Gaza’s” but also a host of hostile foreign enclaves devoted to to the destruction of this country and its people.

2) Who said it was going to be a slow roll? I am expecting “interesting times” to start by this summer.

Subotai Bahadur

There is something really disturbing about Tucker Carlson’s whole take on the issue of Israel and Gaza. See Powerline Blog post:

    Paddy M in reply to JR. | April 10, 2024 at 8:09 pm

    Since you do know how to post a link, how about the link from Powerline showing that quote about LI? TIA, JR.

Could a non-citizen be legally expelled for publicly saying “Death to America’?

I wonder how long it will be before Tucker goes to a Gaza grocery store or food market and marvels at their immense selection of food, and how everyone returns their grocery cart because they have to put in a quarter to get the cart. How things are just as good in Gaza or the West Bank if not better than how things are in Israel. Stay tuned.

    Paddy M in reply to JR. | April 10, 2024 at 8:12 pm

    Definitely not as fast as you white-knighting for the “Death to America and Israel” crowd.

      JohnSmith100 in reply to Paddy M. | April 10, 2024 at 8:51 pm

      If they cannot now, we will have to make sure that they can. Tucker is impressive, as are Jews. I suspect that when Israel is done turning Gaza into road gravel. Foundation material for Jews building in Gaza. in other words some degree of justice.

    Mauiobserver in reply to JR. | April 10, 2024 at 9:02 pm

    I have been to several different parts of the West Bank and there are no shortage of high end homes in many of the cities and villages.

    I ate at a number of restaurants and found them well staffed, physically attractive and with good food.

    Went to a few shops and they had good merchandise.

    The only prevailing poverty I saw were from the few camps of wandering Bedouin sheep herders.

    Arabs in the West Bank are not as prosperous as many Israeli Jews but they are not all suffering under grinding poverty inflicted by Israel as portrayed by the corporate media.

Death to America could be interpreted as terroristic threat against the US government and citizens. At the very least it warrants, increased surveillance by homeland security.

There is a follow-up to a post on Powerline about Tucker Carlson’s false attacks saying Israeli is anti-Christian. Professor Jacobson’s comments on the controversy are included. Carlson is going down an dark abyss. I hope he crawls out of it soon.

    JR in reply to JR. | April 11, 2024 at 6:22 pm

    It is interesting to me that the Trump supporters on this blog, who also support Tucker Carlson no matter how anti-Semitic his pod casts are (as evidenced by Powerline Blog and Professor Jacobson’s comments there) and who also support Candance Owens no matter how anti-Semitic her pod casts are, the commentators here never denounce the Jew hatred that these Trump supporters spew day after day on this blog and other blogs. . Pathetic.

George_Kaplan | April 11, 2024 at 10:50 pm

Why are those who hate America living in America? Because they want what America offers and want to take it for themselves. The only challenge is in dealing with the parts of America they hate and want to get rid of. So basically like the Left.