Chaos, Violence, Looting In Milwaukee; UPDATE: Gov. Walker Activates National Guard
Local official appears to condone the violent response to shooting of armed suspect: “This is the warning cry”

Chaos, violence, and looting erupted in Milwaukee late Saturday night following the shooting of an armed suspect by police.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports:
A standoff between police and an angry crowd turned violent Saturday night in the hours after a Milwaukee police officer shot and killed an armed suspect during a foot chase on the city’s north side.
After an hours-long confrontation with officers, police reported at 10:15 p.m. that a gas station at N. Sherman Blvd. and W. Burleigh St. was set on fire. Police said firefighters could not for a time get close to the blaze because of gunshots.
Later, fires were started at businesses — including a BMO Harris Bank branch, a beauty supply company and O’Reilly Auto Parts stores — near N. 35th and W. Burleigh streets.
Watch as the violence unfolds:
Little is yet known about the armed suspect who was killed by police.
Police said the 23-year-old man was armed with a handgun. Mayor Tom Barrett said the officer ordered the suspect to drop the weapon, but he refused. The officer then shot the suspect twice, Barrett said, adding that the officer was wearing a body camera.
Assistant Chief Bill Jessup told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel that it wasn’t immediately clear whether the man had pointed a gun or fired at the officer. They described the man as a suspect, but didn’t say what led to the traffic stop.
The races of the man and the officer weren’t immediately released.
. . . . The shooting that sparked the tensions occurred about 3:30 p.m. after officers stopped a car with two people inside.
Police Capt. Mark Stanmeyer said in a news release that the two people in the car got out and ran and that the officers chased them. He said a man who was one of the people fleeing was armed with a handgun and was shot by an officer during the pursuit. He said the man died at the scene.
The man’s name wasn’t immediately released. Stanmeyer said he had an arrest record, and that the handgun he carried had been stolen in a March burglary in suburban Waukesha. The gun held 23 rounds of ammunition, Barrett said.
The 24-year-old officer who shot the man has been placed on administrative duty. The officer’s name wasn’t immediately released. He has been with the Milwaukee department six years, three as an officer.
With few details known about the shooting either before the riots started or now, Mayor Tom Barrett has promised a “full and open investigation” into the shooting.
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel continues:
The mayor said some involved in the disturbances took to social media early in the evening to encourage others to come out and participate in trouble-making. He said many of them were young people, and he urged parents to keep tight reins on their children to avoid a repeat of Saturday night.
“Our police officers are doing everything they can to restore order,” he said. But he said everyone needed to help restore calm.
“If you love your son, if you love your daughter, text them, call them, pull them by their ears, get them home.”
The mayor said police had “shown an amazing amount of restraint” Saturday evening.
Hamilton said, “Our city is in turmoil tonight.” He promised a full and open investigation into the the police-involved shooting.
“When we get information, we are going to share it with the public, please allow the process to work,” he said.
Watch local live coverage from last night:
A Milwaukee alderman, Khalif Rainey, has called the riots a “warning cry” from black people who “are tired of living under oppression.”
CNBC reports:
The outrage over police violence has given rise to the Black Lives Matter movement and touched off a national debate over the race and policing in the United States.
“This is a warning cry,” Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey said. “Black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression.”
Riots broke out in the city after police shot and killed a 23-year-old black suspect with a long criminal history, who was armed with a stolen handgun loaded with 23 rounds of ammunition, Reuters reported.
But facts didn’t matter to the degenerates who seized the opportunity to use the shooting as an excuse to riot, loot, shoot and burn local businesses while they chanted “black power.”
And while city leaders called a press conference to ask for calm, Alderman Khalif Rainey made plenty of excuses, stopping short of outright condoning the violence.
The alderman said Milwaukee is “the absolute worst place in America for African-Americans to live in the entire country.”
He said black people are “tired of living under this oppression” and while he said he didn’t justify the violence itself, “nobody can deny that there are racial problems here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that have to be rectified.”
Rainey even seemed to threaten more violence.
“This is the warning cry,” he said of the rioters burning their community to the ground and shooting at firefighters who tried to put out a gas station fire.
“Where do we go from here?” he asked. “Where do we go as a community from here? Do we continue with the inequity, the injustice, the unemployment, the under-education that creates these byproducts that we see this evening? Do we continue that?”
He demanded that the black people’s grievances be rectified immediately.
Milwaukee officials have called for calm.
City leaders pleaded for calm after the violence erupted, with Mayor Tom Barrett imploring parents of anyone at the scene to “get them home right now” after at least four businesses burned and one officer was hurt.
At a news conference just after midnight, Barrett said the situation appeared to be calming after a riotous scene in which as many as 100 protesters skirmished with police, torching a squad car and tossing a brick through the window of another. Police mounted at least two efforts to push the protesters out of an intersection at the heart of the violence.
There is much speculation that the Black Lives Matter movement is at the root of this unrest.
Fox News continues:
Other leaders blamed the Black Lives Matter movement for igniting the violence.
Black Lives Matter has “stoked hysteria,” Bishop E.W. Jackson told “Fox & Friends” Sunday. “A mass hysteria has taken grip” and President Obama has made it worse by embracing the BLM movement, Jackson said.
He added: The BLM movement works on the false premise “police are out hunting down black men.” They are “using race as a way of avoiding responsibility,” Jackson said.
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h/t PJ Media
We will keep you updated as we learn more.

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The usual suspects. With the usual results. With the usual prospects for a good ending anytime soon. So, we’ll continue down the usual path until, or should I say if, some leaders with backbone say, “Enough is enough!”
Or, says “Shoot looters and vandals on sight”.
Not stated but implied in the “Enough is enough!” is that there would be a firm hand in dealing with looters and rioters.
Of note, also, is that those in favor of ever-increasing firearms and ammo control never offer any suggestions nor plans for how citizens are to defend themselves besides calling 911.
Oh, Gosh.
I am having a really hard time trying to figure that one out.
I’ve got another hard one.
Guess what political party Mayor Tom Barrett is in?
Both the police officer and the guy with a gun he shot are black. That’s always a bit awkward for the race-mongers.
Not really. Black police officers are dismissed as “Uncle Toms,” so they don’t really count.
In some respects it’s even better because it flows more easily into the “We need a NATIONAL police force to assure justice” crap that the Obama and the other reds are trying to jam down our throats.
City “leaders” “asking” and “pleading” for calm is like the fire department using a garden hose on a 3-alarm structure fire. They do not know the enemy.
Bishop E.W. Jackson told “Fox & Friends” Sunday: “A mass hysteria has taken grip” and President Obama has made it worse.
Bishop Jackson is one of the brave voices in the black wilderness.
Obama sons are doing him proud.
This is how civilization ends. Not in one single large event, but one city at a time.
It’s going on in different shape all over the country and this one is probably not even organized by BLM.
It’s like Bin Ladin’s true goal was not to personally orchestrate acts of terror but no inspire Muslims to attack the infidels.
And two think that the race relations were pretty decent in 2008.
More proof of the importance of the 2nd amendment. Protection against the government and the thugs it encourages.
(Italics mine.)
Actually, I could have written “and the thugs it finances,” since our tax dollars are most likely purchasing their food, housing, Obama phones, and health care.
The alderman said Milwaukee is “the absolute worst place in America for African-Americans to live in the entire country.”
He said black people are “tired of living under this oppression” and while he said he didn’t justify the violence itself, “nobody can deny that there are racial problems here in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, that have to be rectified.”
Who is oppressing them? Democrats, mostly, with a couple of Socialists sprinkeled in there. The last Republican mayor was in 1906 or 1912, depending on how you count it.
Maybe African-Americans need to look farther afield for help; Democrats aren’t cutting the mustard.
Milwaukee, Wis. “has become the absolute worst place to live for African-Americans in the entire country.”
I see.
And what political party has controlled ALL urban, inner cities throughout the country including Milwaukee and nearby Chiraq [***** CODE WARNING ***** DOG WHISTLE ***** RACISM ALERT – this commentator means “black” so therefore he’s a bad, bad person for observing reality] for decades upon decades.
Another sniveling crybaby black heard from.
Then, they need to move to Jackson MS, or Selma AL. Both are not totally black-run, with virtually all-black law enforcement.
WHAT oppression? Blacks are providing their own crab bucket. Whites would be happy if blacks were educated, productive and contributing members of society – to reduce the welfare rolls if nothing else.
Isn’t the alderman a part of city government and therefore a part of the problem?
Great idea #456928.. lets reward this kind of behavior and see if that will change things.
““This is a warning cry,” Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey said. “Black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression.””
Let me translate this for you:
“If you don’t give us more free stuff, we’ll burn this city down.”
He’s the alderman, so he must be oppressing them. The tree of liberty needs watering.
And people poo poo me because I carry an AR and a few mags in my trunk. And the anti-gunners say “why do you need so many rounds in a clip”. THIS IS WHY. The whole thing blew up in an hour. And the mob was out LOOKING FOR WHITES to “beat”. Ain’t nobody gonna beat on me if I can do anything about it.
I have a handgun and a CCW, but I’m going shopping ASAP for a shotgun, maybe more.
I just bought a new shotgun a few weeks ago. Buying a new handgun this week. Incidental to the recent news however.
In a recent grab and run test 9 out of 10 looters prefer Dos Equis to the leading malt beverage brands.
“I don’t always loot beer, but when racial injustice springs up I do. And I prefer Dos Equis. Stay trashy my friends.”
Suggest “riotous” in place of “trashy”.
Every time I see another instance of people rioting based on some supposedly “poor black man getting shot for just walking innocently down the street on his way to help his mama” I loose a little more of my sense of compassion for the disadvantaged. I almost don’t care any more about their plight.
How many years have we had affirmative action, increased funding for schools with high minorities, and given excuses for societal differences? Will the BLM crows ever think they had blackmailed the rest of us enough?
Black police officer shoots armed black criminal. Let’s go steal a bag of hair.
“The alderman said Milwaukee is “the absolute worst place in America for African-Americans to live in the entire country.””
Simple solution. Leave town. I did. Milwaukee has been a Democratic stronghold since time out of mind. The U. S. Representative, Gwen Moore, is a member of the Congressional Black Caucus and a hardcore progressive. Her son was convicted of slashing the tires on vans Republicans were planning on using for getting out the vote on election day, a few years back.
Milwaukee competes with Chicago and St. Louis for “most western city of the Eastern Seaboard”. There are plentiful ethnic neighborhoods, and established Democratic/Socialist control.
Welfare benefits in Wisconsin tend to be better than those in Chicago. Milwaukee and other communities have received some welfare migration. However, in the 1920’s there was a huge movement of Blacks from the South to the Mid-West, including Milwaukee. A Black man in Wisconsin could earn 10-15 cents an hour more in Wisconsin than he would have received in the South, and still be paid 15-20 cents less than his White co-worker. Some Black families in Wisconsin have been there for many generations. After all, parts of the Underground Railroad went through Illinois and ended in Wisconsin.
From 2008 to 2010 I was a student at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The shortest drive from the interstate to campus wasn’t the posted route. Visitors were directed to the next exit, for a drive through more pleasant neighborhoods. Notices of students being victims of violent crime, more likely than not, were at the hands of Black perpetrators.
Criminals who refuse to drop their gun should be shot even if their gun isn’t aimed at the cop.
Thank you Conrad. You are the first person I’ve read that has pointed that out. That the gunman didn’t point or fire his gun is immaterial although the media is trying to gin it up into something meaningful.
If I have a gun in my hand and not aimed or pointed at you, I can change that and shoot you in under a half second.
This is exactly why I never leave home without a gun. Lately we have been getting even more immigration from Chiraq.
Out here in fly over country where nothing of importance ever happens, shooting instructors can’t keep up with the demand for instruction from people wanting to learn how to shoot their new pistol properly. My guess is that they are a small percentage of new gun owners. Obama has done more to help the industry than anyone since Paul Mauser. This can’t end well.
Here is why the group Black Lives Matter yet again either comes up short or fails to show any good cause for their group. Here we have a clear case of a criminal not listening to the law and being shot and killed due to his own actions. And others with the brains that are equal to that of cave men and cave women. Who do not wait for all the true facts to come to light. But go ahead and start looting and destroying their own town around them. They act as if their behavior is acceptable. All of those looted and those who were simple involved should all see high fines and high community service hours. And be forced to rebuild what they destroyed. No one will ever take you seriously in this world if you act like an unruly animal. Who more then less belongs in a zoo. Black Lives only Matter to them if those who are killed either by someone in the Law Enforcement or by someone who is white. As to where they do not matter when it is a Black man who kills a black cop for no reason what so ever. Or when it is Black on Black crimes. Brothers and sisters cheer when a criminal has their bond lowered after killing his own daughter. Black Lives Matter and The New Black Panthers are nothing more then hate groups built by Obama himself. They to him are no more then mindless puppets doing his dirty work. Making the rest of the world think differently about the true intelligence of all those who are members in the Groups. They are equal in hate to such groups as the KKK and Skin Heads. Their messages are very clear. They are more for Criminals, To them not all Black Lives Matter, They are about Killing anyone who is white no matter what (Hence making them all Racists) and as well as they both want their members to go out and kill anyone who is a cop. No matter what the cops skin color is. Once people wake up and dig their heads out of their asses. They can see as to what they are doing.
“Black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression.”
And yet they perpetuate it every damn time they vote for a Democrat ~