Yale Dean Who Called White People ‘Trash’ Leaves Position
“I have learned a lot this semester about the power of words”
We covered this story when it happened last month. Actions sometimes have consequences.
The New York Times reports:
A Yale Dean Lost Her Job After Calling People ‘White Trash’ in Yelp Reviews
A dean at Yale who was placed on leave after she left online reviews recommending a restaurant for “white trash” customers and describing movie theater workers as “barely educated morons” has left her position permanently, a college official said.
June Y. Chu, who was appointed in May 2016 as the dean of Pierson College, one of Yale’s residential colleges, posted a series of reviews on Yelp that were published by The Yale Daily News last month with screenshots of 10 of them dating back to 2015. The newspaper said that the reviews had caught the attention of Pierson students and had circulated among them.
“If you are white trash, this is the perfect night out for you!” she wrote in one review, published under the name June C., about a local Japanese restaurant.
Another review, for a cinema, said of its concession workers: “So what they have is barely educated morons trying to manage snack orders for the obese and also try to add $7 plus $7.”
Dr. Chu later deleted her Yelp account and sent an email to the residential college community apologizing, the News said.
“I have learned a lot this semester about the power of words and about the accountability that we owe one another,” Dr. Chu wrote, according to the newspaper. “My remarks were wrong. There are no two ways about it. Not only were they insensitive in matters related to class and race; they demean the values to which I hold myself and which I offer as a member of this community,” it said.

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First the Delaware U. adjunct prof and now this. Is accountability making a comeback in America?? Nah…
Actions sometimes have consequences.
These weren’t actions, these were just words.
One of the many unattractive features of modern card-carrying Liberalism is its severe knee-jerk overreaction to words.
It doesn’t become more attractive when non-liberals do it too.
Now, if Yale wants to start eliminating bigots from its workforce, that’s fine … but I’m none too certain that the school plans to do any such thing. This was more likely just a reflexive response to public noise.
She should have chu-ed it over before posting.
…instead of being chu-ed out after posting it.
We’ll leave it to the judges to determine which comment elicits the greater groan.
Chu and me both know it’s going to be a tough call.
Every once in a while, Academia does the right thing…but only after having threats from Conservative grad’s withholding donation $$$. Hit ’em in the pocketbook and they’ll come around every single time.
What I like is that she apologized for what she said, but didn’t deign to apologize for what she THOUGHT.
There was no acknowledgement of or apology for her bigotry, prejudice, and utter disdain for other people. She is the poster child for the cultural elites.
She knows she misspoke—she learned a lesson on that—but I’d bet $10 that she still looks down on these people deep down inside.
There are no polite words to describe what she is.