Young America’s Foundation Victim Of False Flag Attack at GWU
George Washington University YAF: “GW YAF is not affiliated with these posters in any way, shape, or form”

It’s hard to be shocked these days by the tactics of the anti-Trump, anti-America “resistance” and its campus lackeys, but this blatant, intentional misrepresentation of a conservative organization by leftists on campus is appalling.
Young America’s Foundation was notified by administrators at George Washington University that fliers were being distributed on campus that egregiously misrepresent the YAF.
Administrators at The George Washington University notified GW YAF that shameful fliers had been posted on campus, made to look as though they were part of a GW YAF activism project. Of course, these ridiculous posters that attempt to paint all conservatives with a broad brush of racist xenophobia have no connection to GW YAF, and are just the latest attempt by disgruntled leftists to slow the advancement of conservative ideas at GW.
The problem is, this cheap trick was already foiled back in 2007 when leftists attempted to smear GW YAF’s name, but ultimately failed.
GW YAF issued the following statement in response to the resurfacing of the posters:
“On Friday, members of GW YAF were made aware of an Islamophobic poster hung around various campus locations, with our organization’s name on these posters.
GW YAF is not affiliated with these posters in any way, shape, or form, and we are disgruntled by their contents. Targeting a religion and attempting to defame another organization in doing so is childish, revolting, and distasteful.
GW YAF has been targeted with repeated acts of harassment, vandalism, and indecency for years, simply for being conservative. We are calling on GW to fully investigate these posters, and finally take a stand for conservative students who are continually the targets of acts of harassment, vandalism, and defamation from liberal students.”
Authorities at GW are looking at security footage to identify those responsible.

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“Authorities at GW are looking at security footage to identify those responsible.”
Wouldn’t surprise me if it was one of the school administrators.
Probably the College President.
Of course they very well could have been assisted by the AP.
AP Refers To Illegal Immigrants As ‘Undocumented Citizens’
I prefer to call the AP Un-indited Criminals! SNARK!
Well, they’re illegal here, and citizens somewhere, so it’s true enough in a clintonian kind of way.
Well, they’re undocumented here, and citizens somewhere, so it’s true enough in a clintonian kind of way.
Incidentally, you need an ‘edit’ function.
There is no one that fears and loathes Muslims, Christians, Jews, etc. than left-wing ideologues who were defenders and advocates of social justice adventures (e.g. elective wars, regime changes) in national Muslim nations (many resource (e.g. oil) rich), Republic of Ukraine, and Obama’s trail of tears leading to left-wing fiefdoms.
The left will do anything to smear/destroy anyone who stands against them. Be warned.
A search for “Students for Conservativo-Fascism Awareness” (named as a sponsor at the bottom of the poster) turned up this: Note the 10/31/07 entry.
Just another Democrat Party web site I see……..
And the same thing happened at GWU five years ago:
Why is the administration treating this as something new?
Hey, Fuzzy. It seems you readers. or at least those who comment. seem to have missed the point. They seem quite willing to paint all liberals with a broad brush. Was your point that conservatives are unfairly stereotyped, but liberal really are all alike and can be stereotyped?
Case in point – ‘Common Sense’
Another – ‘Conservative Beaner’
Your readers don’t seem to be very bright.
Snake Oil: “Your readers don’t seem to be very bright.”
Complaining about a broad brush?
Did you not notice that I quoted SPECIFIC COMMENTATORS? I was doing the opposite of painting with a broad brush. You simply didn’t comprehend what your read.
Hence, you are not very bright. QED
You referred to commenters with a broad brush, and then gave a couple of examples. You are not only not very bright, you are dishonest.
Fuzzy only wrote two sentences. One of them contains the point of the post. Let’s see if you can figure out which one.
I am not a cultural Marxist. I never was – ever. I am a liberal who believes in personal freedom.
I am logical to a fault. I am a computer scientist and computer consultant. Try being illogical at that and suceeding. You and your fellow travelers are the narrow ones.
My friends and family find me loyal.
You are in no position to judge my morality or whether I am shallow.
You got one thing right. I am opposed to any system based on “Faith, Revelation and, especially, Authority”. I question authority – always.
What is your definition of “freedom”?
What is your definition of “faith”?
Do you question the authority of those who say that F=ma, or E=mc**2?
Do you question the authority of those who say that an unborn child is not a person?
“You are in no position to judge my morality or whether I am shallow.”
Sure they are, because they bother to read what you write, and evaluate it.
Your writing is poorly reasoned and even more poorly informed. In case you misunderstand your audience here, this is were the grownups hang out, and in this crowd, inflated claims about the nature of your day job are a singularly unimpressive faux pas.
You say your are a computer scientist and a consultant it doesn’t mean you’re smarter than the rest of the crowd. For all I know you are living in your parents basement playing with yourself.
Maybe you do write code for a major company such as Google writing algorithms to block conservative speech and opinions.
All I know If you need to back up your post with your unconfirmed credentials then your statement is weak.
“I am logical to a fault.”
Logic doesn’t exist along a spectrum of more logical and less logical, and ‘logical to a fault’ makes no sense at all.
Since you self-perceive as intelligent, please explain what too logical, or logical to a fault, means. Give us an example.
In this thread, YellowSnake gets #triggered
Sorry, the previous comment was meant for CZ75Compact
With every post you demonstrate that cultural Marxists are allergic to logic, and are morally shallow and narrow, being insensitive to loyalty, authority, and sanctity:
Thank you for constantly reminding us.
My response to you went to Max17 by mistake. You did get one thing right.
Hey do you realize that the Founders of this country questioned authority and were supremely disloyal to their king. I am proud to be put in the same class with them.
You might appropriate the Gadsden flag, but you have no idea what it means.
You cannot win. You can cause this great national to collapse under morally bankrupt ideas and untruthful mythology, but you can’t Make America Great. It already is Great in spite of electing a grifter like Trump.
So you’re historically illiterate as well, eh?
They didn’t question it without reason.
The Founders questioned unilateral authority of another country over them. All they wanted was representation in the government. If they had been given representation in Parliament there would have been no war and the USA would have remained British.
“No taxation without representation!”
Liberals, on the other hand, are just pissy because they lost an election despite having every advantage possible because they decided to nominate the worst candidate in 100 years.
But keep going. Every tantrum further ensures Trump’s re-election.
If we learn nothing else from this guy, we learned inmates have access to computers.
Never knew that, did you? Probably an old barry policy still in place.
As usual, you are so original.
Thanks for your comment, YellowSnake. I would put LI readers’ intellect against yours any day of any week. I’m not a gambler, but I know a sure thing when I see it.
Butt kisser.
It was a political science professors class project.
Lol as studies have shown when felons vote … They vote democrat