Germany: Violent Leftist Extremism on the Rise, Warns Spy Chief
German Interior Minister mulls electronic tags to track leftist offenders

Germany faces a “growing threat” from left-wing extremism, warns Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the country’s domestic intelligence agency (BfV). This intelligence assessment comes little more than a week after the leftist protests against the G20 summit in Hamburg turned into — what some European commentators described as — an embarrassment for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Around 500 police officers were injured during those protests.
According to the German intelligence agency (BfV), there are an estimated 8,500 leftist extremists in Germany that are “violence-orientated.” The country is also home to over 10,000 Islamists that BfV classifies as dangerous. Those numbers have been on a sharp rise since Chancellor Merkel opened the EU borders to millions of migrants from Arab and Muslim countries in the autumn of 2015.
The German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle reports:
Hans-Georg Maassen, the head of the domestic security agency Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV), warned of the growing threat posed by Germany’s left-wing extremist scene. “We have in Germany a very strong left-wing extremist scene, made up of about 28,000 people, of whom 8,500 are prone to violence,” Maassen told local media.
According to the report, the government is considering the introduction of ankle tags to track known leftist offenders:
Germany’s interior minister, Thomas de Maiziere, has outlined proposals designed to control potential rioters and prevent a repeat of the chaos and destruction seen on the streets of Hamburg during last week’s G20 summit.
De Maiziere told Germany’s Funke media group that those found guilty of rioting could be made to follow strict orders to regularly report themselves to authorities, especially before and during rallies. They could also be made to wear electronic tags.
In a separate report published by the broadcaster, a conservative German MP demanded the Merkel government to “systematically” shut down leftist bastions in major cites like Berlin and Hamburg:
Other politicians are weighing in by calling for well-known leftist housing projects and cultural centers around the country to be “shut down.”
The latest voice to offer this idea came from Armin Schuster, a Bundestag member for Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union (CDU) and a former policeman, who told the Berliner Kurier newspaper on Monday that “left-wing centers like Rote Flora in Hamburg, or Rigaer Strasse in Berlin, need to be systematically closed down.”
Germany’s left-wing parties were quick to lay the blame squarely on the police. It is the task of the police “to enable and ensure peaceful protests, instead of treating the demonstrators in general as the enemies of the state,” complained Germany’s Green party spokeswoman Irene Mihalic. The Green Party may very well end up joining Merkel’s next coalition governments following the September general elections.
German authorities have initiated 35 investigations against police officers for allegedly using ‘excessive force’ against the rioters during the protests against the G20. The leftist groups that caused massive property damage have not been made accountable for the losses.
The most notorious among these groups is Antifa, or the so called ‘Anti-Fascist Action Movement,’ a collective of anarchists and socialists who justify the use of violence to silence their opponents to achieve their ideological aims. Antifa and its affiliates use the rhetoric rooted in the historic anti-fascist struggle to conceal their Leninist tactics devised to sabotage the Western societies from within.
Earlier this month, Antifa and other far-left groups took to the streets of Hamburg as part of their “Welcome to Hell” protest action. Private property worth tens of millions of Euros was gutted or looted as part of their ‘resistance’ against capitalism.
Both Antifa and Islamist groups employ the same tactic of infiltrating aggrieved groups in the U.S. and Europe to channel their respective rage and anger against the Western civilisation. Be it the ecological movement or ‘Black Lives Matter’, for the leftists and the Muslim radicals these are mere battering rams to be used in their war against the West.
Raw footage: Leftist riots during G20 in Hamburg
[Cover image via YouTube]

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Hey Maassen: you’ve got bigger fish to fry than george soros’ street thugs.
Embarrassed? No. That emotion is reserved for intelligent thinkers with the self awareness to recognize the cesspool of rotten stuff they are sitting in.
Merkel is happier than a pig in a sty.
The Left does not stop until it takes sufficient casualties, either from law enforcement or fed up right wingers. Not before.
Then they regroup.
There is always a leftist organization waiting for angry, narcissistic, lazy brats who want everything for nothing.
If they regroup, then they didn’t take enough casualties.
I suspect that if these ‘protests’ were diverted over to where the political representatives in the German government lived, there would not be 35 police officers under investigation for getting a little energetic in their dealings with the thugs. Instead, you might see 35 commendations.
It all relates to whose ox is getting gored.
They should treat the rioting leftwing voters with at least the same strictness as they treat football hooligans. Detentions, travel prohibitions, and required in person nightly reports to police stations lessened football hooligan violence. It should work with violent leftwing voters also.