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Berkeley Offers Counseling to Students Traumatized by Ben Shapiro Speech

Berkeley Offers Counseling to Students Traumatized by Ben Shapiro Speech

“support services”

Is anyone at Berkeley embarrassed about this? They certainly should be.

Townhall reports:

Berkeley Offering Counseling to People ‘Threatened’ By Ben Shapiro

The University of California Berkeley is making counseling and other services available to students who may be upset or “threatened” by conservative writer Ben Shapiro’s upcoming appearance on campus. In a memo published on Friday ahead of the event, the University reminded students that support services would be available if they were to need them.


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MaggotAtBroadAndWall | September 9, 2017 at 11:20 am

One way of looking at this is that Berkeley is so overstaffed with qualified counselors that they have to find excuses to put them to work to justify their existence. In other words, they are gouging students on tuition to overstaff with counselors.

I have some “counseling” for these immature snewflakes.

“Grow up! The world is not a Burger King and you can not have it your way!”

Counseling session over.

Local media, and law enforcement, are gritting their teeth for the visit of Benzilla…

They also let slip that they are making the conservative students organization pay towards the security costs. So much for protecting free speech.

If the media had an ounce of curiosity they would know, and report, that Ben Shapiro is a good, respectful debater and is about as threatening as Elmo from Sesame Street.