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Kent State Students Hold Art Auction Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood

Kent State Students Hold Art Auction Fundraiser for Planned Parenthood

“one hundred percent of tonight’s proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood.”

Every time liberals do things like this they prove that Planned Parenthood doesn’t really need tax dollars.

Campus Reform reports:

Students, profs hold art auction for Planned Parenthood

Kent State University students and faculty members recently hosted an art auction to raise money for Planned Parenthood, which faces the prospect of losing its federal funding.

Organized by the Planned Parenthood Advocates of Kent State student group with help from the School of Art, the “You, Me, Us, We” event took place June 29 at the Kent State School of Art’s Downtown Gallery, according to Kent Wired.

“We work with a lot of progressive groups on campus,” noted Madison Newingham, president of the Planned Parenthood Advocates group, “but this is the first thing we’ve [done] with the School of Art, and I absolutely love it.”

Students, faculty, staff, alumni, and local artists all contributed pieces for the silent auction, which art professor Janice Lessman-Moss told Kent Wired was a response to the current political climate, adding that “one hundred percent of tonight’s proceeds will go to Planned Parenthood.”

Moss clarified in an interview with Campus Reform that Kent State had no formal role in the event, explaining that given the “politically charged world, and it didn’t feel appropriate to involve the University,” but did confirm that she personally chose to participate because of the health care reform legislation currently being debated in Congress.


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