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Anti-Israel Encampments: 133 NYU Students, Faculty Arrested and Columbia Goes Virtual for Remainder of Semester

Anti-Israel Encampments: 133 NYU Students, Faculty Arrested and Columbia Goes Virtual for Remainder of Semester


The anti-Israel dumbs are still at it today. It got testy last night at NYU, though.

Let’s keep an eye on each campus, shall we? Keep in mind, though: It’s not about Gaza. It’s not about Palestine. It’s not about Israel.

It’s about Jews. Remember, Jewish people celebrate Passover this week.

New York University

The encampment no longer exists.

New York University (NYU) told the anti-Israel encampment protesters to leave its property.

The dumbs refused to leave even after NYU tried to accommodate them. The school called the police after the dumbs shouted antisemitic and intimidating chants:

The school set up the barriers at Gould Plaza, Fountain Walker:

“The one safety requirement we made was that no additional protestors could enter Gould Plaza. With the breach of the barricades early this afternoon, that requirement was violated, and we witnessed disorderly, disruptive, and antagonizing behavior that has interfered with the safety and security of our community,” the university said in a statement.

“We cannot tolerate people getting hurt. You will need to clear the plaza by 4:00 pm. If you leave now, no one will face any consequences for today’s actions—no discipline, no police.”

Arrests began at 8:30. Thankfully, everything eventually calmed down.

Columbia University

Columbia is going virtual because the administration lacks a spine:

Further details for classes on Morningside main campus:

All faculty whose classrooms are located on the main Morningside campus and equipped with hybrid capabilities should enable them to provide virtual learning options to students who need such a learning modality. Faculty in other classrooms or teaching spaces that do not have capabilities for offering hybrid options should hold classes remotely if there are student requests for virtual participation. If the class does not permit adapting to the remote offering format, we encourage faculty to provide other accommodations liberally to students who have requested support for virtual learning this week.

Jewish students are scared:

“The campus has been an absolute disaster over the last couple of days. Jewish students are extremely scared and extremely frightened,” Jacob Schmeltz, a senior at Columbia, told CNN on Monday.

Schmeltz, vice president of the Jewish on Campus Student Union, said he decided to stay with family in New Jersey instead of celebrating Passover on campus as he has done at times in previous years.

“Jewish students have had enough and it’s gotten to the point that we feel safer off campus than on it,” he said.


UCB Divest, which includes staff, faculty, and students, organized the encampment.

The school said it would take the necessary steps if it gets out of control.


The MIT encampment is small.


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TargaGTS | April 23, 2024 at 11:06 am

Imagine being a parent spending over $75K/year on tuition, room, board & books so your child can sit in their room and only watch video of his professors because there are so many violent racists on campus, it’s not safe for anyone.

    Dimsdale in reply to TargaGTS. | April 23, 2024 at 1:08 pm

    Given that we have proof of how ineffective remote learning is, there should be a substantial reduction in tuition (virtual tuition?), and a full refund on any housing and meal plans.

    BigRosieGreenbaum in reply to TargaGTS. | April 23, 2024 at 4:46 pm

    Yup I’d be imaging how fast I could yank my kid and my money out of that hell hole.

    Gosport in reply to TargaGTS. | April 23, 2024 at 7:00 pm

    ‘Mike Rowe Contrasts Today’s Liberal College Campuses with Trade Schools Where He is “Pleased to Report, No One is Calling for the Extermination of Jews”’

    Trade school seems to be a pretty solid option for parents realistically preparing their children for life after academia. I’d certainly prefer my kid to be a wealthy, honest plumber or electrician than be a lost soul wandering around with a liberal arts degree and no job they couldn’t have gotten without it.

rhhardin | April 23, 2024 at 11:11 am

“It’s about Jews. Remember, Jewish people celebrate Passover this week.”

You don’t get special status from how oppressed you feel or how many holidays you have, either.

You can get special status from behaving morally, of course. Something to argue with.

    destroycommunism in reply to rhhardin. | April 23, 2024 at 11:24 am

    you do get special status when as individuals you are a good person(s) and then culturally you promote freedom aka capitalism

    when you are a “special” violent angry dont care about education demand freebies your whole life etc etc

    you are criminal

    schmuul in reply to rhhardin. | April 23, 2024 at 12:05 pm

    There’s no need for “special status” students should be able to access their education safely . That is not asking for much and it is a constitutional right. But the violent zombies of the pro Hamas crowds don’t care about anyone else and certainly don’t understand nor appreciate the value of an education.

    Thad Jarvis in reply to rhhardin. | April 23, 2024 at 1:20 pm

    The resident pseudo-intellectual racist rape apologist lecturing people on morality.

    Milhouse in reply to rhhardin. | April 24, 2024 at 9:19 am

    Nobody’s asking for “special status”. Just for normal status, with the normal right to go about ones lawful business unmolested.

geronl | April 23, 2024 at 11:13 am

Don’t go virtual. Send in the National Guard like they did when they integrated the schools.

gonzotx | April 23, 2024 at 11:22 am

These Anti-Israel thugs are the same as Antifa, blm, many paid by Soros

Until we get serious about saving America, we will not be saved

Intercepted Democratic Underground Transmissions:

Biden’s between a rock and a hard place. We support Israel existing, if we didn’t, they would be destroyed. Bibi is a deranged Trump, bombing to keep in power. But then Iran launches 300 missiles and drones at Israel and it crystalizes that they’re under existential threat every single day.

destroycommunism | April 23, 2024 at 11:22 am







btw the Dems win no matter what

the swamp is lefty

Throwing bottles and chairs at the police sounds like attempted murder to me.

Lock the perps up and throw away the keys.

    TargaGTS in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | April 23, 2024 at 11:45 am

    Wasn’t Morgan Wallen charged with multiple felonies for the same behavior?

    jqusnr in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | April 23, 2024 at 12:06 pm

    attempted murder … maybe not
    assault with intent to cause great bodily harm …. ok … I believe that is good for 10-20 years ….

    Gosport in reply to ParkRidgeIL. | April 23, 2024 at 12:21 pm

    Democrat New York used the cover of the covid farce to revoke the state law regarding wearing a mask to disguise identity during commission of a crime (like assault and battery on cops).

    I doubt many NYers even realize that the law existed, or that it was quietly snuffed out. However, most other states do have such laws which survived the revisionism of the covid era. They just need to be reminded to dust them off and put them to work.

      Crawford in reply to Gosport. | April 23, 2024 at 12:40 pm

      Those laws were made to take on the Democrats’ last militant wing, the Klan. Now they have new militant wings, and they’re protecting them.

      (Was it Alabama where an Antifa march was stopped when the police explained that going masked is illegal and they WILL arrest everyone just for that?)

destroycommunism | April 23, 2024 at 11:27 am

The 60’s kids are now the professors and leaders of the blmplo crowd

the current crop of nazzzicommunist street thuggs will follow them


will seem too right wing


scooterjay | April 23, 2024 at 11:57 am

It appears too staged to be spontaneous.

Gosport | April 23, 2024 at 12:07 pm

“133 NYU Students, Faculty Arrested”

Let’s unpack that a bit because that “arrested” gambit is all but meaningless today as it has been abused to calm and distract the masses for decades,

How many have actually been charged?
How many processed and released with no charges?
How many will see the inside of a courtroom?

How many students have been expelled, not merely suspended?
Of those suspended, for how long?
How many will lose all credits for this semester ($25K down the drain)?

How many foreign students will see their student visas revoked?
Foreign faculty?

When do the Feds start removing funding due to Civil Rights Law violations?

schmuul | April 23, 2024 at 12:08 pm

It’s is staged and paid for and run by professional activist and disrupter types who know how to create obedience, fear, and cult behavior in lonely, dumb kids who have no grounding or sense of belief and belonging in much of anything

    ttucker99 in reply to schmuul. | April 23, 2024 at 12:40 pm

    I pointed out yesterday that if you look at the pictures of all 4 or 5 universities where this is happening all the tents are the same. 2 sizes but all the same brand and color scheme. So what are the chances every protestor went to the same store and bought the same tent or did someone behind all this buy a bunch and ship them where needed.

      Gosport in reply to ttucker99. | April 23, 2024 at 1:32 pm

      Not only were the equipment source(s) obviously the same. in the most recent campus examples the tents have also been almost perfectly aligned. Like they all did it out of the same manual or instruction from the central committee.

      Now think back to what the ‘occupy’ series of protests looked like. Anything BUT neat and organized looking.

        The Gentle Grizzly in reply to Gosport. | April 23, 2024 at 3:17 pm

        It’s all reminiscent of those “white supremacist” fibbies, all dressed the same right down to the watches they were wearing.

        I am far from a tinfoil hat type but find myself wondering if one of the alphabet 3 or 4 letter agencies is running all of this.

          I’d bet dollars to donuts that they are. This is not organic, it’s orchestrated, and some combination of alphabet agencies is pulling the strings. No doubt in my mind.

          What is hilarious to me is that they are just doing the same thing they did before (in the ’60s) and are literally expecting different results. They have no idea who we are or what we will respond to, so they think their crazy will push us over the edge. Meanwhile, we just watch and kind of smirk as Democrats wreak havoc in their own cities. Shrug. Why should we care? They voted for that crazy, let them enjoy the harvest.

          This is all going to end just as it did in the ’60s: these crazy freaks of anti-American fervor will end up killing someone and boom, it’s the end of the redux “summer of love.” Suddenly, Democrats will be distancing themselves from the very thing they have spawned and nurtured. Manson killed the 60s, and some other nutter will end this nonsense with one violent act that will swing the nation against these pro-Hamas freaks.

          artichoke in reply to The Gentle Grizzly. | April 23, 2024 at 6:52 pm

          But the students aren’t committing prosecutable crimes. Instead they’re being protected behind locked campus gates from the police. I don’t think the analogy holds.

          I think the administration really is behind this. They didn’t admit such students without wanting that on their campus. The place has been far-left for so long, it pervades the faculty and administration. And the president is just trying to hang onto her job long enough for these kids to win. Now I see her pleading attitude in her congressional testimony in that light. She was playing for time.

    Crawford in reply to schmuul. | April 23, 2024 at 12:41 pm

    Yes, a good part of this is finding the ones who will commit violence.

    artichoke in reply to schmuul. | April 23, 2024 at 6:50 pm

    Also though, admissions offices have been favoring the lefty activist type. So these kids have that tendency. They are legally adults, many of them will have Ivy League degrees if the school doesn’t stop them (and it isn’t), they should have consequences. If they lose a job, it means a better person gets the chance instead.

schmuul | April 23, 2024 at 12:19 pm

The best thing for a parent to be teaching their kids at these shit hole places of higher education is to have a belief in a higher power, respect others and question anyone who tries to get you to act violently towards others ; no matter what the supposed cause or purpose. Think for yourself and don’t let some professor tell you what to think and how to act. No cause is worth missing your classes, attacking your peers, getting arrested, and having to hide your face in fear of being recognized. Anyone who wants you to behave like that is using you and is willing to destroy your life for their supposed virtue. This is what I wish parents would be teaching their children to question everything and not join up with causes they literally know nothing about and arent allowed to debate or question.

    The Gentle Grizzly in reply to schmuul. | April 23, 2024 at 3:21 pm

    During the week of demonstrations in response to the Kent State – National Guard shootings, we had some clown running around San Diego State College going on and on about blowing up the Coronado Bridge.

    He became a bit “too vocal by half”. One of our Vietnam veterans (a real one) who was there took the vocal one off into a small study room in the student union building. Seems he had some training in interrogation. Within about 10 minutes we knew the vocal one was FBI.

artichoke | April 23, 2024 at 1:39 pm

What the hell? Columbia is not doing anything about these terrorists. Has it changed in the past couple days? It seems they are surrendering campus to the radicals and keeping THEM safe.

Yesterday I wanted to give Minouche Shafik a few days. If this is what is happening, if it’s still like this and they’re covering it up and covering up for the radicals, she should be fired immediately.

Thankfully, the normal college acceptance decision day is May 1. IMO any parent now sending a child to any of these schools where there are no “adults in the room” is nuts.

    artichoke in reply to jb4. | April 23, 2024 at 5:58 pm

    They’ve apparently chosen to try to get the Palestinians and their supporters over the Jews and their supporters, among the admitted students. This might actually clear up after May 1, once the terrorists are secure in their spots in the Class of 2028, and they’ve driven away the Jews who would annoy them and take spots from them.

    Or if the class isn’t full and they need a week or two to use the waiting list, it may drag on longer.

      artichoke in reply to artichoke. | April 23, 2024 at 5:59 pm

      It’s hard to overstate the role of admissions offices in creating this situation. They’ve favored leftist activists, and the student bodies are full of them for that reason.

henrybowman | April 23, 2024 at 3:01 pm

“We cannot tolerate people getting hurt. You will need to clear the plaza by 4:00 pm. If you leave now, no one will face any consequences for today’s actions—no discipline, no police.”

Do we all recall how, just a few days ago, AOC publicly whined that the rich-bitch scion-agitators at Columbia weren’t given a mulligan for their first crime? And Amy Alkon had to remind her that “You don’t get a get out of jail free card on the first law violation”?

Then she added, “How depressing that I have to explain this to someone at the highest levels of the US government.” Want to know why? Assholes like the NYU administration that made the above pronouncement, that’s why.

Instead of this pronouncement, police should have been called to arrest the trespassers immediately, no warning needed, none given.

When I was their age, arrest for being stupid always came with special sauce: “they’ve decided to make an example of you.” Surprising how well we turned out, as a cohort. Today? Not so much.

Many months ago I said this campus stuff had the potential to be 1968 all over again. What is happening has far exceeded my expectations and reminds me 100% of that earlier period. However, things might calm down over the summer when school is out. What happens at the Dem Convention in Chicago may be key. The current mayor is no Richard Daley, so things might get extra bad. The other side of the coin could be that things get so bad that, like LBJ, Biden pulls out and we have Newsom or Michelle.

Henry P | April 23, 2024 at 4:43 pm

Today’s universities and colleges are not unlike the monasteries of the late middle ages, as Chaucer satirized so well. They were once the repositories of the great works of Western Civilization with a serious mission to preserve what is best. But over time, the monasteries accumulated enormous wealth and were accountable to nearly no one. They often violated the principles by which they were founded. Corruption, self-interest, and hypocrisy became rampant. In short, what we see on most campuses today.

We have reached the point today where it is time to respond to the intellectual rot, the corruption (see Ibram X Kendi at BU), the ever-growing tuition that far exceeds the rate of inflation, the blatant racism that goes unpunished, and the subversion of academic freedom, all in so many institutions of “higher learning.”

1. Congress should tax the rich endowments that make these institutions so unaccountable.
2. Congress should make the universities and colleges liable for some portion of all student loans in the event of defaults by the students. They benefit for the federal loan programs, so let them share the risk. When they have financial skin in the game, it might encourage these institutions to care more about teaching their students useful skills and a sense of responsibility.
3. Congress should ban any federal funds for any DEI personnel or programs as being the incubators for the racism that they so dutifully promote.

CommoChief | April 23, 2024 at 4:48 pm

Well the Admin seems to have allowed Columbia to become a no go zone. I seem to recall many lectures from the elite/establishment about how we must do x and sacrifice Y liberty or ‘the terrorists would win’. The folks who used tactics of fear, intimidation, threats and some violence to get their way at Columbia seem to have won despite the intrusive measures available to the Fed Govt and the diminished personal liberty of the rest of us.

    artichoke in reply to CommoChief. | April 23, 2024 at 6:44 pm

    I am starting to think Minouche Shafik is in agreement. Trying to keep her job while enabling this stuff. It would be so easy for her to call the cops again, but the cops are not there. Instead, she’s allowing absolutely unacceptable intimidation that should never occur on a campus.

    Maybe she wants to maximize the yield of pro-Palestinians and minimize the yield of pro-Israelis in the admitted class, who have to choose their colleges in a week on May 1. It’s clear who she is favoring here.

caseoftheblues | April 23, 2024 at 5:01 pm

The seniors that are about to graduate are the same group of kids that lost their senior year in high school.., no grad parties, no proms, no graduation ceremonies etc etc due to Covid. So yet another entirely preventable and unnecessary reaction and robbing of these kids and lost life moments they will never get back.

artichoke | April 23, 2024 at 6:42 pm and nobody is being arrested or expelled.

Minouche Shafik should be fired today. She is complicit. She could call the cops to break it up and is not doing so.

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