Bernie Sanders’ Campaign Attempts to Woo Trump Supporters
Smart play or futile effort?
Donald Trump has attracted a somewhat unorthodox foe — Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders. Because the 2016 election cycle hasn’t been bizarre enough, we now have a self-professed Democratic-socialist candidate actively attempting to woo supporters away from the Republican frontrunner during primary season.
Consider the similarities: both are party rogues, neither is remotely conservative, neither is traditional in any sense, both favor big government solutions, and both have harnessed angry populism and dissatisfaction with political establishments — just to name a few.
With New Hampshire’s open primaries up for grabs, Team Sanders is targeting Trump supporters in the hope of picking off a few votes.
Now, Sanders and his aides are making a direct attempt to woo at least some would-be Trump fans away from the dark side of populism, especially in New Hampshire, which has an open primary system that allows even a small number of independent voters to make a big impact.
“Bernie’s ability to appeal to a broad swath of voters, and not solely triple-prime Democrats, can make a crucial difference in the Live Free or Die state, where unaffiliated and independent voters play an enormous role,” said Sanders’ New Hampshire communications director Karthik Ganapathy. “Bernie’s message speaks to people who feel that frustration, but instead of channeling it towards hatred and xenophobia, offers voters a forward-looking and hopeful vision for the future.”
Both candidate share reliance on independents and those who have not voted before, and both have strong support among similar demographics, like middle-aged white men. Both have accused his rivals as being in the pocket of special interests, arguing for a systematic overhaul — they just disagree on what the country should look like afterward. And even operatives with rival campaigns privately say they’re surprised at how often they’ve encountered voters who say they like both Trump and Sanders.
…“What Trump has done with some success is taken that anger, taken those [economic] fears which are legitimate and converted them into anger against Mexicans, anger against Muslims,” Sanders said Sunday on CBS’ “Face the Nation.” “I think for his working class and middle class supporters, I think we can make the case that if we really want to address the issues that people are concerned about … we need policies that bring us together,” he said.
Sound impossible? Data suggests otherwise.
Though Trump has successfully syphoned off some traditional Republican supporters, the majority of his support base is comprised of a very particular kind of Democrat.
Research conducted by Civis Analytics and reported by the New York Times confirmed what I’ve long suspected about much of the hard-core Trump support base — they’re Democrats who don’t vote.
Despite the media infatuation with The Donald, Sanders’ play highlights three major obstacles for the “cranky yankee”:
1) Many states have closed primaries. Trump’s on the Republican ticket, assuming he makes the ballot. But garnering loads of support from Democrats? They’d have to change their voter registration to give Trump a primary boost. Which leads us to 2) Trump’s strongest supporters aren’t the voting sort. And then there’s 3) the fact that Trump has no discernible campaign infrastructure or path to victory.
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“Consider the similarities:
both are party rogues,
neither is remotely conservative,
neither is traditional in any sense,
both favor big government solutions,
and both have harnessed angry populism and dissatisfaction with political establishments”
Sound impossible?
Data suggests otherwise.
<No it doesn't. The data suggests Trump broadens the GOP base, is a refreshing change that will bring voters back to the voting booth, and has more crossover appeal for the general election making him the most electable republican.
“Consider the similarities:
both are party rogues,
neither is remotely conservative,
**Wrong as to Trump
neither is traditional in any sense,
both favor big government solutions,
**wrong as to Trump
and both have harnessed angry populism and dissatisfaction with political establishments”
Sound impossible?
**Is Impossible
Data suggests otherwise.
**No it doesn’t. The data suggests Trump broadens the GOP base, is a refreshing change that will bring voters back to the voting booth, and has more crossover appeal for the general election making him the most electable republican.
This piece is a wild and I’m guessing intentional misinterpretation of data to undermine Trump. As off the mark as the piece misreading Rush’s remark on Rubio.
Re-read this:
“Consider the similarities: both are party rogues, neither is remotely conservative, neither is traditional in any sense…”
I call this the Chomsky construct, wherein erroneous generalized assertions are made within the context of a casual assumption of consensus, as in “consider the similarities…”
Better to consider none of this.
“…the country’s situation has grown so dire in so many areas that only a personality with steel, vigor, determination and even ruthlessness can possibly make things right. Getting every detail correct — but not having the stamina or forcefulness to carry out the plan — won’t cut it.”
—Gari (the liar) Britt
See, these are exactly the sentiments of a good lil’ Brown Shirt or Black Shirt. Along with your slavering man-crush on a narcissist with delusions of grandeur.
Not those of an American conservative. We don’t think like that.
You’ve openly declared “this election is not about conservative principles”, and for you that’s true.
You are simply an Obamic supporter of a slightly different stripe. You want a strong man of YOUR persuasion.
Conservatives want a Constitution, and a man or woman who will honor it and lead from it. T-rump is NOT that person, as you’ve admitted, along with the fact that you don’t care.
Yawn… The whackobirds are up early today.
Yes. We can all see how the whackobird, Baghdad Bob, tripped over himself to post the first apologia defending his little yellow god.
I just quoted him, and he can’t say anything but ad hominem in response.
Your favorite form of comeback the old fifth grader “I know you are but what am I”
Do you ever try using your non-dominant hand?
The truth hurts, dunnit, Bierhall Britt?
Now, find something besides MORE ad hominem, or just suck it.
What a thoroughgoing joke. Sanders is the antithesis of Trump; how would he appeal to Trump voters? He demures from attacking Hillary on the very points Trump relishes. Trump’s essential appeal is his fearless, flat-out depth-diving into political incorrectness. Sanders could’t begin to go there. Also, Trump supporters are fiercely patriotic. Sanders is an anachronism, a weird blend of decrepit Socialist and timorous PC pacifist.
Oh, this is easy. The Bern wants to get Trump’s leftish fascisitic supporters. It is almost like a Trotsyist revolution for those who remember a bit of history. Or as Osama (not Obama) would say, support the strong horse. It is a sad commentary on our current fourth estate that they don’t even see this coming. Well they WILL be the last to learn.
“The Bern wants to get Trump’s leftish fascisitic supporters.”
But will he be able to get both of them?
When Trump fans say things like “The time for democratic governance is past; we need a strongman”; and “We need someone to crush the establishment”; and “This country desperately needs Trump; he’s our only hope”; etc., they certainly seem to be longing for a fascistic sort of ruler.
When Trump fans say “There’s nothing that Trump could say or do that would cause me to stop supporting him,” they demonstrate that their devotion goes beyond hero-worship; it’s essentially religious. Facts and logic go out the window.
I don’t recall any Trump supporter saying any of those things particularly with no context being provided. Any of those things could be perfectly reasonable or not depending on the surrounding context of the discussion in which the statements were made, if they were made.
“When Trump fans say things like… ”
Uh huh. Perhaps you would share those quotations? Or maybe your just making up more shit.
I’ll repeat that I haven’t decided who I’ll vote for yet. But considering Sanders has ridiculed Trump as one who represents the sort of billionaire that his left wingnut supporters should hate, it stretches the imagination that Trump supporters would switch sides just to have their previous beliefs in Trump vilified.
Also, re: “3) the fact that Trump has no discernible campaign infrastructure”, quoting an article 3 1/2 months old seems to stretch credibility. Just Google the terms “Trump campaign infrastructure” without quotes, and you’ll find a long list of articles that quote analysts saying the exact opposite.
This post by Kimberlee is so disconnected from reality it is boderline insane. It seems to me she is just projecting her on wishful thinking onto her data.
Maybe Kimberlee is trying to keep up with Fiorina’s tweets about the Rose bowl on the pandering meter.
This post by Kimberlee is so disconnected from reality it is boderline insane.
Pretty much. Seriously wacky.
Considering that many Trump fans don’t mind that Trump has expressed views diametrically opposed to what they themselves claim to favor, and that they’re not at all discomfited when Trump changes positions on issues, it isn’t implausible that Sanders could win over some Trump supporters — except to the extent that Trump supporters are so religious in their devotion that NOTHING could ever sway their faith in Donald the Great. He could say he’s for immediate, unconditional amnesty, and some of his rabid fans would declare it to be a brilliant move.
Since every assertion in your post is wrong to the point of absurdity there is nothing else to be said.
Trump supporters defect to half-senile old Socialist Sanders?
This is a left wing fool’s pipe dream.
What is the sad reality is that a number of GOPe are threatening to vote for Hillary Clinton if Trump takes the nomination. You want to find traitors, check the ranks of Bush, Rubio, Fiorina, and Kasich.
Those threats by the GOPe are really infuriating after all the times they have nominated some “it is his turn” loser and told us we have to suck it up and vote for their loser. Then when shoe is on other foot they want to bolt.
“Trump supporters defect to half-senile old Socialist Sanders?”
Why not? You can’t fit a knife between their positions on trade and property rights.
Which is why they are the dahlings of trade unions and Collectivists. They both LOVES them some BIG GOVERNMENT, and have published plans to make it bigger! It is, after all, how both of them got where they are.
Some Trump fans have said they’d rather sit out the election or even vote for Hillary than vote for a non-Trump candidate, because their first goal is to “crush the GOPe” or “the uniparty.” What comes afterward is apparently a distant second in their concerns.
Those Trump supporters have earned the right to feel that way after decades of GOPe losers being shoved down our throats. The GOPe has not earned that right.
Well now, Ms K. Kaye, kinda take issue with one of your presumptions, which I doubt is based on anything more than your opinion, but I could be wrong there: ” Which leads us to 2) Trump’s strongest supporters aren’t the voting sort.”
Personally, the Trump supporters I know all intend to vote. And these that I know have all been GOP supporters for some time.
If your presumption is based on facts, then DJT’s run is all for naught and that would itself cause any number of social issues in this run up to the nominating convention.
Still, please continue to work diligently for JEB or another GOPe to gain the nomination. Your efforts will be greatly appreciated at the end of the day, perhaps!
“Consider the similarities: both are party rogues, neither is remotely conservative, neither is traditional in any sense…”
This needs to be parsed for its sloppy thinking and/or inanity.
1. “both are party rogues.” I’m not sure Sanders is a party rogue at all. Why? Because he is challenging Hillary. What other reason? How far off the democrat plantation are his ideology and proposals?
2. “neither is remotely conservative…” First, even conflating a socialist and a non-socialist in terms of a conservative standard is silly. And Trump is not “remotely” conservative? Really? Stricter immigration policies, fervent support for the 2nd Amendment, a strong military, anti-corruption reform — these are not conservative? It’s absurd. If the writer chose to critique Trump’s conservatism from a purist position, fine. But the “remotely” was the giveaway. It’s juvenile hyperbole and insulting to the reader.
3. “neither is remotely traditional…” What does this mean. “Traditional” about what? One of Trump’s keynote issues is the restoration of Christmas. That isn’t traditional? So once again, we face the “remotely” nonsense.
“…fervent support for the 2nd Amendment…”
As usual, you have to be HIGHLY selective about WHICH T-rump you cite.
“…anti-corruption reform…”
Yeh. You betcha. The guy who got where he is via corruption? Please…
There is only one Trump. The one running for President.
OK. That one…like YOU…is a proven, profligate liar.
Try switching hands and not gripping so tight.
On your throat…???
I think that one of the big problems here is immigration. A lot of the non-GOP support for Trump is based on his stand on immigration (and Muslims). Some, at least, of this is based on illegals taking jobs that citizens might fill. Sanders backs the Dem standard pro-illegal immigrant/pro-Muslim stands. If Trump blows up, I suspect their loyalty is going to Cruz instead. While not perfect on these subjects, he is stronger than most of the other candidates, and much stronger than any of the Dem candidates.
I think a much more realistic outcome here is that when the democrats screw Sanders out of the nomination his supporters will go to Donald Trump, and not Hillary.
I think that is why she put that obvious, stereotypic Trump supporter in his audience to shout, act rude and turn the people Sanders is appealing to against Trump. Or perhaps Sanders planted him himself so he could get a good sound bite. Either way when/if you watch the clip listen to how Sanders just can not think outside the box to find solutions to our struggling middle class. Then listen to Donald Trump and be amazed.
Every politician of every stripe: It is impossible to build a wall across our southern border
Trump: Watch Me !
Read the headline and knew without looking the author would be Kemberlee.
Geez, still shilling for Jeb!/Marco? They’re dead. No chance. Zero.