Kelly: White House to Release Nunes Memo ‘Pretty Quick’
The FBI has “grave concerns” about omissions in the memo.

President Donald Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly said on Fox News Radio that the president will release House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ memo soon. From Fox News:
In a radio exclusive, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly, joined Brian Kilmeade at the White House to talk about President Trump’s first State of the Union address. Kelly discussed President Trump taking the handcuffs off of the military in Afghanistan, working on a bipartisan solution on DACA, why his heart breaks over identity politics in America and President Trump releasing the Nunes memo “pretty quick and the whole world can see it.”
Gen John Kelly tells @kilmeade he has seen the Memo, says it will be released “pretty quick”.
— Pat Ward (@WardDPatrick) January 31, 2018
After the State of the Union, a camera caught Trump telling Rep. Jeff Duncan (R-SC) that he backs the release.
CLIP: As President Trump exits the House Chamber, @RepJeffDuncan asks him to #ReleaseTheMemo. #SOTU #SOTU2018
— CSPAN (@cspan) January 31, 2018
The committee voted on Monday to release the memo. After that, Trump has five days to determine to release it or keep it from the public.
CNN reported:
The Nunes memo alleges that the FBI abused the FISA surveillance law over its use of the opposition research dossier on Donald Trump and Russia as part of the case to obtain a FISA warrant for former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page. It cites the role of Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe for their roles in overseeing aspects of the investigation, according to a source briefed on the matter.
Now with it on the cusp of release, FBI officials have expressed “grave concerns” about the memo. From Fox News:
The FBI said Wednesday that the bureau has “grave concerns” about the classified memo that purportedly reveals government surveillance abuses, but White House Chief of Staff John Kelly says it is going public, anyway.
“With regard to the House Intelligence Committee’s memorandum, the FBI was provided a limited opportunity to review this memo the day before the committee voted to release it,” the FBI said in a statement. “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
The bureau’s claim that the memo involves “omissions of fact” came a day after a source told Fox News that two senior FBI officials reviewed the memo and “could not point to any factual inaccuracies” in the memo itself.
The two officials – one from the bureau’s counterintelligence division and the other from the legal division – followed up after an initial review of the memo during a rare Sunday trip to Capitol Hill by FBI Director Christopher Wray.

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Why not NOW? It has already been vetted by the FBI.
FBI just released a statement claiming memo contains material omissions of fact.
Release the memo, and then let the FBI supply whatever additional facts they think are necessary.
Did the FBI release that info or does that info come from an anonymous source within the FBI? Remember, Wray and two of his people reviewed the document and concluded that it was accurate.
Excuse me?
What is the F.I.B. agency lying about now?
The FBI can’t “supply whatever additional facts they think are necessary”, because they’re classified. Hence their pique. Tuff luck.
You are apparently correct. But if I were Trump, I would contact the FBI personnel responsible for issuing this warning, and tell them, “You made this statement. You better be right or your rear ends are out of here.” No more self-serving slime from the swamp.
“Why not NOW? It has already been vetted by the FBI….”
Come on – these people are scrambling for their lives, lest they get revealed as the seditionists and traitors they became.
The karma in all this is that they all – to a one, including obama – put their futures in hillary klinton’s incompetent hands.
And Klinton single-handedly brought down the whole leftist, fascist house: a one-woman disaster area. They might have had it made with bernie.
“In hillary klnton we trust.” How’s that for funny?
I know there’s the idea that Trump has to wait five days until it can be released, but I don’t think that’s true, or that it will happen. Considering the afterglow of the SOTU, he might sit on it another day.
He has 5 days to take action. If he doesn’t release it, the full house can vote on releasing it anyway.
This morning, many analysts suggested holding off until later in the week so that the MSM would have to talk about the state of the union speech. Give the man a few days of good press, at least by the conservative news outlets.
I think Thursday is best – don’t let it wait til the Friday Night News Dump.
Good press from the MSM? Surely you jest!
“that the president will release House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes’ memo soon”
Okay, now’s fine.
Careless gross negligence. Bleached server. Smashed phones. Deleted emails. Tamac tipoff. No prosecutions. ‘Insurance’ policy. Russian fed dossier. ‘Wire taps.’ Unmasking. Leaks….
“The Nunes memo alleges that the FBI abused the FISA surveillance law….”
That almost sounds quaint and underwhelms.
I’m kind of enjoying the frustration and despair that Rosenstein and McCabe both know is coming to them and probably to at least a dozen others… maybe even Comey.
But, keep your eyes on the prize, this is going to find its way back to Hillary and her enablers. Watergate really was a trivial matter for which the primary beneficiary was the WaPo. By comparison, ClintonGate will make Watergate look like an overdue book penalty or unpaid parking ticket.
More than likely someone will find a way to release the ‘material omissions of fact’ and you won’t be enjoying it so much.
Selectively releasing classified material, as well as sources and methods, for political advantage is treasonous. But this is being done by republicans who always wear flag lapel pins and loudly proclaim their patriotism. So I guess it is alright.
You stupid commie, once the president decides to release, or if the house votes to do it, it’s not classified anymore.
We know you’d like to keep the democrat corruption secret, but no cigar. Your commie cabal is going to jail.
Sigh. I keep having to remind the more rabid Republicans that treason requires adherence to an enemy. Now I issue you the same reminder. Anything done for domestic political advantage is by definition not treason, even if it gives an enemy aid and comfort, which this does not.
You don’t realize that it’s the Progressive Fascists (Dems) who are the worst enemy the USA has ever had.
Dude, don’t go harsh’n my mellow!
“Selectively releasing classified material, as well as sources and methods, for political advantage is treasonous.”
But the beautiful part is, once all the Democrats are in jail there won’t be anybody left to prosecute us. It’ll be one party rule, just like California (only with Republicans instead of Democrats)!
YellowShit: Trump is the PRESIDENT and has the authority to declassify this stuff if he wants. By definition, his decision to declassify this material is NOT “treasonous.” You know, if all the liberals are as damn stupid as you are, 2018 midterms are lookin’ good for the good guys!
“You stupid commie…”
That was really the only response necessary. It said it all.
Not so fast. A presidential decision to declassify something can be treasonous, just as any other exercise of a president’s authority can be. Most treasonous acts, by anyone, are not otherwise criminal. So the fact that the president has the authority to declassify anything he likes doesn’t automatically mean it isn’t treason. In this case, of course, it wouldn’t be.
“A presidential decision to declassify something can be treasonous…”
Example? Easy. Suppose a president were to secretly support the enemy in wartime, and were to declassify every secret the US had, with the intent of helping the enemy win. Or, more subtly, he declassifies just one secret, so he can continue to pretend to be loyal. That would be treason, of course. That is not, of course, anything like what Trump has even been accused of, let alone what he’s done, but it could happen.
OK, during wartime.
How long before the radical Leftists cite releasing the memo as an example of Trump “obstructing justice” because some of Müeller’s witch hunters will be intimidated by being outed?
It’s also RACIST, whether he does or does not authorize the release.
It’s also SEXIST, because PATRIARCHY!!!
and if you disagree, well that’s all the proof needed to denounce you as GUILTY!!!
Haha, well hell yes!
Thy already have. website has a piece by Laurence Tribe saying exactly that!
Every hour that Trump holds the memo is another hour that the criminal left can use to think up a way to block its release.
Lots of build-up for this memo. I really hope it fulfills expectations. A dud would be very bad.
If they have a dud despite tying the democrats hands behind their backs, they are incompetent, indeed.
If you give up all claims to intellectual honesty, you will have material to warm your heart through the rest of the winter.
Maybe Trump can even beat back the fact that he collaborated with the enemy. If that doesn’t bother you, so be it.
“Maybe Trump can even beat back the fact that he collaborated with the enemy.”
This is true. He collaborated with the American people, your enemy. No need to beat it back.
Your corrupt commie cabal is going to spend time in jail.
Most of us here quit playing make-believe 5 or 6 decades ago
Stupid commie. Go to cuba, already. If they don’t shoot you, report back.
Now, sip of fine wine for the rest of us to savor:
“Year One List: 81 major Trump achievements, 11 Obama legacy items repealed:”
Oddly, the quote is not to be found in the linked piece, which is part one of a three piece series.
But where is Stasi Komrade Butt-hurt Barri to upbraid your linking to a NR piece…???
Right here ProgPierepeepee
The NRO is an Anti-American POS.
Like you.
According to The Hill today, the FBI said, “As expressed during our initial review, we have grave concerns about material omissions of fact that fundamentally impact the memo’s accuracy.”
I wish Trump would simply tell Wray to shut the hell up and tell his damn agency to stop trying to influence this matter in the press. You screwed up, you got caught, take your lumps.
EVERYONE in the FBI should be ashamed at what is happening. I know that there are a lot of conscientious, fair, hard working people in the Bureau. BUT … there was a lot of bad stuff going on, and someone must have known.
Anyone who didn’t speak up is as guilty as the people who perpetrated this mess (clearly for Hillary and against Trump). Why, for example, did NO ONE in the Bureau take exception to Comey’s unilateral decision to give Hillary a pass? Why were long-established rules of inquiry and investigation not followed? Why was “the fix” allowed to be in?
Why indeed? Because there is an unchecked culture of bias, arrogance, unlawfulness (the ends justify the means and all that), and excessive secrecy within the agency.
Maybe some of what’s in the memo is wrong. But I’d bet that there is a whole lot more corruption in the Bureau than that little 4-page memo can cover. And it’s all secret, it’s all kept within the family, it’s all covered up.
Personally I’d rather give the bad guys some supposedly “secret” info on the FBI’s ops, then allow the FBI to continue its malfeasance. Sometimes the enemy within is more dangerous than the enemy outside.
I’m not a conspiracy guy, but I believe that the unchecked, unregulated authority of the DOJ/FBI represents a serious threat to the continuation of our democratic republic.
What if there are “material omissions of fact”? Should Trump still tell them to ‘shut up’?
“What if” you’re just a corrupt commie?
Really, no question.
Jail time, count on it.
Looks like duck, quacks like a duck, waddles, like a duck. It’s a duck. Figure it out.
They work for Trump, not for the press, or even the public. If they feel the memo is deficient they should take it up with Trump, in private. There is no excuse for their talking to the press.
Remember, this is the same organization that is going to take it in the shorts if this memo is anything like what is being projected. Of course they’re going to try to do anything they can to discredit it. I suspect that they colluded with Schiff about the wording of the DNC rebuttal to the memo and this is just the first leak in that direction.
Ted Nugent says it best:
what do the watchers keep telling us, if you haven’t done anything wrong what do have to hide for.
From the various things already stated about the memo, this sounds like typical political talk meant to muddy the waters and blunt the impact of bad news coming out.
When the memo is about the issues and problems with a politicized FBI, I’m sure the FBI wants to discredit the memo. The deep state still resides there too, and they have their agendas, which doesn’t particularly like the spotlight. The Democrats also don’t like it so they threaten to write their own memo, while Schiff denounces the memo and tells the American people to ignore it, claiming it is propaganda, but believe the propaganda he will put out.
Just keep expectations low till shown otherwise… we’ve heard this type of hype before, and more often than not, it doesn’t live up to the levels we wish it would be.
Unbelievable. The only person Christopher Wray should have been whining about this to, is his boss, Trump. Either persuade Trump not to release it on the merits, or don’t, but keep your goddamn insubordinate mouth shut otherwise. You work for Trump, it’s not the other way around, numnutz.
I ho[e Gen. Kelly takes all the time he needs to assure that the memo has been carefully vetted to assure nothing in it is compromising to anyone or any interest involved in national security.
After that, release the memo.
Brit Hume noted that the new FBI objection is missing their old objection of it compromising national security
Yet it is apparent that there are…or could be…elements in it that require redaction. Hence, Gen. Kelly’s statement.
You may note that sometimes people don’t feel the need to catalog every objection they have when making a statement.
It could also mean that their original concerns were absolute bullshit to begin with, so they moved the goalposts.
Note the happenings on this overnight
Schiff now claiming Nunes changed the memo before sending it to WH.
It’ll be all over the news by morning.
Which apparently Nunes did do.
The open question is how, and if it changes anything substantive.
According to a statement from the committee, the changes were
1. grammatical
2. minor change requested by FBI
3. changes requested by democrats on the committee
All known by Schiff.
And we all know what a straight shooter Schiff is. Right?
“The open question is…”
The only question is why anyone beyond a progressive retard would not know immediately that Schiff is lying.
It’s automatic.
You always try to cover for the progs.
No, moron, I NEVER cover for the progs. I’m just not a raving nutter like you. Hence, I CAN see open questions that your crap-packed skull cannot contain.
Liars abound. The Great Goad Cheeto is an example…!!!
Covering for the progs again, using a link covering for the progs to the anti-American NRO article that is as FOS as you.
A discredited bunch writing about nothing. You, the NRO, the progs, and Mueller are all FOS. One and the same.
There is no open question. It’s all BS all the time with you progs. You and Pelosi.
Yep. You’re just a completely insane hater who will tell any lie for your cult.
the FBI abused the FISA surveillance law over its use of the opposition research dossier on Donald Trump and Russia as part of the case to obtain a FISA warrant for former Trump campaign foreign policy adviser Carter Page.
What about the ‘material omissions’ of all the names of Obama’s White House staff who had free run of FISA intercepts for the purpose of leaking stuff from Trump’s campaign and presidential staff to the poisoned press? The Nunes memo is just the smallest glimpse of the abuse of the FISA court.
The FBI and DOJ have to claim that the memo omits information which would be exculpatory or, at least, mitigating. Otherwise it is so damning that the public is going to be surrounding the offices of the FBI and DOJ with torches and pitchforks. Now the Democrats are demanding that Nunez retrieve the memo so it can be re-voted upon on Monday. Notice the timing. This gives the Dems free rein to say anything that they want about the memo on the Sunday talks. And, finally, Mueller has agreed with Flynn’s attorneys that sentencing on Flynn’s guilty plea should be postponed. I wonder why?
Look for the memo to be released either Thursday or at least by Friday afternoon. The WH wants this all over the Sunday talks.
“The FBI and DOJ have to claim that the memo omits information which would be exculpatory or, at least, mitigating.”
As we will come to find out, the omitted information will do the opposite and is omitted due to the criminal investigation currently taking place.
The FIB and DOinJustice can’t do a damn thing about. That horse left the barn.
McConnell must be crapping in his pants: the dossier the left has on HIM after his 33 years as a rino in the Senate is probably being waived in front of his nose this very minute.
According to ex-secret service officer, Gary Byrne., author of “Crisis of Character”, when Clinton was impeached, they compiled a “dossiere” on each and every Senator and let it be known that they would unleash the dogs of hell on them all if they convicted and removed him.
The democrats almost turned our country into a police state. They used law enforcement (FBI) to spy on private citizens. By the grace of God Hillary didn’t get elected. Had she been all this stuff would have been swept under the carpet.